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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. Am I supposed to care that you don’t like me?
  2. Yeah they don’t like to mention that gas was cheap Because the country was shut down, no one was driving and the bottom fell out of the oil industry. Good job trump!
  3. The 20 year gag order is up for the producer of the apprentice. More will come out.
  4. ***** me, I can’t believe this jack ass just said this?
  5. Most kids are doing what? LOL. But if you say it it must be true. I don’t know exactly what is being taught in high schools and colleges? I’ve been out for years and we home schooled our kids. They my be teaching a lot of crap but I know I don’t believe what is spewed out on this here Internet
  6. It’s not what college focuses on it’s what you people focus on. I can go to college again today and focus on math and science or whatever and not need them classes. I’m not sure if my brothers step son needs to take a certain class but he just tells his professor what he wants to hear to avoid all the bull ***** they might be pushing. He doesn’t believe a word his professor says. Most of these kids are already in their 20’s and have formed opinions, probably from what their parents believe, before they walk into college. Just like my father was a bills fan, I’m a bills fan, my kids are bills fans.
  7. They also didn’t need to go to college during COVID. That’s the beauty of college, you can take a semester or more off. I didn’t go till I was in my early 20’s. And online classes have been a thing for years.
  8. I have never owned one so I just go by what I read. I’m guessing the teslas are better. It seems like they are years ahead of the other manufacturers. I think we are still in the early stages of electric cars, I’m sure they will advance the tech as time goes and I might not mind one but not yet.
  9. Simplistic lazy argument to say a president on either side has much control of gas prices. Educate yourself, you are making a fool of yourself.
  10. It was cloudy in my areas also. Disappointing but watching it get dark and then light again so quick was still pretty cool.
  11. Could you see the eclipse in your area or was it cloudy their?
  12. The funny part is what are they using to make the electricity to charge all those batteries? There is so much wrong with electric cars it too numerous to count! Tires wear out faster because of the weight of the batteries. Goodyear tires for my f150 are $285 each right now. Do they think I want to buy tires more often? Don’t even get me going on the Dodge challenger going electric! What do the call it? It’s not 800 horse power anymore. Does the engine even make a sound? I will be the last person on earth to own an electric car. I’d rather have a Covid shot in my eyeballs every day than buy an electric car. And them damn solar panels people are getting suckered into buying! but I don’t think you can totally shove your head up your ass about global warming either. The problem is humans don’t have the answer they are still too *****en stupid!
  13. I didn’t post that? Our auto correct changed something I’m going to have to look at it and edit it. edit: auto correct changed that from heck of to check off 😂 i was typing a post to give him some props.
  14. Stormy got a vote too Lol. Someone has a sense of humor. Why? We beat him all the time! I like watching old clips of him, he was heck of a qb.
  15. Not really but I guess if you say so? I was going to ask you if you were over here also? I don’t recall seeing you over here? Might as well just merge the boards.
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