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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. The dumbing down of America. About 1/3 of this country is filled with pure white trash. Just some of the dumbest mother ***** that walk on the face of the earth!
  2. I know it’s both sides and it’s says more about you. No brains!
  3. Really? This is politics today? You people are sad. This says more about you than him. What a mess. Derp.
  4. What the heck are you even talking about? I would call you a jackass but I don’t want to insult jackasses.
  5. Yes I am a scumbag but that is besides the point. Of course it suck’s what happened to that mother. It all sucks. but I’m not into picking and choosing what crimes to try to politicize to try to win an election, I don’t fall for the fear mongering. like I said before, which you so conveniently ignored, we all know something needs to be done with the border. This country is full of idiots for not securing the border. You would think that would be a basic part of any plan to secure the country!
  6. I’m not into banning guns so you can drop that.
  7. This is a crock of *****. But you go on telling yourself this. Shootings, mass shouting happen everywhere. Crime happens everywhere. Pull your head out of your ass. There may be some people who believe this ***** and fall for it, I’m not one of them.
  8. 9 people shot at a splash pad in Rochester hills Michigan, 8 year old boy shot in the head 4 year old shot. 2 people killed in Austin Texas. You post this? Everyone knows something needs to be done about the border but American citizens are doing just fine at committing crimes, killing and raping and stealing. thank God the Supreme Court lifted the ban on bump stocks! That will solve everything!
  9. What are the bull ***** conspiracy theories today?
  10. You think this is bad? Did you ever go to the political side of the board? What a ***** show!
  11. It’s the only reason I never believed that the lap top that was said to be dropped off was his. Every time I talked to my brother about it I said someone couldn’t be that stupid! I could never believe that someone with his money whose father was in the position he’s in would be dumb enough to drop off a lap top at a random shop. They don’t have someone to fix that? But he was unbelievably that stupid! He deserves everything coming to him!
  12. Gotta be PC/woke. What a mess.
  13. Then you got to do white history month and it’s just going to open up a can of worms. I miss the good old days. Who would have thought the ‘90’s would be the good old days.
  14. What a load of *****!💩 No wonder trump doesn’t stand a chance of getting elected. Only nut bags support him!
  15. They interviewed 2 jurors on tv. Showed their faces. You mean their lives weren’t threatened?
  16. The conspiracy theories are flying fast and furious. Try to be original.
  17. How long do you guys sit up at night thinking up all this ***** you post? You are full of *****!💩
  18. From now on I only get paid in tips! I’m going to tell people what to pay me, all in tips! people believe this #######? He’ll never do this. Just like Mexico paying for the wall.
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