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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. He shouldn’t have walked off the field in the middle of a game for Tampa bay. A lot of money to walk away from? If it’s cte I have a little empathy for him. If he is just an assuole and burned thru all that money I don’t care. Too many athletes try to live large and blow thru their money.
  2. I watched some of these things. I still don’t believe it. 9 times out of 10 it’s over a military base or warship. Why is that why is the govt the only one involved? Only those clowns see this? No.
  3. I like this because it is so true. You would think a group odd people would want its best And brightest or strongest like animal to lead them. Humans, in the US anyway, are not as smart as the animals. I can see A I taking over at some point. I don’t believe aliens exist. We would have seen them by now.
  4. You’re the one who keeps talking about him. Are you gay? I don’t need luck on Thursday, I don’t care what happens. I just love the maga tears, making excuses all the time. You can’t make this stuff up. I think you need your head examined if you watch that debate between those two idiots. I’ll just laugh at you Friday because am old senile man will make trump look like the idiot that he is! 😂 Trumps campaign is already walking back the whole green card claim. Trump doesn’t even know what his own policy’s are. They haven’t told him yet. It’s up to the highest bidder still I guess.
  5. Does he ever talk about policy? Why do these idiots even go? Don’t they have something better to do than listen to some asshat ramble on about sharks and boats? I’d like to see if he ever strings it all together, if it ever makes sense? We only see what the news tells us. So we try to understand maga? Are they really all that *****en stupid? I got maga family members and neighbors, I feel like I should try to understand them. My brother is an alcoholic and done almost as many drugs as trump so I can understand his brain being fried.
  6. Yeah right. Maga tears I love it. Right out of the maga playbook. B word whine cry make excuses for trump. Poor little baby always the victim! Lol what a joke.
  7. Trump agreed to anytime anyplace anywhere. No all his base does is cry and make excuses for him because they know an old man who is losing it is going to whip his ass again! LOL you can’t make this stuff up.
  8. I always wanted to go to one of those stupid trump rallies to try to make sense of what that ####### is talking about? 90 minutes of just *****en stupidity that only his base can eat up. No wonder a lot of them leave early and now not many people show up.
  9. I don’t know. The next press conference of his will be the first one I have ever seen and that’s if I watch it. You answer my question first. what can you ask him that he has not been asked? I’m not saying he didn’t get them ass face. You keep up and learn how to read. I’m saying does it really matter for either candidate? For the third time, what can you ask them that they haven’t been asked?
  10. Killing child molesters, no trial. Just kill them right in the middle of the city in the middle of the day so everyone can see. They don’t deserve to live and it would stop others from doing it hopefully.
  11. Seriously? What do you think they are going to ask that he has not been asked already? Both of them. They have both been asked everything. They better ask about both their weaknesses. sure trump has way more weaknesses than Biden. Nether of them have any strengths really to speak of. I’m sure Joe is going to get asked about the economy and his son Hunter etc. trump will be asked about his conviction, all his other charges. His desire to be the next hitler, 1/6. Pardoning all his criminal friends. How bad he ***** up the COVID response, being a pathological liar, raping women, cheating on all his wife’s and kids, stealing from a children’s cancer charity etc. They have both answered all these questions a million times. Highly doubtful either of them will be stumped. The same thing your wife said, any time anyplace. Oh that’s right your dictator said that. But now you guys are making excuses for him because he is such an idiot you have to cover for him.
  12. The excuses just keep rolling in for trump. He pulls out of the debate by Thursday night.
  13. What a crock of *****. Everything with the right is a lie. You just live a lie. Trumps B word looked like the stupid dumb blond she is. I wonder how she got the job? And nobody wants to talk about the fact that Jake tapper was telling the truth. Trump is a hustler wannabe!
  14. Have you listened to trump lately? He is not destroying anyone anywhere. You are already making excuses for trump. It’s all you guys do, just like the trial. Nothing is ever fair to trump. Cry cry cry, it’s all you guys do. If trump is so much better the playing field is fine, this is not a football game or some other sport. Literally no one is there to riot either of them on. It’s a ducking debate. No questions will be new. Nothing new will come out of this. No one will change their mind after Thursday night. I don’t care if Fox News did it, nbc or cnn. It’s a dog and pony show. Hopefully it’s the only debate, complete waste of time!
  15. Let them keep their head shoved up their ass about it. That is where they keep it for everything else. ***** them!
  16. What questions can they ask these two knuckle heads that they haven’t already been asked? Are they going to ask trump about sharks and batteries and Hannibal? Are they going to ask Biden what day of the week it is? This “debate” is just a waste of time. I can’t believe how worked up people are about this? Let me guess what each of these #######s is going to say? It will not sway one voter or change anyone’s mind. If you watch it you need to have your head examined and get a life. Let me guess how this dumb blond got a job with trump?
  17. Why? To engage and argue with you and the other maga dimwits?? I’m not wasting my time. Bunch of ducking idiots, all the lies you believe? No way to have a decent conversation with people at a third grade mentality.
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