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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. No sarcasm. I'm not for a mandate, and if people don't want the vaccine I don't care what happens to them.
  2. A teacher who can't read. Big surprise. I said I was not for the mandate. Very evil giving people a vaccine that was fine. My whole family took it and are all fine. Eveyone I know who took it are fine. Don't try to rewrite history. You're evil. You worship trump. He took the vaccine, that must blow your mind.A teacher who doesn't have a clue. I would worry about your future if I were you, you keep arguing about your past.
  3. 'Lies and distortions': New York Times offers unusually blunt assessment of Trump tactics https://flip.it/.m1Nu3
  4. I Laugh that they ate still crying about the vaccine. I was not for a mandate, I was hoping more of the white trash would just drop dead. I took it and am healthy as a horse.
  5. Another horseshit thread by the inbred.
  6. The Trump administration will go down in history as one of the most corrupt administrations in history not just our the USA but the world. The stuff that had been done in the first month is laughable.
  7. I don't know what the ***** is the matter with you but but the vaccine worked great for me and my family. Who said it's not safe or effective? Some dumb broad on a message board? The crazy right wing media? Lick me.
  8. Everyone except you trump dick suckers. How does it fell to have your party run by Putin? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.
  9. And what concession has Putin actually made for the war he stated? Did the master negotiator get even one? The party of Regan has become the party of Putin. You must be so proud.
  10. That is a right talking point. He said he would reduce prices on day one. You feel for it. Thankfully most were trump worshippers. Souls have got vaccinated. I was all for not forcing anyone to get vaccinated because it would help get rid of idiots.
  11. So somehow in your feeble brain because Biden failed it's OK for Trump to do nothing? You seem to forget when you keep bringing up Biden that he was voted out. It's that what you want to happen to your party? Stop talking about Biden, it is not helping the future. Trump might want to lie, since that's all he knows how to do, and act like he has a plan since he claimed he would bring down prices on day one. Afterall HE is the one that said HE would do that day one.
  12. Putin is the leader of the republician party.
  13. I would tell you you are wrong. Nice try tho. I watch the news every night and they have covered since the cop was shot and killed when he pulled two of them over in new Hampshire.
  14. He did? Trump doesn't make the law, congress does. But you knew that. Obviously trump does not.
  15. It's only gone up. What had happened? I thought it was going down on day one? Lmao.
  16. Don't blame the left. There is a reason people don't like him and they are not just on the left. And stop with the establishment based status quo stuff. He got elected didn't he? No one likes govt waste. He's actually trying to get something done but he is going to ***** it all up as always because that is all he knows how to do.
  17. ‘Trump Recruited as Moscow Asset,’ Says Ex-KGB Spy Chief https://flip.it/BaCtD8
  18. Trump never paid his taxes anyway. It is much better to fire half the govt employees then make the rich pay their fair share of taxes. I'm still fine with Trump enacting all his plans, it will put the final nail in his coffin. One month in and republicans are blowing up on him.
  19. It's almost as of a guy who bankrupted 4 casinos and multiple other business is running the economy.
  20. He means when Trump is done bending over for Putin, who is the equivalent of Osama binladen, and gives him the whole country of Ukraine. The guy who ran multiple business into the ground and filled for bankruptcy 6 times is the perfect guy to negotiate world peace. I would just like to know how much the KGB paid trump when they recruited him and how long he had been on the payroll for?
  21. Lol. The Republicans aren't pissed because of things that happened in the past. They are yelling at their reproof things trump is doing now. Nice try at a sin cycle tho failed as always. You might want to start prepairing now to lose congress and the Senate in the mid terms and the white house in 4 years. This is happening even faster than I could have hoped for.
  22. Donald Trump was recruited by KGB with codename 'Krasnov', claims ex-Soviet spy https://flip.it/OjSAN9
  23. No worries. 4 weeks in and Republicans are even pissed off. Watch the town hall clips from roswell Georgia. Their republican congressman got a tongue lashing from republican voters. There's was a clip from one in Kansas I believe. If you Republicans wanted to get anything useful accomplished you better get it done before the midterms. If ***** keeps rolling down hill the way it is you won't have control of congress for long.
  24. DOGE Staffer Known as 'Big Balls' Reportedly the Grandkid of a KGB Spy https://flip.it/R4iMOz Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
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