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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. You got more ***** than a Christmas goose. So beating cops is somehow ok? Trying to overthrow an election. Running thru Congress looking for Mike pence and other lawmakers with zip ties. You and the stupid *****en right are only lucky the congress men got out of there and we never found out what that white trash would have done! Did I say the left with there protests wasn’t bad? No! ***** off!
  2. I got you blocked on the other message board you dumb *****. I done even talk to you over there. You come on this one just to start *****. Too stupid to realize I don’t care what you got to say and I don’t like fags. This is exactly what I have been expecting. Of course these knuckle heads shove their head up their ass when trump talks about making China Russia and N. Korea great the other day at his rally. Anybody think that unified reich in that add was an interns mistake still? LOL 😂
  3. That’s all you trolls got. History repeating itself. You dumbasses didn’t learn from it.
  4. We will be going to one party and fascism.
  5. Yeah, the Supreme Court is not bought.
  6. He’ll still win, that demented old man.
  7. He’s *****en useless as ti ts on a bull. Just ignore that ass hat.
  8. Both sides have there violent people. Did you see 1/6? The jurors in the trump case have to remain anonymous, gee I wonder why? The jurors in the Biden trial were giving interviews on tv right after the verdict.
  9. The queers are back. Lock up the broom sticks. I’m a little person? Ha haha ha. I don’t chase people around on different message boards name calling like the little fa get.
  10. Omg. This has me rotflmao! This is good stuff!
  11. I’m not a lawyer but not don’t think they needed to. The lower court ruled on this and their decision was fine. The Supreme Court just ruled basically the same thing. They always had immunity in official roles, that’s why Obama was never charged. All that has really happened is now a lower court has to have hearings on wether Jack smiths case against trump can go forward, was 1/6 and trying to overturn the election and his role in it an official act? That will push the trial back till after the election. I’m sure their might be more to it but at this point, just getting home from the gym, and just starting to read up on it all… Ha ha ha ha ha. How much money in “gifts” has Clarence Thomas accepted? $2 million. Am I supposed to believe he is the only one? Hell no!
  12. I believe that. All I have been saying since I’ve been on here is ALL politicians are corrupt. I was hoping the court wasn’t. They only took this case on to help trump delay his trial till after the election. They didn’t rule that trump won’t stand trial today. They just muddied the waters to delay it.
  13. Like I’ve been saying the Supreme Court has been bought. Congrats to the right. Money can buy a lot of things in this country including the high court.
  14. You obviously don’t understand freedom.
  15. I would declare trump a terrorist because of 1/6 and have him put in gitmo. Then name myself king.
  16. This country is a *****en mess. Welp we solved one problem. Migrants will soon be leaving the country. They will be saying “what the he’ll did I come here for” and walk back to South America.
  17. Your comment Was about the media, that is the part I responded to. The rest I agree with I will add that it’s both sides. Not much if anything is ever done for the people.
  18. I’m glad you liked it. I’ll be here all week.
  19. Seriously? Where do you comes up with this narrative? I was lmao Thursday watching cnn when they acted like someone died. They were calling for him to step aside right after the debate. And editorials in papers averted the country called for his exit. Bill Maher, the daily show. Bill Maher who is generally not funny was hilarious ripping Biden. She is in power. Her and Harris.
  20. The Dems huddle to have serious discussions was just trying to figure out how to put a spin on his “bad 90 minutes”. LOL what a joke! I knew the debate was a waste because nobody would change their minds on who they vote for.
  21. When he tries to overthrow democracy again they will all go down with him. That red maga hat will go down in history with the swastika.
  22. Dumb is what was posted. Deflect much Lol?😂
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