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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. See what has happened was….
  2. I’m glad you like it. I’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to tip your waitress.
  3. Still butt hurt About that I see. If you think trump looked good more power to you. He only looked good if you like liars.
  4. Trump is not going to win. Everyone knows trump will abuse this power. Maga is the only one that is ok with that. This will wake everyone else up. People will go with a zombie for a president before someone who will abuse this power.
  5. He’s both, obvious by now lol
  6. I never seen anything like it. I stayed there long enough to toy with them.a few act like they are not maga till you say something about trump. They gang up on and attack anyone not maga to drive them out. I check in once in awhile to see the maga tears. I might keep it for football talk.
  7. Uh oh. I hope this is the only message board you are on. You just earned yourself a stalker.
  8. Lies as always. Keep exposing yourself for who you are.
  9. First of all you’re lying as always. Yes you did. And is your green card up to date? go back to Vietnam.
  10. The whole intellectuals thing is laughable. More like wimps because the all had to turn tail and run to their own message board because they can’t deal with an opposing opinion and you know I’ve stated that over their many times. and I’m sure you can check my posts, I don’t usually if at all bring it up over here. Since you know me so well I’ve said over there I like to keep the two boards separate, not really into dragging crap from board to board like you. So as usual you are wrong and displayed how petty you are. Which is, by the way, why I don’t comment over their much anymore. They are all like you, very full of themselves. The person who thinks they are the smartest person in the room is usually the dumbest. If you are so smart and everyone like all your highly intelligent friends over their why are you here with the “######s” You look down your nose on. please keep talking you keep digging your hole deeper. And honey did you join the queers for Palestine group yet? They are looking for more of your type.
  11. You got more ***** than a Christmas goose. So beating cops is somehow ok? Trying to overthrow an election. Running thru Congress looking for Mike pence and other lawmakers with zip ties. You and the stupid *****en right are only lucky the congress men got out of there and we never found out what that white trash would have done! Did I say the left with there protests wasn’t bad? No! ***** off!
  12. I got you blocked on the other message board you dumb *****. I done even talk to you over there. You come on this one just to start *****. Too stupid to realize I don’t care what you got to say and I don’t like fags. This is exactly what I have been expecting. Of course these knuckle heads shove their head up their ass when trump talks about making China Russia and N. Korea great the other day at his rally. Anybody think that unified reich in that add was an interns mistake still? LOL 😂
  13. That’s all you trolls got. History repeating itself. You dumbasses didn’t learn from it.
  14. We will be going to one party and fascism.
  15. Yeah, the Supreme Court is not bought.
  16. He’ll still win, that demented old man.
  17. He’s *****en useless as ti ts on a bull. Just ignore that ass hat.
  18. Both sides have there violent people. Did you see 1/6? The jurors in the trump case have to remain anonymous, gee I wonder why? The jurors in the Biden trial were giving interviews on tv right after the verdict.
  19. The queers are back. Lock up the broom sticks. I’m a little person? Ha haha ha. I don’t chase people around on different message boards name calling like the little fa get.
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