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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. All you guys do is post lies and bull *****. You think it’s not annoying? Did I ever ask you to stop? You guys just expose yourself for the whiny little girls you are.
  2. Credibility? Here? Among you guys on a message board? LOL you guys know it’s true that’s why it bothers you so much.
  3. I don’t support Biden either. I won’t support any pedo. As always you are wrong again. You support a pedo, I don’t. This one is just for you buddy. Any more bi tch as s comments?
  4. Like I’m going to listen to you LOL. 😂 You’re pathetic supporting a pedo. This stuff just got released this week.
  5. Not surprised about the death threats with maga.
  6. And I did marry up, no doubt about it. She is a great woman and a great mother and as it turned out a great teacher in homecoming our kids. And I knew she would be, she graduated top of her class in high school and college and rose up to a vow position at her company she worked for before she became a stay at home mom. And that stay at home mom job was the toughest job she ever had. I have tons of respect for any stay at home mother! Although I tease her that if she was so smart why did she marry me?!
  7. I don’t tell anybody where I live. It’s not just politicians I don’t trust. Draw the line? Peaceful protests, although I do get involved in them. They are never peaceful. You get a large group of people together and then that mob mentality kicks in and forget it. I’m not into burning police cars or buildings. I don’t like antifa or blm. If they can catch the people who did that stuff they should be charged and jailed accordingly. I’m not into beating cops. When I was younger I used to take all the testing to be a cop. I got thru the testing the last time and didn’t get the final call so I gave it up. I had friends that would go all over the country and were very persistent and would eventually get in somewhere. I didn’t want to be a cop that bad. But if I see someone doing or saying something against them my blood boils. just like this recent case. A 13 year old kid pulls a gun on a cop and the cop shots Andy kill’s him. No people want justice for the boy? He got justice. Don’t run, don’t pull a gun. How is the cop supposed to know it was a BB gun on the run in the dark? This country It’s screwed! They should go live in N. Korea if they want justice. Yes just like trump, always the victim!
  8. That’s why I like ya. There are a number of you guys on here that are good people. I just get attacked so much for expressing my opinion I lose track of who I’m talking to. and if you are calling me youngster you must be very old! LOL 😂 but that is why we see your wisdom come thru in your comments.
  9. You had students? You taught? No wonder this country is *****! You sir are part of the reason we home schooled our kids! I was told I was a fool 20 years ago when we started with our first child. Note people tell me I was ahead of the curve. I was in high school. Been with my wife since I graduated. Just celebrated 33 years of marriage last Saturday. I’m also drawn to big ti ts.
  10. Where did I say that? Nice try. You make a lot of assumptions from my comment that there are bad people on both sides. I have had a few drama queen girl friends who argue like you. You pretty much just described politics. Lies, hypocrisy etc. both sides do it.
  11. I said both sides have bad people. Period. You want to get into splitting hairs. Point out where I said everyone of the 20,000 people (or whatever the number was) should have been charged? I’ll wait.
  12. I’m sure there are plenty of people who could run for President. Of all the Republican primary candidates I thought Niki Haley would have represented you guys the best. I don’t know much about her but from what I saw in the debates I could live with her as Pres. I think the republicans made a big mistake. Time to move on from trump and Biden.
  13. Sorry for what you went thru. That’s rough.
  14. No, I hate them all. I was laughing at cnn after the debate, they were acting like someone died.(I won’t laugh at an old man losing it) how many times have I said on here Biden is corrupt and a liar, he’s been in politics 50 years. That is the very definition of a politician. I just hate trump more that is why I am always on him. I’ve hated trump going back to the 90’s. I was just glad he never bought the bills.
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