I don’t tell anybody where I live. It’s not just politicians I don’t trust.
Draw the line? Peaceful protests, although I do get involved in them. They are never peaceful. You get a large group of people together and then that mob mentality kicks in and forget it.
I’m not into burning police cars or buildings. I don’t like antifa or blm. If they can catch the people who did that stuff they should be charged and jailed accordingly. I’m not into beating cops. When I was younger I used to take all the testing to be a cop. I got thru the testing the last time and didn’t get the final call so I gave it up. I had friends that would go all over the country and were very persistent and would eventually get in somewhere. I didn’t want to be a cop that bad. But if I see someone doing or saying something against them my blood boils.
just like this recent case. A 13 year old kid pulls a gun on a cop and the cop shots Andy kill’s him. No people want justice for the boy? He got justice. Don’t run, don’t pull a gun. How is the cop supposed to know it was a BB gun on the run in the dark? This country It’s screwed! They should go live in N. Korea if they want justice.
Yes just like trump, always the victim!