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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. I don’t recall them being exceptionally low or great. I drive a lot for work and was self employed. Believe me, the know gas prices and what drives them. I studied them because I figured I might as well invest in them if they are going to kill me. It was killings me when that republican bush was in office and they were over $4. I found out you can’t blame a president, I couldn’t blame bush. Oil is a global economy, the US has always produced the most oil. Besides the US set a record for oil production per month under Biden. Look it up. I can give you a lesson on oil like. outside of that I would just suggest you and everyone else invest. Invest, invest. multiple companies making record profits, not just the oil companies. these companies are laughing all the way to the bank while people argue over politics. You might as well get in on it. I did.
  2. Oh boy. The deep state card is coming out now.
  3. Was he dressed as a secret service sniper? This took some planning.
  4. Well if it’s not staged, like most here claim, you got to give credit where it’s due. I have a lot of respect for law enforcement and military. Not politicians. It would be a lot easier to believe that it was not staged if the first words out of everyone’s mouth wasn’t “ he just won the election”.
  5. You got to give it up for the secret service, the way they just shielded trump. They got huge ones! And then they took the shooter out this quick? I’m surprised they shooter even got a shot off?!
  6. Trump was president during COVID also. No one was driving. Gas prices tanked. A barrel of oil was trading at less than $0.
  7. Why were gas prices low? Oh that’s right because no one driving anywhere. Supply and demand. And people had more money in there pockets? What the ***** are you talking about? I need to get a job with you. Good for you for having extra money in your pocket, I don’t begrudge any one doing well if they work hard for it.
  8. That is an iconic picture. That will be all over his campaign ads now.
  9. The guy gets shot and what are people talking about? I hope he is ok? No! This just won him the election!!! Politics is *****.
  10. See, even you’re saying this just handed him the keys to the Oval Office. The guy gets shot and this is what people talk about and I’m the ass? LOL if I was a trump or Biden supporter the last thing I would talk about if he just got shot is he just won the election! Thanks for proving my point.
  11. I’d rather be a troll than the trash you are LOL. Just trash, no one cares what you think.
  12. This is exactly what I’m talking about. Trump gets shot and the first thing my bother tells me when he calls me it’s this will unite the right. You mean you weren’t united before??? And now this *****.
  13. Alex Jones is going out of business. I’m just picking up the torch for him. You guys liked him.
  14. It was staged. The person was that bad a shot? No one behind him was hit? Trump looks like a martyr.
  15. I’m pretty sure no one said he was innocent yesterday. Just another crooked DA withholding evidence. He got away on a technicality. And my question always has been why was live ammo on the set of a movie? I highly doubt he would have allowed that. I think it’s got more to do with the armorer.
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