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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. LOL at this *****! Biblical? *****en morons! The hero worship and veneration of this man is laughable. But because of the way he is worshipped is the reason I’m am glad he didn’t get killed. This already made him a martyr, I can’t imagine what would have happened if he died?
  2. That’s cause you’re a *****en moron!
  3. So the shooter was a registered Republican. What effect does that have on everyone’s narrative of this?
  4. They will be suing half the country then. This is bull *****. It has been reported that trumps security detail has been expanded like any presumptive nominees is before an election.
  5. Yes, when an innocent person died I knew it wasn’t staged. Twitter is not giving up on the whole staged thing tho.
  6. You think this is bad? Go on Twitter. I was just on there for a few minutes, this place is tame compared to that. Every other person thinks it was staged/ wanted him dead, bring up how trump made fun of Paul pelosi when he got attacked etc.
  7. I believe this also. I don’t think there is anything humans can do.
  8. To who? Nobody moderates this place. It’s a ***** show.
  9. Why? Someone on here was saying they hoped Biden died. Did they ban him? And no, I’m not defending him.
  10. You are a pathetic human being. I have a feeling you will be off this message board soon. He did. Wake up!
  11. If that is what you want to believe to sleep better at night? Fine by me. why do you come here then? all you do is insult this board. To stalk me?
  12. I’m not the one who started talking about what a great photo op this was or trump just won. Wow. Thanks for your useless input as always.
  13. Oh no my qu eer stalker. What shall I do?
  14. do you even read what you write? Someone followed me over here, stalker, and I’m the troll? LOL. Ok you believe everything you read.
  15. Gun control? When America decided it was ok to kill kids and do nothing about guns? There will never be gun control. Never!
  16. Oh your tuff, you can call names.
  17. Will now I’m staying longer just to piss you off.
  18. Oh big boy can call names on a message board. No I don’t think it is staged anymore now that an innocent person died. It would have helped early on if the first words out of everyone’s mouth wasn’t “trump just won” and “ great photo op”.
  19. Oh I’m so heart broken! Please!!
  20. All the talk of trump just won and the photo op? What is someone supposed to think? Maybe if you guys were more concerned about trump and not the election.
  21. As well as you are, sh it for brains.
  22. That’s about what I thought they were. To me a good gas price is anything under $2. But I’m probably just getting old. As to the rest read what else I wrote, these companies are making record profits. Why? They obviously don’t need to jack prices up this much. You know what they say, if you can’t beat them join them. They are having a good laugh counting their money.
  23. Did I ever say I was happy? !@#$ you you piece of sh it.
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