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Everything posted by BuffaLoko

  1. D@mn! I had not seen this clip before, but he made that throw look way to0 easy, it seems like he did not even extended this whole arm, nor had stable footing, ...
  2. TPS, based on the title of your post only, I thought I´d find another ¨ I am done with the Bills¨...sort of post!
  3. I knew the number seemed too high for the League´s CAP to begin with, I knew I could be behind in news, but that seemed an astronomical jump from what I recall...
  4. Kwai, thanks for sharing and glad you found a couple of bars to watch -them bills - in Mexico, there are a few good fellow fans of Buffalo in my country!
  5. On the other hand, Wenz had a few slumps in his first season in NFL...
  6. HBF, I think yours is one of the most sober and realistic approaches, I have read, on how the Bills can hop to top 5 pick land... thanks!
  7. Like the hook up joke, and like the reply!...I think I deleted the nice reply, I meant by mistake! sorry guys!
  8. Maybe Allen´s huge paw has to do with him -reportedly - being able to fly the pigskin over 90 yards!
  9. you are crazy Hokie!!!! hahahahaha!
  10. you sir...got my vote for POD...!!
  11. Major, just my 2 cents, with an anecdote from a planet earth kind of job (I work in design), I worked with some skilled people and once one junior level designer recommended us to hire a mid level designer, telling me he was ¨3 times better than him in CAD tools¨, which he ended up being more or less; what we found out until too late (when he created a mess in the job) is that he was not so good keeping up with rules and deadlines... so in QBs´ case is not about being more athletic only, but way more attributes a leader needs to have... that was Vick´s himself attested...
  12. eball, you just single-handedly saved the party! without your inquiring mind and ability to step up, these thread had the potential to grow up to 237 pages!! this bud is for you!
  13. you have my vote for post of the day, one a worth a little, from a guy in probation...
  14. Good catch! thanks 26CB...I missed posting the link first attempt, thanks! I like the way you posted your link better , sorry for not catching you had posted it before I did,
  15. I received this article talking about rookie stars, by using the PFF ranking system, for what is worth, still a good read... https://www.profootballfocus.com/news/pro-10-record-breaking-rookies-from-the-2017-nfl-season?utm_source=PFF+Newsletter&utm_campaign=8c298bf778-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_02_21&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ae3f4210bf-8c298bf778-191349721
  16. Rockpile beerman...??' hahahaha! ...post of the day!!!
  17. Nice way to put it O29!!...only that because of the hugely different price tag of each for the skins, it is not an apple to apple comparison...
  18. Hookie... its that a true stat? did n´t he replaced Dalton in a full playoff game vs PIT?
  19. I understand your take, about him being a player that could´ve been right there... celebrating as part of that team, however I don´t understand the sudden ¨blame¨ you seem to place in Beane, did Shady asked to be let go? do you have any source stating that? I would think he would be hating Chip for trading him away for a LB, in any case! In the other hand he is still a good back, and he can have an impact on his current team having a celebration on its own... just sayin´
  20. What a fun analogy you made maaan! and you hit the bulls-eye in the very center!!
  21. or even better...William Brady!
  22. Easy...this will translate in Zona NOT picking a QB in the 1st! .. they got to play the contrarian to their former coach!
  23. all good points Luxy, wearing my tin hat I guess number 3 and 4, had a lot to do with Andy´s lame duck game plan in 2nd half against the Titans, and explains why they stopped using the 2nd best rookie RB of the year in their attack; to me is like they are spoiled with so many playoff appearances and they did not care to blow it as a signal to move away from AS... just my 2 cents! ;c)
  24. Hapless BFan you make a bunch of great points here, and I specially appreciate the analogies you use with WR/Coach help to QBs in MIN and PIT. ..Good job keeping de TT downers at bay. ...?
  25. Happy Birth day! thanks a lot to SDS, Jay, Mead and many others for starting and keeping this broad for XX Years! I jumped from Hyperbills to TBD in the middle of 98, using Netscape browser and man! it has been fun, I have transitioned screen names multiple times, (Kent Hull Jr, cyber-bills, etc) but been reading for years. I intend to participate more actively (and visibly) and look forward to being part of the history and archives for 20 years more to come. Best of all for you guys! Manny
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