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Dave in Avon Lake now

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Posts posted by Dave in Avon Lake now

  1. Thanks for sharing. I only get the paper on weekends, so didn't see this one. Chris is such a class act and its nice to see he is out at the Travelers this weekend. Wouldn't be the same without him there. My prayers are with him and his family. He gave so much to this world and always supported our Bills.

  2. This is almost too hard to believe. There may be an element of truth in it, but who knows where this will go. I prefer to believe they are playing their cards in hopes of a viable trade option and if it doesn't occur they will cut him with no compensation owed. Until the final days when the option is still open, we'll probably hear something a "will they or won't they" each day from every source around the country.

  3. We may not win this year, but I for one don't believe we should cut our good players so we can take a flyer in free agency. Very few free agents work out as intended and in Buffalo's case we have to pay more just to get them to consider us. I say keep building through the draft, keep our best players and carefully restructure to avoid dead money down the road. While the jury is still out on Whalley, the right coach can make a difference. We're not that bad and the head coach really cost us down the stretch, so let's see if McDermott can fix the defense to make the playoffs a possibility.


    I'm seeing too much pessimism on the Board. Free agency is full of possibilities (we did pretty well last year) and the draft is around the corner.

  4. If he's still here this year, my hope is he starts to see the open guys and gets a better feel for the middle of the field and anticipation passes. It may be a pipe dream, but it still beats losing games because of interceptions. He finally showed something in the Miami game and lets see where it goes.


    And at least we won't have to wait 100 years for a winner to emerge. It only takes one good run to get a Superbowl. I suspect we do it with defense like Denver, Baltimore and Tampa Bay did.

  5. I was thinking to myself, its happening again as I turned off the TV last night. I knew he would bringthe Pats back and in a strange way it was satisfying to see it happen to a team besides the Bills. That is about as painful it gets for Falcons fans. We are kind of numb to it, but at least it explains why we have been out of the playoffs all of these years. We have to face him twice each year.


    I really believe once Brady retires, our division will be normal again with other teams winning in alternating years. I've said my peace someday the frustration will end. Remember both Cleveland and Chicago finally ended the curses.

  6. I agree with Webster guy that the Bills have been fun to watch this year. Even in our losses there have been several high points within the games. I've missed a number of games live, but have enjoyed fast forwarding through the low points. Even the Steelers game was enjoyable the last 10 minutes of the game.


    As an optimist, I see some of the close losses to good things as a positive. In previous years we were getting creamed by the better teams and I still take pleasure in taking down the Patriots (without Brady) on their home turf.


    Go Bills win out!

  7. Just saw the news article on Greevy's and it brought back memories of good times. I lived in Maryland from 1986-1996 that spanned the Super bowl years. In those days, the Redskins were king and on every weekend as there games had been sold out for 30 years running. I'm not sure how I found out about Greevy's. I think I was a subscriber to the old "Shout" newspaper so maybe that was it. I remember Kevin played in the NBA and was not sure why he opened a Bills bar until I read this article. I didn't live close by, but made my way for a Vikings game in 1994 or 1995. It was great to hear all the comradery of Bills fans. Great place, great memories.

  8. I really don't want to defend Rex here, but you have to admit the season is playing out like we assumed it would all along. We beat the teams we should have beaten based on this season's records and lost to the teams almost all of which will make the playoffs. While expectations were high after the 4 game winning streak, all of those teams have subsequently turned out to be losers this year. All I'm saying is we got what we expected all along. Injuries (and suspensions) happen every year. Last year it was McCoy and Kyle this year Sammie and Marcel. Until we get a QB who can rally us, we are doomed to losing close games to really talented teams. Changing the coaching may not be the answer as we have learned from our past mistakes. Since Wade Phillips left, Rex is the only coach who approaches the .500 level. If he finishes 9-7 or 8-8 he probably met both ours and the Pegula's reasonable expectations. Changes will be made, but I'm not sure head coach is necessary.

  9. I've watched ND football for a good part of the year. Kizer may be premature for the draft, but his stock is pretty high based on his performance the last 2 years. He has a strong arm and has played top level competition. Unfortunately this year he seemed to be playing from behind a lot and his defense let him down in several games. Definitely worth a look in a poor QB draft.

  10. I'm having trouble with Tyrod staying as the QB after each week I watch his game. Looked like he was coached to throw balls over the middle and actually completed quite a few in what looked like miserable conditions to throw and catch the ball.


    Forgive me as I fast forwarded through most of the game, but Pittsburgh looked to be geared up to stop the run and keep Tyrod from scrambling and it looked like he took what he could get for the most part. Although it was too little too late and may have been Pittsburgh's prevent defense at least they finally had a semblance of a comeback in the 4th quarter.


    As an optimist, I'd like to see if they can let Tyrod try to be the pocket QB who can make throws over the middle to inferiors defenses before we give up on him as our QB. Let the chips fall at the end of the season.

  11. I was thinking about the TT threads you all have been posting and just read the lousy QB draft we are coming upon. Thought I would throw this out for discussion. What if we keep TT, draft defense, trade some assets (Marcel Dareus or Gilmore with a tag) to get picks in the following draft to finally improve. That way we aren't giving up on next season and may acquire some assets that can help us move up in the draft to get a QB in 2018(like Belichek has been doing for years)

  12. My 2 cents. I thought TT could play and would improve - so far he's proved me wrong and the fourth quarter stats are alarming. If we are considering QB options for next year, I say try to improve the position through the draft. TT compensation is relatively cheap for what could be a caretaker role.


    The inconsistency of the defense makes me think a short term solution like Romo still may not get us to the playoffs. I hate to say it, but unless we find a gem in the draft somehow the playoffs are a pipe dream. Wish I could be more optimistic but it is a typical December for Bills fans.

  13. I happen to be a Lions fan from the old days when there were 2 different leagues. Like the Bills, the Lions had not been very good for many years (and haven't won a championship since 1957). After Barry Sanders retired, they made some terrible draft picks mostly when Matt Millen was in charge from 2001-2008. The bottom fell out when they went 0-16 but that provided the first pick that yielded Matthew Stafford. Even paired with Calvin Johnson they still were in the same Division with the Green Bay Packers who like the Patriots have dominated the division for the last decade. I guess the jury is still out on whether the Bills are headed in the right direction as the Lions are finally proving. Unless we make a bold trade to move up and grab a truly franchise QB, we are stuck in the middle of the league.


    I do think the Bills are improving and haven't given up on Tyrod yet, but maybe it is time to get that QB who can get us over the top.

  14. I don't agree that posts have to stop as it represents different viewpoints on an issue. I'm not sure what the 10th ranked defense really means, but I will say we are in every game (except the second Patriots game) until the sometimes bitter and sometimes sweet end. We've played some pretty good teams evenly and some bad teams poorly and are still above .500. I'm not sure what you guys think, but it seems to me we have played very well on the road this year. I'm with the Bills until there is no chance and hopeful this year will break the ice. Bring on the big bad Raiders!

  15. OK, it took me until today to watch the game on DVR. Taylor seemed to be throwing high on several makeable throws. He also had us in position for scores quite a few times in this game. I didn't expect that given the final score with a meaningless touchdown at the end. How is it that his long throws look so good and the short ones look awful. Is that something he can improve on? I really hate to be looking for another quarterback, but it seems like we are stuck at .500 until we find one.

  16. I agree with almost every post I've seen. Maybe its because the Bills have been so unwatchable, but I've cut the cord on live games and just record Bills games for Monday viewing. I guess because I do that, I really notice the nonsensical amount of commercials and in game useless banter in the games I've recorded. I don't think it is Kaepernick (although I don't agree with his stance) because pregame is rarely shown. I also agree the quality of games on both Thursday and Monday nights has been so bad this year. If I were ESPN, I'd want my money back.

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