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Dave in Avon Lake now

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Posts posted by Dave in Avon Lake now

  1. Just watched it again on Netflix. Still brings tears to my eyes and you could tell to many of those players too, very sentimental.


    I lived in DC during the Bills-Redskins Superbowl and took it on the chin that year. My boss who was a Redskins season ticketholder said to me though that there is an emptiness even after winning because its over and you don't know if you're going back. They haven't.

  2. I agree that Hughes doesn't intentionally hurt people. I like his game and attitude and he seemed to play a little more under control in the last quarter of the season. He could be a leader on the team if he can control his aggression better.


    I haven't seen enough of Burflict to comment on his nature but that was a terrible hit and now Brown is under concussion protocol.

  3. Although mismanagement is a sign of a poor coach, I will give credit to the fact that the penalties seemed to dissipate toward the end of the year. I guess I am so tired of changing coaches every few years because we don't make the playoffs. We aren't in the top tier of teams and probably would have been bounced from the playoffs in the first round. I still believe despite the problems we were competitive in every game and it has been a long time since you could say that about the Bills.

  4. I'm not a big supporter of Rex, but I am a little surprised by all the negativity on the Board for him. I'd like to see what the off season brings and the cap money is managed to see if the team improves. I realize that includes Whaley and others in the organization, but I am so tired of the coaching carosel we have been through since Levy. If you look at who is in the playoffs you see Belichek, Carroll, Lewis, McCarthy etc. most of whom have long tenures in the league with their teams. Let's get the system down and see what happens. It's nice to say we've had a coach who has finally leveled the playing field where we compete every week. Except for a couple of games we were very competitive and had no real blow outs where the team seemed to stop trying.

  5. While the Sabres are much improved, Jack Eichel isn't the sole reason. I believe Tyrod plays well enough to give this team a chance to win each and every week. Unlike previous years, there hasn't been one game the Bills didn't have a good chance to win in the fourth quarter. We've had a couple of "tanking" years in the past 16 non-playoff years and didn't manage to get that franchise altering player. Who's to say it would happen even if we did finish last?


    Kelly was a 14th pick of the draft after they selected Tony Hunter with the 12th pick. Bills were 8-8 the year before.

  6. I did a little research on NFL team records in December and it looks like Teams that did well in December performed very well the following year regardless of their final record. Besides the usual suspects, Pittsburgh was 4-0 and so was Carolina and Dallas. Injuries derailed the Cowboys.


    Detroit, Atlanta and NY Giants were all 3-1, so it may not all predict the future although Atlanta started 5-0 this year. Unfortunately, the 5 of 6 games on the road probably didn't help.

  7. I say finish strong. The Jets won 2 of the last 3(their only loss was 17-16 to the Patriots)and look at where they are now. I have seen too many Bills teams run for the bus in my 45 years of following them. A good finish could have a positive impact on what has become another "lost" season.


    I keep saying it, but my MLB Pirates blew late season chances and had 20 years of futility until 2013. They've been in the playoffs 3 straight years and keep reloading in what is a more challenging situation with 2 big spending clubs fighting for the division.


    Time to reload, get the players we need for this defense and start beating the Patriots!

  8. I turned it off when it was 17-0 at halftime. Thought Detroit was going to blow them out. Sounds like what Sammy was talking about this week after the KC game. You've got to punch back when they score and it may have been the Lions didn't. Horrible way to lose a game though. Punch in the gut like our Monday night last minute meltdowns or maybe Music City revisited.

  9. Ok it took me a little while to get to this subject, but for what it's worth I'm a Pirates fan and it took us 20 years to even have a winning record. In 2011 & 2012, we even had a winning record only to falter in late season. Finally in 2013 we broke through and even made the playoffs as a wild card. This is in a league that is in a relatively small market and no salary cap.


    I'm hoping the same magic hits the Bills. Last year was close and this year we may even get closer, but at least we've had 2 seasons of winning records in that time. Things could be worse my friends. Beat Houston and its on to Philly. I think we still have a chance.

  10. I gave them a B for both teams. I like what is happening with the Sabres after 2 dreadful years. The Bills seem to be stuck in the middle with no franchise altering talent to be had in the draft. At least we made it to December again. Rex may or may not be the answer as head coach, but I hope we don't change coaches again. The merry go round of poor play has as much to do with coaching turnover as it does with player talent and execution.


    If we beat Houston and Philly to get in playoff position, who knows?

  11. I was wondering how the Dolphins blew out Houston several weeks ago to see if there was any insight as to what our game plan could be. Admittedly this is only a little research, but it consisted of big plays of 50 yards or more. Tannehill was 18 of 19 for 282 yards and Lamar Miller ran for 175 yards. The game was 35-0 before halftime and the Dolphin rested their regulars in the second half. All of Houston's scores came in the second half.


    My point is that we should try to hit the big plays like last week in KC. Tyrod throws a great long ball and Shady is capable of hitting the outside for some big runs. A little mix of Clay in crossing patterns and there you have it.

  12. I think Bills will make a comeback next week in front of the home fans. Its been 3 weeks on the road, so coming home may be just what the team needs. 1 win and they are right back in it as the other contenders are all within 1 game. I'm watching first half of yesterday's game and if they can keep it up for the whole game, we win.


    After 40 years of following the ups and downs of this team, I guess I am still an optimist.


    Pats fans are cautiously optimistic but are fearful that the losses on offense will impact Brady's play this week. Pressure in the pocket is what we need and double Gronk or jump on his routes as there has to be an expectation Brady will go his way because of past success.


    Buffalo needs to be aggressive and not sit on a lead if they get it. We've seen too many 4th quarter aand last minute comebacks from this team. Go Bills!

  14. To get back to the point the poster was saying, it is nice to see Bruce is doing well and I agree that he could have been a great game analyst. He chose another path and that is great. He sure gave us some great memories including that Super bowl sack of Hostetler for a safety.

  15. I would prefer to predict the second half record at 5-3 with games we win that maybe we shouldn't (Eagles, Cowboys) and games we lose that we shouldn't (Chiefs, Jets?). Assuming we go 9-7 at Year's end, who is the competition? I would say Raiders, Jets & Steelers are most likely, so let's look at their schedules.


    Raiders: Minnesota (L), Detroit (W), Tennessee(W), KC(L), Denver(L),GB(L), San Diego(W), KC(W) 8-8

    Jets: Houston (W), Miami(W), NY Giants(L), Tennessee(W), Dallas(L), NE(L), Bills? 9-7 or 8-8 depending on Bills game

    Steelers: Cleveland (W), Seattle (L), Indy (W), Cincinnati (L), Denver (L), Baltimore (W), Cleveland (W) 9-7 (Bills win tie breaker on AFC record)


    What do you think?

  16. A couple points I'd like to make.

    1. Shady was tremendous and really gave the offense a boost last night. That last series really sealed the win even though the Jets got it back. There were a couple of runs where he looked like he would lose yards and ended up positive. That is a huge difference for us this year.
    2. Fitz had several passes that were totally off the mark. Their defense forced so many 3 and outs and he couldn't take advantage with receivers who seemed to have beaten the Bill CBs. I figured he was good for a few picks but was surprised with the inaccuracy.
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