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  1. LOL! @Howard is our last name. But Marion tries to keep that a secret.
  2. Sorry for not making posts in a while. Marrion and I have been sooo busy lately! Marion didnt watch much of the bills this season. Hes been boycotting the nfl becasue they disrespected him and his fellow postal vets. he finaly watched the last game.. he had a boil removed from his bottom so he couldnt sweep the sidewalk like he usual does on sundays.. says he wants to fight that kiki punk.. or something.. i wasnt paying much attention.. anyway.. were taking the rv to florida this year to visit my sister agnes.. i hope @BringBackFergy and @CountryCletus are still doing well.. xoxo, Shirl
  3. hi @country cletus how are you.. im not aware of marion going to any dr kevorkan that i know of.. he only sees dr patterson on caz and once in a he sees a gout specialist on south park near holy family.. Shirl
  4. thought this was cute and wanted to make a posting of it.... reminds me of me and marion...
  5. Marion, you big goof! I told you its not on Sunday ticket. It's on the Yahoo channel. We have a TV in the camper. We have to go to mass in the morning, then to a flea market. Last time I was there this real nice Mexican lady had a cute statue of a cactus dressed like an old west bank robber, saying "STICK em up!" But she didn't take checks, and she said she should be there next week unless ice comes by. I don't see that happening with the weather here!!!! But its a dry heat. I'm trying to setvthe VCR so Marion can watch, but don't know what station the yahoo channel is. Maybe its on one of the other high channel? Maybe I need to use th 100+ button on to clicker! HELP US!!!!
  6. The Bills should pick him up. I'm not the football expert that Marion is, but he seems like a nice catholic boy! xoxoxo, Shirl
  7. It shouldn't cost that much. Hopkins diner is quite reasonable. Their Souvlaki is to die for!!!!! Shouldn't be more than ten dollars a person. Make sue you gets there before 4 though. Otherwise you're stuck paying an extra $2.50 for dinner prices!! Can't wait to see everyone!!!! Especially Cletus!!! LMBO!!! xoxo Shirl
  8. Just a little humor for your Thursday!!!! See everyone at dinner. XOXO, Shirl
  9. Seventy years, and Marion still won't buy a Toyota!!!!! Our neighbors have one, and it seems really nice. But Marion insists his Crown Victoria is the only vehicle we need!!
  10. So we're still excited to see everybody on Friday! But the location changed. Long story short, Marion got into an argument with the manager, and now refuses to go back there. He can be so stubborn!!! (Men! am I right ladies?!?!?!?!?! LOL!") Anyway, we're now meeting Friday, same time, at the Hopkins diner in South Buffalo. Can't wait to see all of you! xoxo, Shirl
  11. We would just LOVE to see you all there!!! Marion has had such a good time talking football with you guys. It would be wonderful. I hope Cletus is there. I'll pay for his meal, after all it's only fair. Xoxo Shirl
  12. You mean Roger??? XOXO Shirl
  13. Best Player, I've been telling Marion for years that he's not a veteran. But he insists that he served his county. He tried joining the real service out of high school, but they wouldn't let him in because of his condition. I figured, what the heck. He's not hurting anybody. So he goes down to the VFW and wears his little homemade Purple Heart from when a dog bit his bum back in '72. Kinda cute really.
  14. I've never cheated on Marion. However, he's accused me multiple times. But that's because his lazy butt does nothing around the house, so I have to invite Cletus over to Mow our Lawn, clean out our attic and stuff. Although the eye candy of a strong country boy around the house doesn't hurt. ;-)
  15. Marion you old coot! It's spelled HORSE!!!1! This is why they take advantage of you and stole your contest prize.
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