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New Improved DC Tom

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Everything posted by New Improved DC Tom

  1. So you've been a fan for...what, four days? You didn't see last week's game?
  2. "Your candidate is more incoherent than my candidate!" Yeah...but they're both incoherent, so...uh...congratulations, I guess?
  3. This dumbass thread is still here?
  4. What the ***** hell?
  5. Do you not remember when the news first floated the "Trump is putting kids in cages" story, but used an Obama-era photo of kids in cages? They had to pull the story, wait a few months, and restart it. That's how badly fools like you have been manipulated.
  6. Obviously, the first thing he should do is dismantle the Trump Administration's policy of publicly separating illegal immigrant families and detaining illegal immigrant children, and go back to the Obama Administration's policy of secretly separating illegal immigrant families and detaining illegal immigrant children...
  7. I've seen Bucky Brooks run a route. I think that counts.
  8. Bass against the Jets: 8 for 12. Against everyone else: 4 for 5. Solution seems obvious: bench him for Jets games.
  9. And my point is your point is ignorant, and based solely on the semantic construction of "National Socialist." And "centralized total power and control and all decision making" is a relatively poor description of Nazi Germany. It's also a poor description of socialism.
  10. "Watch?" I read books. About three thousand of them, which - at last count - included a good 25 on the socio-economics and politics of Nazi Germany. Tooze, Shirer, Evans, Kershaw, Overy, Carr. A few other's you've never heard of. And of course Speer and Hitler. But you go ahead and stick to television. I'm sure it's left you well-informed about labor relations under the DAF, or savings confiscation by MEFO bonds, or price fixing and resource rationing through the state-formed industrial cartels.
  11. "But forget reality! It's right there IN THE NAME!!!" Only idiots make that semantic argument. Why not explain HOW Nazi Germany was socialist? I'll even give you a head start: "People's Car."
  12. Clintons will have him dead within the hour.
  13. Oriental Obama? Hunan Hussein? Sino Soetoro?
  14. Really? You're an idiot. Welcome to the club.
  15. "ACB's nomination was sent to the Senate by a unanimous vote..."
  16. The whole point of the EC is to underweight populous states. You're basically saying you're against it. I'd call you an idiot, except I don't know if that's still allowed, and I don't want to put you on the same level as Tibs.
  17. That's a very incomplete study.
  18. Electoral politics. Both parties need illegal immigration as an issue to campaign on. It's why the immigration system will never be fixed. Same reason Roe v. Wade will never be overturned, and deficit spending will never be reined in.
  19. Counterpoint: he has no rational thought. Only feelings.
  20. He'll resign. He's the face man in a long con to get a minority woman the presidency.
  21. You forgot to hit the caps lock key.
  22. Let's see...his immigration policy, his fiscal policy, his tax policy, health care policy. Certainly continue his nepotism policies. About the only thing Biden wouldn't keep is Trump's foreign policy. Biden's definitely going to promote war in the Middle East and closer relations with both Russia and China. In fact, the first thing Biden probably does is lift Trump's sanctions on both countries, and Iran.
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