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New Improved DC Tom

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Everything posted by New Improved DC Tom

  1. Conservatively, he's probably lost $800m in net worth the past 4 years, just through trashing his brand.
  2. Well...clearly, none of you do. It's not "the simplest answer is correct."
  3. I don't think you understand Occam"s razor.
  4. No, she doesn't. This entier election is theater. Nothing more.
  5. It's not even that you people here are stupid, as much as how you wallow in it.
  6. Most of what you post is empty trolling. You exist only to get under people's skin. When you don't, you're actually a pretty decent poster. But that's rare.
  7. I mean...it's funny, but sad at the same time, as it shows how effective the news media's gaslighting really was.
  8. That's an insanely stupid article. It basically attributes the actions of mayors and governors to the president.
  9. It really is that simple. Biden got elected by a narrow margin because the alternative was Trump. Just as Trump was elected by a narrow margin because the alternative was Hillary. Maybe - and I'm just spitballing here - both parties should start running real, actual, mature human beings, and stop this ridiculous race to the bottom.
  10. Of course he did. And he'll probably write a book explaining how he won, but the office was stolen from him. And he'll probably plagiarize large swathes of it from "What Happened?"
  11. You wanted an echo chamber. A large number of posters here specifically and openly trolled this board with the stated purpose of destroying it. So have fun. You got your wish.
  12. Man, you people really need to get a life. You're an idiot.
  13. So Trump is taking Hillary's advice?
  14. He's never had dignity. If he had dignity, he'd have a second term.
  15. Just spent half my day dealing with that. Gov't department just caught up with patching their database up to 2012 security standards. Good luck with secure internet voting.
  16. The national popular vote is irrelevant.
  17. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/25/hillary-clinton-joe-biden-election-advice-401641 "Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out," Clinton warned.
  18. As a former crap throwing monkey, I approve this message.
  19. I am NOT on the goddamn Trump train. Believe me, if the election had gone the other way, I'd be trolling you Trumplestiltskins almost as hard. You're all cultists, on both sides of the aisle.
  20. Who the ***** do you think I am, you ***** lame-brain? That better?
  21. Seems like he is. But that trick is being ridiculously fast, so it works.
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