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Everything posted by IndyMark

  1. (a) Moulds, upon seeing Evans catch his 3rd TD, took himself out of the game. (b) The Bills trainer (according to Mort) never had an injury to Moulds reported to him during or even after the game. © A coach (WR? I cannot recall) requested him to go in the game and he refused. (d) During half time meetings/adjustments, Moulds was sitting in his locker listening to music and disregarded coaches. (e) Moulds failed to attend a meeting with MM on Monday morning. That is what I recall. Again, even if it is not 100% accurate, any one of those deeds would deserve the punishment.
  2. And if it is even remotely accurate then Moulds deserves to be "TO'd" this season. Apparently, this "10 yr vet" acted like a spoiled toddler last week and disregarded the coaches during and after the game. I would not have anticipated such an overt disregard for his team by Moulds, but he did not come off as attractively as those on this board have suggested. He deserved what he got and should feel lucky RW likes him or it could have been more.
  3. Why is it that the "counter views" use words like "all", "everyone", etc? Help me understand that? Generalizations weaken arguments. Moreover, I said an OPTION. I actually do not use that OPTION, but it is one and is probably better than the "other side" chooses which is to grab the childs arm, give the death glare because they are embarrassed by a two year olds normal emotions and use a death squeeze and threat to the child to "shut up or else". Is that what you "all" would like to see? No thanks; there are better solutions than the typical white trash, uneducated, lacking confidence, "blue collar proud" parenting options that was acceptable in the 50's. Oh I know, but you "all" turned out all right. Yes, evidence of that is found in the great socially progressive, always looking ahead, corporate and family destination known as WNY. Where those "core parenting skills" of "spank till it hurts" worked so well. Kudos!
  4. I responded to your post because you stated something in the line of "...pressing on while your child is throwing a tantrum.....is part of the problem". And you support that contention with the last line of the above quote. I respectfully disagree. Responding to a child's tantrum gets them what they want and that is attention. Ignoring a tantrum is a viable option. Maybe NOT everywhere (a fine dining establishment), but in a public place like a mall or store is perfectly acceptable. If we keep up the dialogue I am sure we would agree more than disagree.
  5. I stop at two or three ALL the time......because my children stop by then.
  6. No, I believe you are missing the point. But that is not shocking.
  7. This is not as "black and white" as one would think. Intuitively, if your child screams you feel like you should immediately "get in their face" and stop it. But then that reinforces that they should do that to get your attention. Ignoring it in a public place like a mall is really no big deal. If it bothers you move or ingore it. Sure a fine dining restaurant is slightly different but a store? No way. Deal with it. That said as a parent you should walk up to your child (who is screaming) and calmly say "once you talk to me like I am talking to you I will listent" OR " you have five seconds to stop or we are leaving right now". Both are great parenting choices. Yelling back, spanking or freaking out in embarrassment are NOT good parenting choices.
  8. Of who do you speak? Moulds Star player? Moulds? This year or two years ago? Last time I checked it was the '05 season and the wiley veterans have been inconsistent - like newbies.
  9. I agree, I was simply generalizing as inaccurately as the one poster that stated if you are NOT spanked you end up being a spoiled brat. I will try to be more overt in my sarcasm.
  10. Yea, as a parent of two relatively young children I really like the parents who dispense advice to me that they did not heed when they were in my shoes. I really find it funny that they "found jesus" so to speak and now feel compelled to tell me how to parent based on what they "wished they did". That is absolutely classic and appalling at the same time. And I agree with the author by the way, you can be a strong parent (and not spank) and have well behaved children in a restaurant. That is a fair expectation.
  11. And people who spank their kids end up with violent kids who believe physicality is the anwer to conflict. Huh, I wonder who is right?
  12. Slow down there Bflojohn, SA is rare; but more in the RAREly makes a play. SA is a huge (pun intended) dissappointment. He exemplifies everything wrong with this defense. Kiss and make nice...are you his agent? SA needs to kiss and make nice with the coaches, if not, he should be shoved out the door. He simply does not make plays with any consistency or when it counts. We can do better.
  13. You mean this season may be a "blessing in disguise" or that there maybe a 'silver linging' to this experience? I hope the eternal pessismists do not read this post, it may cause them to go overboard with their 'pat' responses; you know kind of like this: (a) take off your rose-colored glasses... (b) are you drinking the kool-aid.... © MM and TD must go.... (d) I have never EVER been so embarassed (depressed, blah, blah).... (e) I knew this was going to happen (f) put me in charge (g) Ralph Wilson is senile (h) the UAW would save this franchise (i) <insert the other drivel here> Seriously, I am in total agreement with you Bill. While as a fan, I am dissappointed with the record to date, as a realist it is about what I expected given our soft Defense and inexperienced QB and Head Coach. Things will get better.
  14. Spot on - THAT game induced embarrasment beyond compare. Today was just simply disgusting. A home game to get in the playoffs and losing said game is pathetic. Not a road battle of 4-7 "Titans" and losing in the last seconds.
  15. What all the posters (save for backinday) have said. MM can be critiqued on a lot, however, what the original poster stated is NOT one of them. Way off.
  16. I have been consistently vocal that 'we' are not the sturdiest fans in the NFL....by far...at least when you start reading the "sky is falling" / "I have lost my passion" blah blah blah from some on this board. Sure the Bills relatively suck right now, big deal....the NFL is a cycle. Have we not noticed that yet? For evidence, look at San Francisco (once consistent winners), look at Cincinnati (once consistent losers), heck look at Indianapolis (during the Bills prime they were pretty terrible).... Right now, for the Bills, it is a down time - that will change. It is normal to become less dramatic during games knowing we are not that good....it appears some people are so fragile that they link their self worth to a Bills GAME. Perspective people, perspective. And if you jump off the Bills bandwagon now, we will leave room for you later. Being fickle is not a crime, only a sign of weakness. So when you get the courage to root for you team again, we will all be here to embrace you. Being a fan of a team during the winning is easy, being a fan during the losing is a bit tougher. So you can respectfully bow out now if being a fan of a losing NFL team is too hard for you. We will welcome you back later.
  17. IIRC, you had mentioned that the best sippin Whisky was of the brand called 'George Dickel'. I was on my way to Tennessee to visit relatives and recalled that seemingly irrelevant information as I stopped at a liqour store to buy the hosts' a little something for their hospitality and chose a 1/5 of that. Good call! First, they loved it and respected the fact I brought Tennessee whisky and NOT Kentucky - moreover, they like Dickel better than that 'other' Tennessee whisky (actually a lot of Tenneseans like Dickel better than the 'other - they do not even call it by name!). Also, I really enjoyed it as well. It was smooth and not super sweet. Well done. Thanks.
  18. Bills 20 Carolina 10 How can you EVER EVER root against the Bills? Winning is always helpful and for several reasons. Imagine losing out the rest of the year....the lesson for the younger players and potential free agents, would be what? STAY AWAY. At least winning promotes something positive.
  19. That is some pretty good stuff - literally my third favorite beer. I have been drinking it for awhile after I first stumbled across it at an out of town liquor store. Great find!
  20. ....that is a very fair question and one that probably won't be answered this season. One would think JJ and SA would make a formidable tandem in the middle, but maybe the braintrust wanted DT's to compliment each other not mirror each other. That said, how much worse could our rushing D be, if we had infact, experimented with that DT tandem?
  21. Agreed. Plus he is a big boy - takes up some space and actually appeared to move his feet once or twice.
  22. I just traded away TO im my FFL three days ago - I kinda sorta feel bad for the recipient.......only a little bit.
  23. A government is corrupt for trying to stop the illegal drug trade? Your prediction is so enlightening as we have never had riots before on our own turf?? You absolutely have to be from somewhere other than the US with that bank of history knowledge - I agree - you must live in Quebec or some other French province
  24. The 'worst' FA OL signing? How about Ceasar Rentie. Yep, his signing (I believe the Bills first FA signing) was about the worst signing ever and it, apparently, was a sign of things to come regarding the OL - ugh - who would have known??
  25. Thanks for your reply, though a bit of advice, you should have a purpose or reasoning to a reply. You used many empty words and really had no point to what you typed, though I expected some of that. But thanks for paying attention.
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