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Everything posted by IndyMark

  1. Wait, you are unsure yet you want the writer to pick a side? Interesting perspective my fellow Bills fan.
  2. I got this sneaking suspicion that the Bills will be ok without your $. No disrespect intended. Just a gentle reminder that for every one of you there is someone who will jump at the chance to spend money on the Bills.
  3. and your suggestion of better moves is? (a) (b) ©
  4. Could be a disaster? Name one move RW does this season that could not be a disaster? Heck, firing MM could have been a disaster. Bringing in Haslett could have been a disaster. Hiring Mike Sherman could have been disasterous. Sure I agree, but you point out the 'safe' and obvious 'counter argument' that really applies to ANY move RW made.
  5. Listening to Marv is encourging at worst and simply motivating at best. At 80 he is sharp, astute, and considerably more funny than most posters on this board. Marv has forgotten more football knowledge than his detractors currently possess. This could be move of the year. Well done Ralph.
  6. Yes, but what about his work in 2005? It does speak for itself doesn't it? Sure TS was injured, but TS surely wasn't lighting up the field prior to the injury. And SA, had conflicts with JG as well as MM> While JG is probably a decent man and a good defensive coach he surely is not NFL DC coach material based on the D's performance this season. An utter failure on several levels. This may be the best move for the Bills this offseason...the BEST.
  7. Living in Indy during the time of the Colts HC turnover (Mora let go) it was clear and well documented that when Irsay heard TB let go Dungy he (Irsay) searched him out and hired him. Clearly, Polian was in support of this, but let us not think for a moment that Polian brought Dungy's name to Irsay and asked for his permission or that Irsay said to Polian "hey, hire whomever you want". I bring this up for several reasons: (a) many posters here continually say the GM needs to hire the HC for a situation to 'work'....this is NOT true 100% of the time (again see INDY). (b) many posters here feel RW is too hands on of an owner and that will not work. Again, see Irsay in Indy. You cannot get more hands on than he is (well maybe jerry jones) but he is a pretty active owner. Sure the media front is all Polian but the reality is Irsay drives that wagon. That is no secret to those that follow the team at all. © Therefore, that Levy or whomever did NOT hire MM, means almost nothing to the potential of success for the '06 Bills.
  8. Yes, it is evident the majority of Bills fans despise Flutie. That said, he is no longer a Bill and while his "look at me" actions do get old his persistence at being an egomaniac is somewhat compelling to look at - kind of like whenever you see police lights flashing on the road - you notice them and are almost driven to look to see what is going on. Therefore, Flutie is like an accident. Literally and conceptually speaking.
  9. This is the MVP of this thread. These 'teammates' that are troubled by JP sound more and more like whiny toddlers. Not the NFL players they purport to be. Evidenced by the D's pathetic performance and the record overall, then maybe they are soft. If that is the case, keep JP and cut the rest and start over. Sometimes, the problem is the 'other' people and not the one 'everyone' is talking about.
  10. I just read that book this summer; on a related note I also attended a session sponsored by a local library that focused on 'Rhetoric and Rhetoricians' with Andrew Jackson being a focus. Pretty interesting viewpoint and post-talk discussion. You will enjoy the book.
  11. Doogie Frutie was a Buffalo Bill??? Say it isn't so.
  12. I started CAR over CINN and am glad as CINN D bottomed out. I went with Bettis over Wells (another lucky selection) and the WR did not matter as both Curtis and Moulds underperformed.
  13. I ended up in our leagues championship game this week-end (thank you Carson Palmer and Larry Johnson). I acquired LJ straight up for Terrel Owens in an early season trade - I know, how ridiculously lucky was I?! Anywho, I am struggling with who my second RB should be; I have Jerome Bettis and Jonathan Wells. Which one would you go with? Secondly, I am not sure what recievers to play, my starters thus far are (a) Housmandazeh (sp?) Cinn (b) Moss, Randy © Curtis, Kevin. But I have (d) Moulds on the bench with (e) Porter, Jerry. Which three would any of you FFL'ers play? Lastly, which defense would you play between Carolina and Cinn _ I have them both. Thanks in advance.
  14. Absolutely. Going from a #2 ranked D to nothing is fairly dissapointing. I remember late summer reading posters here who were worried JP would let the D down and we are blowing the veteran D chance to win. The D let us all down time and time again.
  15. Tom Clements - gone. TD - stripped of personnel but still managing the books ???? - brought in to draft and head up personnel Tom Modrak - rides off in the sunset. Thoughts? Appease anyone? Is it likely?
  16. Agreed. We should call this Eric Moulds team, seeing how we are standing at 4-10 that would be pretty appropriate given EM's veteran leadership through out the season. Seeing how EM led the Bills to that superb win Saturday against the Broncos cements that fact that this, the '05 Bills are in fact EM's Bills. That said, can you see why some Bills fans want EM gone, now, like not soon enough?
  17. First, I will not even respond to your pulling in the 'war' aspect. My comments were clearly and solely related to a GAME. A football game. A Buffalo Bills football game. Whatever logic or secondary justification about protests overall you hold, are questionable in this thread. That said... You are free to protest any way you want as I am EQUALLY allowed to voice my comments on a 'protest' at a game. And let me repeat, as evidenced by the 58,000 or whatever amount of people at the game the 'orange' protest failed and in my opinion it was/is stupid to protest at a GAME. I appreciate your respectful disagreement as I also respectfully disagree that somehow protesting at a game can be grounded in a larger social context. A game is a game and life is life. Two different levels of significance.
  18. With all due respect, are you serious? You are entitled to NOTHING but admission while buying a ticket for an event. Geez, would you like some cheese to go with that WHINE.
  19. Every time an orange outfit was visible in the stands and the camera's zoomed in, it was great to see.......Steve Atwaters old jersey or Elway's #7 . Seriously, I am glad that stupid idea was embraced by almost noone following it. Save of course for the Moulds fellating fan club I hope these "protests" wither away. What stupidity on several levels.
  20. Hey Eric, shouldn't you be practicing or watching film?
  21. So he was a 'team player" in 2001? Should someone remind you or he that it is currently the 2005 season. That might help. Just because he said something in 2001 means almost next to nothing compared to his actions in 2005. Great justification, 4 year old evidence.
  22. Speculation. Yawn.
  23. First, admittedly, I do not spend a whole lot of time "observing" NFL players. That said, to respond to your inquiry, my logic is thus: EM actions do not surprise me because he is an NFL player. As such, he is not exempt from stupid, selfish, and maybe slightly detrimental behavior. It is not like he has earned 'citizen or philanthropist' of the year awards the ten years he has been in Buffalo. He has been solid for about 5 of the ten. The first couple were so -so and the last couple have been so - so. He has spent 10 years in the league and has had, oh I do not know, 6 quarterbacks. Thusly, he is probably (a) frustrated (b) jealous © tired. He probably looks at Marvin Harrison and repeatedly thinks to himself "if only". Therefore, watching a 2nd year guy like Evans get three TD's in the first half probably sent him over the edge. Not what one would expect from an 'exemplary' veteran, no matter the background. As my boss says to those who repeatedly B word, "you can always leave". EM apparently made some stupid choices and has to suffer the consequences (like it should be).
  24. With all due respect, what have you seen over the last 10 years that some of us have not? A report like this does not surprise me based on exactly your logic of "..what I have seen over the last 10 years".
  25. That is what I said "Mort reported". I did not mention an official transcript or video or judicial hearing. I will be sure to highlight your "speculations" in the future.
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