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Everything posted by IndyMark

  1. IndyMark


    Who are these people that are claiming this? Plus, I wonder should we give those people any credibility by perpetuating and continuing their ginormous and unmatched stupidity? I am sure you also mis-stated your last sentence as there is no way you are genuinely curious about people's responses here......are you? The ONLY and absolutely ONLY thought on this is that the people that believe Damar Hamlin was impostered during the superbowl are lunatics and contribute nothing to society. So, all of the Bills / Bengals / and UoC Hospital staff were fake too? Or if not, they played along? With as much respect as is deserved, how did you land at the point that this was a good topic to start? Honestly, I am curious. Go Bills!
  2. You took a lot of liberty with the English language with this post my friend; A LOT of liberty. Me thinks you should not post while liquored up. On a more serious note, thank you for the laughs. Your post was funny and should age really well for you.
  3. I listen to a few Bills-centric podcasts but I would not consider them my favorites. I guess I listen in a way that liberals tune into Fox and conservatives tune into CNN, curious to see an alternative view. Locked on with Marion? Decent. Yet, he is not unique or trained in any way and it shows. His "analytics" and analysis of data most of the time is weak - his logic a lot of the time is flawed and he draws erroneous conclusions based on the data. He probably should take a few statistics classes as it is painful to listen to him try to connect dots. Yet, clearly he is a passionate fan, is proud of his work, and puts time into it. His podcast is fine. Yet, he is wrong as much as he is right and some times he tries too hard to make something fit his narrative. Shout? I will tune into it a few times a season to see if it improves and as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west it has remained a hastily put together echo chamber. If one believes in Karma do NOT listen to this podcast. They will make platitudes and absolute claims that make you cringe. I.E., The Bills will blowout the Dolphins it will not be close.....game over by halftime, blah, blah, blah. They are equally biased on how they observe players, well some players, where some players are all-stars no matter their lack of production and others are "misses" even though they are the only one's making plays. OneBillsLive - It is way too long. I have never made it to the end of a podcast. Never. 30-35 minutes tops. You can tell they are sponsored by the Bills. Enough said. I do appreciate some posters above that have identified other Bills-centric podcasts as I will try those. Interesting question for sure.
  4. Ah, like anything in life you take the good with the bad. I find it perfectly reasonable and expected to have a wide range of views. I certainly would not visit this site if it was pure pollyana-ish trope delivered with child-like wonderment. If I want that I would go visit the SHOUT podcast....talk about prattling on in an echo chamber. I look forward to passionate fans that may or may not have a clue of what they watch or what they talk about. Perhaps the problem is with some high volume posters whom think they have some clout or expertise just because they have created tens of thousands of posts....maybe even loop a moderator or two in there as being more of the problem than a solution. Truly there are some "esteemed" posters here that have no idea what they talk about and are nothing more than week-end warriors and would be scouts....BUT I love reading their posts as it is really funny to see how excited they are with themselves. Bottom line, I would never want to filter raw authentic thoughts or emotions and the reason this place is awesome is because it is real and not scripted or tightly filtered.
  5. Oh my. What a sobering, heartfelt, raw, and emotional read. I continue to send positive and healing vibes to the family and the Sabres and Bills, who have endured a really challenging period of time. This article should give, both, pause and clarity to those that kept wondering and speculating. Channeling the most genuine and sincere gentleman of the Bills, Marv Levy, as I read this article not only do I agree with a poster above of Terry coming across as the quintessential "dad", I can also see him reiterating this outloud: "Fight on, my men," says Sir Andrew Barton, "I am hurt, but I am not slain; I'll lay me down and bleed a while, And then I'll rise and fight again." Pulling for the Pegula family.......Terry and Kim will fight again. Go Bills!
  6. Ditto the above. The shine is off the Bills, particularly with how that last game looked on TV for the rest of the country. We should be grateful. Minimal prime time, more 1 pm-ers.......no issue with that. Bills are better chasing than being chased.
  7. ^^^ This. Hard to argue here. Yet, that ship has sailed, the question remains how to correct it? Trade Oliver either for a OL in the same boat as him or for draft capital and use that for the OL. Time for Beane to correct the mistakes. No reason not to try.
  8. So Ed as an OLB? Interesting. I actually think they should try Ed as a FB like the Ravens do. But beyond that Ed is not a fit along the DL for a 3 -4 at all. Way way too small and delicate for the NT.....not long enough for the DE. I could see exploring the OLB with him, but I think it would quickly come to light how limited he is outside of a 3DT with a huge 1DT teammate.
  9. I have to believe Beane and McD have done, and are doing, some deep soul searching and reflection on why they just cannot seem to take that next step. I firmly believe they are. What I am not convinced is that they are accurate in the conclusions they are forming. But, maybe this past year forces them to see some ugly truths about their decisions to date. At least, that is why I am hopeful. I think smart people eventually can realize they are a problem. And if they are secure enough in themselves they can accept it and get better. While there are things Beane and McD display that I just do not like or get, one thing you cannot argue is that they are super defensive. Protective? Yes, absolutely. Defensive? Not yet. If you are defensive you are not reflective, this is why I think deep down both Beane and McD have realized, "f*&$, what was I thinking?". If Beane can get out of his own way and finally accept that investing in a quality OL is a priority and if McD can get past his (very genuine and respectful) allegiance to Leslie Frazier then that is a start. A good start. Will they? Who knows. I am a Bills fan, so I am going to believe.....not with rose colored glasses, but I will believe. If not, why would anyone continue to be a fan?
  10. I know you are not asking this, but in no universe would that be a coherent move. In a perfect world we trade Oliver this offseason. I would take a 5th for him. And for those that state he produces more than a 5th, my counter argument is does he produce like a $10M per year player? We all know the answer to that one. Sure, if Beane could get a 4th or 3rd you take that in a nanosecond and assert that Beane is a true Wizard. For those stating Oliver is worth a 2nd.....you have no clue what you are watching. If Beane could get a 2nd for Oliver this offseason, Beane should be inducted in Canton this August. Oliver is a below average to average talent. When we needed him the most, he disappeared. Shave off the salary hit, plug in Bryant or Ankou or any late round pick or FA and reinvest that money into the OL. At worst bring in competition for him, much like those that want to have Brown challenge for his spot on the OL. Do the same for Oliver, then. What has he done that he should be penciled in as a starter? I'll wait.......
  11. Fair. But it will never be clear cut, per se. Easy to move away from one position toward another when time to pick. Typically never consensus on BPA, anyway, among everyone here and even experts. I thought we were trading for Aaron Rodgers?
  12. 100% BPA, aside from QB. Every round.
  13. Again, another goofy comparison on Ed. In another thread someone mentioned Ed and Aaron Donald were the same size and with that they would take Ed. Now a comparison with Diggs and double teams. I am at a loss. What is the play here? An unending line of excuses for his lack of impact? Leading up the Bengals game with 3 back up linemen some here were just sure "Big" Ed was gonna eat, he was gonna have a day, he will be the game changer. Guess what? .5 of an assist on a tackle. That is what. Was he injured? As many NFL'ers state at that time of the season, who isn't injured? If he was that injured why play him? No way a 75% healthy Oliver is better than a 100% anyone who can play DL. It does not work that way. Also, just to be accurate, no where did I state larger and sturdier equals more talent. What I stated is we would benefit from that, simply to due to the physics of the IDL position. Evidence? See the Eagles. They are considerably larger at the DT position and with talent that becomes an issue for an offense. Ed has shown his talent limitations, and sure under the ideal conditions at times he can play well. We should not be ok with that, as a top 10 pick. He should be a force on his own, but he needs too many things to be ideal for him to truly be a disruptor and he is not large enough to make it happen under less than ideal conditions. I get it. The down votes and googly eyes will come.....I am ok with that.
  14. I think you misunderstood. We would put another player in the 3DT slot, not just remove Ed and leave it blank. The preference would be someone a bit larger and sturdier whom can perform in less than ideal conditions. I do not think anyone said remove Oliver and leave blank? 'Cuz there is no way you are saying Ed is irreplaceable, are you? Spoiler alert = he is quite replaceable.
  15. Wait a minute! How 'bout we plug Ed Oliver into the Guard position. Boom! Two problems solved. No need to thank me Brandon Beane, just doing my part. Next problem?
  16. Fair. Yet, Ed is not someone one builds around or an opponent schemes around. A new DC would be focused on Groot and Miller, then maybe Jones. I do not understand how a DC would do anything with Oliver. He should not be the focus of the DEF. Groot, Milano, Miller....even Edmunds those are the disruptors and play makers. Ed is just not built to disrupt anything.
  17. I agree we would not get much for him, but I would take draft capital for him, no question. Yet, I wonder if we take the approach of doing the safest thing, if that is the best route? The safest thing we could do is keep Leslie Frazier. As they saying goes, "it is better to work with the devil you know versus the devil you do not know". Personally, I prefer not to keep Frazier. But it would be the safe thing to do.
  18. After it is all said and done, trades and FA, aside from QB the pick will be BPA. As it should be, to me any way. The last time that was evident for the Bills, as I recall it was with Sam Cowart and that worked well until an injury. We were not deeply in need of an ILB, yet picked him and it elevated our defense. Again, not saying we go defense, just saying we go BPA aside from QB. I do recall there was some disbelief with that pick, but again, it ultimately was a smart choice. I feel this is our route. I hope it is.
  19. I have been super critical of Ed and it is somewhat comforting, in this thread, to see the "defense" of Ed be tempered from prior conversations. In the past the descriptors of: (a) Elite (b) Big and (c) he knocks the piss out of opponents were consistently used and I think we can all agree those were and are overstatements. Similarly, I think we are all in agreement that he needs the perfect situation to excel, and that being (a) a big nasty 1DT next to him (b) a healthy elite Edge rusher (c) him being blocked 1:1 and (d) him being lined up over an OL whom is not elite. To me at least, that reinforces that he is not in the category of Allen, Diggs, or Milano on how critical he is for the Bills to succeed. In fact, I imagine Brandin Bryant could perform as well as Ed if all of the above were in play. To some degree what professional DT could not? This stated, I am coming to terms with the reality he will be on the Bills next season. What gives me a glimmer of hope is that Beane spoke quite differently of him versus Singletary when it comes to how they view their future with the team and how they appreciate, respectively, those players. And at that, if we could trade him for a comparable OL (in 5th year, drafted high, had potential, is just not expressing it in current situation) Beane should do it ASAP. I would honestly consider trading him for a 6th, or 5th, or if Beane could get to a 3rd he is a true WIZARD. The bottom line, Ed seems like a super good dude, but his rate limiting factor cannot be "coached up" or "schemed around"; in fact here are the Eagles DT's: DT 6-4 310 DT 6-6 336 DT 6-2 305 DT 6-4 328 DT 6-4 307 DT 6-3 290 And Ed = DT 6' 1" 287 lbs He just does not fit, anthropometrically speaking, into what we need our DT's to do. Funnily enough, as I expressed this in a prior thread a poster argued that Ed was similarly sized as Aaron Donald. Not sure they realize that is not the flex they thought it was. And proves that some people truly do not know what they are looking at. If fully healthy with the aforementioned situation, is Ed a serviceable DT for the Bills? Sure. Yet, with what we just witnessed, I am not sure serviceable is what we should be striving for, you know that growth mindset and all. Beane and McD need to be better and do better in shoring up the lines. Both OFF and DEF. PS- if we trade Ed and he goes all Wyatt Teller on us? Good on him. Really. I would be thrilled for Ed. Yet, him getting 10 sacks from the interior DT position? Whew, that is quite the speculation.
  20. In my eyes, Beane unequivocally: (1) Supports Dorsey and is bringing him back. No doubt. (2) Made a clear distinction with how he views a player like Singletary versus a player like Oliver; watch his very different responses to nearly the same question on each player.....super telling. <HINT- WATCH and listen to his response> (3) Appears to be feeling the heat from Terry Pegula - to me Beane, for the first time, appeared uncomfortable and at a loss for something savvy to say more often than not. (4) Tried to explain away, too often, the reasons for player underdevelopment, instead of owning it and acknowledging coaching needs to be better. (5) Failed miserably in his attempt to explain away why Cinncinnati was able to build a roster versus what he has been doing. (6) Likely knows next year will be a huge disappointment for the fan base. I hope I am wrong, but the vibe I got was not encouraging. Not one of his better press conferences, understandably so. Truth be told he should be feeling a little heat, while he has made super smart decisions, he also has a few major misses that have led us to the point we are at right now. Go Bills!
  21. I do appreciate your reply and thoughts here. Funnily enough, and I think I am correct, I do not think Ed started the Bengals playoff game. He sure did play early and maybe on the first series but technically he did not start the game - I think the first play Ankou was on the field. That notwithstanding, I actually do not think Ed is starting caliber. Depth? Ok. Starter? We need better. But I am fine agreeing to disagree here.
  22. Well to be fair, this is a discussion forum and one could argue every single post is (and I think you mean) non-sensical. Literally, I could argue every post is non-sensical. You know, normativity and all. Anywho, the point remains he was a bad pick, not worth the cap hit, sadly will likely be on the team next year (really who would trade for him, maybe the Texans for that hometown edge?), and severely underperformed over this time here. Anyone that believes he is vital to what we do has absolutely no clue what they are looking at. Yes, we get to keep Ed another year, unless a trade partner comes skipping down the hallway. Also, let's be honest, whomever we theoretically could sign for Ed likely would be an upgrade. He just is an average player. Again, being able to identify and recall the one game he was a force this year, is revealing. I can balance that with the Titans game last year where they literally ran right at and over Ed. Henry's monster run was right at Ed.
  23. Agreed! Again, he seems like a really good dude but he is so dependent on other things to be a game changer particularly for a top 10 pick. Top ten picks should be disruptors on their own. He totaled zero tackles yesterday and 1 assist. Against 3 back up OL. Was he doubled teamed? Sure at times but not every snap and against back ups as well. Sure we all remember his game against the Lions this year and Saints last year - he was a force. However, to me that is the precise issue, you can recall and nail down the exact two games he dominated over 2 seasons (33/34 games). That tells me all I need to know about how to prioritize him remaining with the Bills. If we are being honest, he is replaceable; a JAG as they say. Beane will be considered a wizard of epic proportions if he can find a trade partner for Ed and get anything below (5th, 4th, 3rd....) a 6th round pick. 50% turnover on the DL; this is what I speculate.
  24. Agreed, that play in and of itself should get a DC fired. Negligence. If your players are "with you", prepared, and ready to execute the game plan, that play does not happen. Ever. Sure the players did not show up, but neither did the coaching for the most part.
  25. Agree for the most part, I like the core you identify for us to keep. Though I question if Miller will really be ready when he says. It likely will be an October / November return at best. Easy to say 9 months now, so far out. See Tre' White for details. Lots of work to do, however. I am afraid McD's or Beane's loyalty to their own is giving them blinkered vision. I feel DaQuan was our DL mvp this year. Groot will be fine and Lawson was a pleasant surprise but beyond that we need to commit to genuine competition in camp. Put a premium on playing time. Ankou and Jonathan proved they have potential and each severely outplayed Oliver and Philips yesterday....OIiver registered 1 asst and 0 tackles...yikes! From a top 10 pick. That hurts. But, I would not look at the draft until later rounds, I would sign players to reserve / futures by the barrel full and then look to free agency first. Regardless I feel we are looking at about a 50% turnover on the DL next year (keeping Jones, Rousseau, Lawson with Ankou and Jonathan hanging around). Everyone else? Good luck.
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