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Everything posted by IndyMark

  1. You make too much sense for a Bills fan. By the way, well stated. While I would have liked Haslett, I will wait before it is official and wait until I hear ML and DJ actually utter words. Heck for all we know, Mike Sherman said he could build a winner in 3-5 years and both ML and RW said NO WAY...we want to win NOW. That could be a deal breaker or maker.
  2. Prayers indeed......best.
  3. Steve Mariucci will be in town (Buffalo) Thursday through Saturday. A local real estate agent will be showing him 5 houses.
  4. Yes, but one thing that is being missed in this thread is that the Colts had three timeouts left.
  5. A double, triple, or quadruple AMEN. Passion means somethings, especially combined with experience. Haslett would be an instant upgrade.
  6. I got the Bicycle brand for a relative with a slight disability, and when we all play cards together it works seemingly fine. Price is right.
  7. I was on the phone with them most of the night, they should be calling you soon. I had to turn them down. No way was I going to take a job with the organization in flux and them being the laughing stock of the league....at least that is how my man Clayton views it. I am staying away from the job like the 'plague' - I have found the wisdom and courage to do so by a faction on this board that has enlightened me that the only job to take in this world is the one that is completely set up for success - that requires absolutley no challenge and is the proverbial 'risk free' no brainer. Because nothing is ever gained by taking a risk and challenging yourself, right? Oh, by the way, Mariucci takes the job early next week.
  8. We love Haslett because he is the ONLY one to even remotely hint that he would stoop so low as to actually take a HC job in the NFL for the Buffalo Bills. You know, the organization that is the worst professional sports organization or at least in the last decade. Just ask Pencil Neck Geek Boy. It is the same organization that just cannot win, or is a place for success. Just ask MM (strong words given how successful he was here). Really, there is no way anyone at any level would find this job attractive. Just ask all the experts on this board who think that the HC position of the Bills is a 'plague' to stay away from. That, my friend, is why we love Haslett. He is the only human alive to stoop so low as to actually try to coach in this organization.
  9. I needed your words about two responses ago - well said. He actually suckered me into responding to his urine.
  10. Wow, Grant you are so witty. Your personal attacks and sarcastic dispostion, while you believe to be carefully crafted, ultimately yield the hypocrite you are. We could banter on endlessly and, I imagine in some warped way you would find that appeasing to your self worth. But alas, my friend Grant, I just like to stop by here see what is up and leave the big thinking logic-based arguing to the heavy hitters like yourself. While forums like this serve multiple purposes, validating self ought not be one of them (I hope you were sitting for that). I hope you had a good time and feel better now - because the reputation of the Bills is on the line after all and who better to right the ship or get everyone thinking the same way other than you? That is a big job and I am sure your perception of your self is up to it. It has been a pleasure Grant.
  11. That is a pretty selective memory, my friend. Look at your intial response to me. So when you call me ignorant that is NOT a personal attack? Your panties are all uptight because you think all of the NFL is laughing at us. Big deal. Did you conveniently forget our 4 consecutive superbowl losses? Yea, cause no one laughed at us then Your Psychology 101 analysis was cute, in a "look at me I just finished my first year at college" kind of way. Since when did backing up arguments with facts become a rule on this forum? Hey, if you feel strong and smart after posting here - good for you. You probably need it. Bottom line, no one knows how the Bills will pan out over the next few months. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.
  12. So you are saying that an NFL HEAD COACHING job is unattractive? Really? That is an interesting perspective. Oh, that is right I cannot match wits with someone as clever as you. By the way, nothing but immaturity and worry was 'obvious' in your post. You appear to 'melt' with pressure and get super nervous if things do not go your way. There is medicine or therapy for that....or you just can wait and grow up. Either way, in about 1 or 2 months your words will ring hollow.
  13. And if I were a coach in the NFL I would look at the Buffalo situation as very promising. So what is your point? You wanted the removal of TD and MM on YOUR terms? With all due respect who are you? This board and the comments of people regarding RW, ML and the 'handling' of MM clearly cement the fact that Buffalo fans are fickle and weak, by and large. A few years back someone stated that 50% of the Bills fans will B word once we win the superbowl because we didn't win it 'their' way. At one point I thought that was laughable. Now, not so much.
  14. I agree. There are multiple examples of a HC during their first stint - not doing so well, then changing venues and becoming a pretty good to excellent HC. Examples you ask? Heh, Belicheck, Shanahan, Wade Phillips, Marv Levy. I will stop there as the point is well substantiated.
  15. ...not with him holding those pictures and streamline videos of RW. Nope, unless he gives those up he is a 'lifer'.
  16. That would pretty much send the pessimist Bills fans here right to a bridge...a tall tall bridge. Much contemplation among the Bills fans brethren here - what a great offseason this is turning out to be.
  17. nor humor. You need an element of humor to make a SITuational COMedy. And as of now, I am not finding much humor in the Bills of late.
  18. Amazing isn't it? I wonder why this story is not or was not highlighted on the national news? Oh yea, that's right according to the media and the terribly informed Hollywood, we average Americans are the 'real' terrorists, we are what is wrong with the world, we are stupid Americans, who want want want and kill kill kill to push democracy and capitalism down the throats of the otherwise perfect world. Thanks for reminding me.
  19. Me, I noticed a downfall in the Bills once Dan Brandenburg left. If anyone needs to be resigned and brought back in the fold it is Dan B.
  20. I think a 1:1 ratio is about right (those leaving in protest and those willing to enter the market). I never said how long the line was, so I am not sure how you think I over estimated the line. But, hey, whatever.
  21. To me, hiring Marv Levy was NOT odd. And no I do not have blinders on. I have stated before Marv has forgotten more football knowledge then this (well this will be new) ENTIRE BOARD of posters possesses. Please understand, this is a fan board for a football team. If any of us knew one bit of anything about the NFL we would NOT post here. We (myself included) have opinions of what it takes to make a successful NFL team but NONE of us has really a clue. Have you not noticed the hypocritical, egomaniac, 'well I know..", stuff that gets posted here? Hell, I used to be a roommate of a Sports Medicine staff member imminently linked with the Bills. And I talk to him regularly and feel like I have a few knowledges about the Bills not generally known. And not once have I made a claim with that as a preface. Out of respect him and the spirit of this 'forum'. Running an NFL team and a sucessful one is slightly outside the scope of the experts here. And while it is great to have 'counter' views to the "Man" or whatever the enemy is. It is also ok to be fully supportive of the Bills.
  22. I think you copied and quoted the wrong response as what you typed has absolutely no correlation or relevence to my response. If you believe otherwise, help me understand where I said I am against dissenting views. I love alternate views, it is the pompous mean spirited responses I have a problem with.
  23. During the emergence of Jim Kelly and the superbowl runs, the Bills selling games out was not a guarantee per se, many went to the wire, no? (so to speak - thursday at noon or what ever or bailouts from Ralph or a company). BY THE WAY, I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE GAMES SOLD OUT, BUT FANS WERE 'WORRIED' ABOUT THEM BECOMING SO. So what is the difference from then and now? I responded more to the point that big deal about someone saying they will pull their money away from the Bills in 'protest'. Ironically, I had mentioned that same thing (not attending games) after attending the Miami game this year and was embarrased by the white trash, thug wannabee displays from drunk 22 year olds and I was met on this board with 'you won't make a difference' by not attending future games. Another example of interesting Bills fan logic.
  24. LOL, while I absolutely agree with the opening thread, I fully realize the need and actually appreciate counter views. I especially like the narrow minded, short sighted, and stupid view points that are continually laced with vile and cynicism. Moreover, knowing this comes from a population that tends to be weirdly driven to 'thump their chests' and are obnoxiously compelled to prove they were 'right' I feel so smart upon reading their elementary drivel. It is almost addicting reading the 'alternate' views on this board.
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