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Everything posted by IndyMark

  1. Bourbon (Eagle Trace) and Pepsi One. A perfect finish from the fish fry earlier.
  2. I fully agree that looking at open space cannot infer under or over population, but neither can sitting on a 'full' plane; like the original poster stated. You should address your logic to that post, but mine is fair game also.
  3. So you are saying Marv spent ALL his time on Wells and the Chicago DL? Really? ALL of his time and effort. I am pretty sure you do not really mean that, I mean he probably spent SOME time with Davis, Triplett, Royal, and Bowen. So if Marv tries to sign someone and if he fails, then that is bad (Pickett, and ?). And if Marv doesnot try to sign a player then that is bad (Bentley and ?). And if Marv signs someone then that is bad (Triplett et al). So basically Marv can do no right, no? Marv is set up for failure and can not possible succeed given those assessable parameters.
  4. Interesting summary. I would think by flying one would learn how UNDERpopulated the earth is. Have you looked out the window when flying from the Left to Right coast or visa versa? There is a lot, alot, of open space. Flying does give people perspective. And it is rather interesting how different those perspectives can be.
  5. Absolutely a candidate for post of the year. Polian has got to be one of the luckiest people in the NFL - ever. Spot on.
  6. Actually, no one said that. However, it is just as interesting (using your logic) that so many here think ALL that Marv has done is wrong. That is perplexing, given: (a) He has not even been on the job 6 months. (b) Free Agency has not even ended. © The draft has not occured. (d) Summer Camp has not happened. (e) Pre-season has not happened. (f) We have not played our first game yet. While I may not agree with every move Marv has made, I decided to give him time and let him do it his way. I am fairly confident he will not seek my (or anyone here at TBD) opinion on football matters. Why is it so imperative or impressive to be a naysayer? Trust is actually a good thing, especially when speaking about something so completely irrelevant to the big picture of life such as the NFL. Sure Marv ought to be critiqued as an NFL GM; the problem is that no one, absolutely no one, here on this board (me included) has one iota of an idea of how to assess him (outside of W-L record); which ironically supports my contention that it is too early to say good or bad. Marv will make mistakes....everyone does (except maybe the negative posters here who probably do not do anything risky enough to fail at anything) so why is it so important to try to pick on Marv now, when he has not been given enough time to be judged? Can we not wait until Late November?
  7. Two kids and they are watching Toy Story, I have seen it about 29 times. So I decided to check into the think tank of TBD. Fun times for sure. Kinda seems like this board was built for times like this, no?
  8. I will see your and raise you a . There.
  9. by how much he will win, we may never know. Hey, so I am being antithetical and pugilistic to the naysayers of the current state of the Bills. But the last I checked, we are 0-0 like the rest of the league. History indicates the Redskins, for all their offseason 'activity', will likely fizzle in mediocrity and the Dolphins will somehow self-implode. Both of which should allow Bills fans some level of comfort at this point in time. Marv will deliver as he always has. The Bills will surely surprise most fans this upcoming season. There is no where to go but up for the Bills (and yes I fully understand 2-14 is not 'up' but they are no where near headed for that record - jeez we play the jets twice). The offseason was built for optimism; how can one be negative now, unless of course that is your mental 'homebase' 52/7/24. Then it begs the question why even follow the Bills? It is not your right. It is a privilege. Take it for such. And yes, my rose colored glasses fit nice and the Kool-aid tastes super. It is better than feeling like I should jump off a cliff, by the way.
  10. ...yes, there is that option.
  11. I would venture to guess it will be someone who is not yet on our roster. Speculation I know, but I do not think Marv is near done 'tweaking' the roster to his liking.
  12. Is the wingspan / strength / durability of Whitworth better than the technique / meanstreak of Colledge? Some 'experts' suggest their lower body strengths (or lack thereof) as a liability needing to be addressed. For those who are OL experts, are either of them 'convertible' to LT? I ask, simply because I can see Marv loading up on OL at some point in the draft and yet, for 'value' purposes could see us taking a 'best player' available in the first round with the intention of selecting OL from that point on. Next up would be figuring out a second round value OL pick.....
  13. Now that is a witty and clever response, well done. You are learning. And keep up correcting my informal conversational grammar as it has not gotten old yet. I will save highlighting your typing errors for another day, yawn. I will give you a hint, though, it relates to your excessive use of the three periods in a row. But, you do not want to be called a hypocrite do you? Ironic how things go full circle, one minute you call out grammar (for no good reason) and, yet, you fail writing 101.
  14. Wow, you are a dictionary. Impressive; as is your use of "um". That tends to validate my hypothesis that this exchange is more conversational than formal. But why let fact ruin your imagery? I have a life size picture of you sitting at your terminal giggling (or giving high fives to your 'buddies') thinking you are all bad and have 'won' because you can so accurately point out typo's or mis-spellings. You must have a lot of time...which then would validate another hypothesis I have, but I am confident you would not comprehend it. You are priceless. Run spell check on this board?
  15. Um, BenchBledsoe, I never said his lack of education was a bad thing, per se. In fact ignorance is bliss. I simply feel bad for that particular human. As evidence by the running feud in this thread, other posters tend to agree. Nice try at pointing out hypocricy, however, even when it is not there In case you missed the memo, a typo in conversational and INFORMAL writing (as this) hardly equates to flawed logic in a similar environment. But, hey, why nitpik (spelling????) when you can grasp at straws.
  16. My guess, you are still in high school or that is the extent to which you have been formally educated. Really, I feel bad for you and am not going to engage you anymore. It would not be fair. You probably need all the help you are currently recieving...which by your disposition is probably alot. Seriously, I am not being facetious here - I am sorry for you. God bless and good luck. That said, I would suggest to you that Karma probably does play a role in the big picture of life, so maybe you ought to relax and spend time bettering things for yourself, for what it is worth.
  17. Yes, considering opening day is in two weeks you are absolutely correct. We are dooooooooooooomed. Last I checked, it is still March. Slightly early, even premature, to remotely generate an opinion on anything Bills related. Which begs this question? Are you a fan? Hey, I absolutely do not agree with everything the Bills do - no koolaid here bucko - however, to relentlessly mock those smarter than you and thump one's own chest in disagreement is fairly juvenile, no?
  18. You forgot to mention how dumb Marv (or senile..which is the flavor of the day for you geniuses?)...is for letting Bannan go. That certainly adds to the sinking ship of the Bills that you speak of. Additionally, I would submit that by not committing to EM we are cemented in as the complete laughingstock of the NFL for at least another decade, no? Given EM perfect season last year and his professional mentoring he clearly demonstrates why we do not give him a 10 yr deal is ridiculous. Let's review: RW gets mocked in media for (accurately) not understanding the CBA. Marv is old. We let go of Sam Adams (yawn) We let go of TD We sign a DT We sign a WR We sign a blocking TE We did NOT sign Bentley We did NOT sign EJames We did NOT sign "xxxx" Holy christ.....what is happening to the Bills? For all we fans have done for them over the years they OWE US!!!! Big time! The gall of RW to run the Bills as if he OWNS the team. That grates me to no end, doesn't he know us fans (especially the phenomonal WNY natives) DESERVE better?? Amen brother we are doomed and 0-16 for the next 8 years here we come! Is that better? Is that the type of post you are looking for? Cuz that is easy..
  19. Ditto. And let me prempt you - I am refering to your response not my own.
  20. Dear Bills fans, Allow me to introduce you to example #98 of what I like to call 'what-the-fkcu' logic and posting. Notice his observations....ok....now really focus on his keen insights and evidence of the examples he cites...following you will notice the sweeping generalities and wimpy rhetoric......finally, he culminates his thoughts into a super sissy-hissy fit and draws the most wacky conclusion laced with the oft-cited 'I-told-you-so-ness' so common to these brilliant thinkers..........brilliant simply brilliant!
  21. It makes RW out of touch for the 'experts' and 'fans' on this board because they have a hard-on for bloviating, pontificating, and confabulating. You know the WNY way. Challenge everything, never trust 'the man', shout to be heard, and what ever you do, never, absolutely never be 'embarrased'.....cuz that shows weakness or something. Oh, I forgot that they like to react and say something quickly in response to something. There is no real need to reflect and think something through. Nope. Charge ahead and spew something, but never, never, sit back and actually consume information and try to understand an alternate response. Nope, go with your first blush reaction, cuz that is the best way to respond to any situation. Instinct. The last few days on this board have been really enlightening. Some of the 'fans' here have take ignorance to a whole new level. The irony of blasting 'the man' is so profound, they do not even see it. RW at 87 is more astute than the naysayers here whom are probably 55 years younger. Let me predict their position on this -"I am a fan of RW, so I have rose colored glasses on and am trying to stifle their 'right' as a fan to voice their informed disagreement". Yep, their extensive knowledge of logic is super impressive - for a third grader.
  22. ....well put.
  23. This the ultimate example of needing to read a thread in full; post by post. Some funny stuff. Though, the simple phrase 'pickle juice' can be a thread killer so please use sparingly. Note to self, be on look out for fishead story lines. I will try to cull a few ideas from daily life and pass along to ieatcrayonz........either that or stay far far away from future posts by him/her. fun time, eh?
  24. This thread got moved as I was trying to respond good call.... I believe the fact that 1 in 3 "claims" regarding Katrina and the aftermath are proving to be false pretty much sums up why the situation is what it is.
  25. Mine (wife) teaches 1st grade as well and ALWAYS brings work home; though her students score and perform in the top 3-5% of the state continually and have been recognized nationally and on PBS so I guess "time" is relative. And, premptively, let's not take this discussion beyond what has already been mentioned.
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