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Everything posted by IndyMark

  1. Pro Sports = entertainment. So, you invest in a movie and popcorn and stuff and expect to get paid more than you spent when you exit, after watching the movie? That is one interesting expectation. You may be confusing stocks and mutual funds with pro football. In that case, I am not confident anything I say will resonate with you. Football and Stocks...
  2. He was NOT a late second round projection, he was a late first round EARLY second round projection. Outside of Bunkley and Ngata he was the NEXT best thing and the upside? He is NOT a two down player (see Ngata) nor is there character issues with him (see Bunkley). This pick (McCargo) seems exemplary from a talent, need, and value pick. Bottom line, Marv had Whitner and McCargo pegged from the start and it was going to take a lot to pry those players from Marv. Basically, the trade options were not worthy enough to risk not getting them. Smart.
  3. Uh, he needs to prove absolutely NOTHING to us. Now, Marv and Ralph on the other hand....... Why do 'fans' (especially on this board) think they are owed something? Amazing mindset that is..."I am therefore I am owed <insert whatever here>...."; in the real world it does NOT work that way. Just as a heads up so whenever you enter the real world you will not be too surprised.
  4. In the big scheme of things, other people laughing at you should not drive your actions. It takes a strong soul to elect to do what is right without regard to perception. It is the mindless follower who worries what others think. This idea that our draft is bad simply because people laugh at us? I am so glad I moved out of WNY 20 years ago. Christ that mindset was so prevalent then. Move on.
  5. ...I am just sayin....that maybe just maybe all the talking heads are just that. All show and no quality. Really, from what I am reading Whitner and McCargo are exemplar individuals (even high character that ALSO are really good players). Marv built a team once with high character, is it so out of reality to think he may have a better idea than anyone hear? My vote: A solid while unsexy first two picks that will immediately have positive impact. It is not even May yet, we will not be able to judge this draft for, what three more years. Here is to another genny cream ale!
  6. Here let me try: "I am currently liqoured-up and live vicarously through the Buffalo Bills; I read sporting news magazine and spend more than 7 hours on TSW daily. I know football and anyone over 60 is senile and cannot contibute to society much less our beloved Bills; oh, and I live at home which is WNY." How is that?
  7. And the problem with being a fan with rose colored glasses on is what? Enlighten me o'brilliant one. I would submit you find yourself another team / sport or hobby. Being a fan means different things to different people. Sure there are some who like to view every Bills move as the most critical in their every day life; who are over emotive, paranoid, weak, and short sighted, with one foot off the ledge ready to jump off.......I on the other hand like to look through the rose colored glasses and drink the Bills kool aid every fricking day? So what? You are proud of your cynicism? That is very very telling and well I could go on but hey why introduce reality into this thread.......do not look now but 9 defensive players have been taken with more than one of them being in the secondary. Maybe Marv was so ahead of the curve he outsmarted people. With due respect, it is not hard to do to football fans.
  8. Well stated and logical; which unfortunately is not well respected on this board. The Bills 'fans' whom want to skewer Marv because we did not take 'their' pick are not noticing the run on secondary that is occuring about now. Value....Marv's pick is becoming more valuable by the minute.
  9. Simply read this board, how can you conclude that? Do you not know Marv is senile and the people on this board are brilliant? I am predicting a mass suicide today (jumping over the falls sounds good) by the WNY 'fans'. As they are proving to be the most weak, soft, and over emotive fans ever, EVER, in professional sports. If Marv is senile and embarrassing with this pick, then the Bills fans of WNY are what? I can not even think of a word. While classless, soft, paranoid, and ignorant are all applicable...there must be a better word to describe the gutter mindless drivel that is posted here. Gosh, I love this board. I get to post my puke and others get to post theirs.
  10. You and 9 other teams. Timing is everything and this signing is perfect timing. It opens up more trade options for us at best and reduces over drafting anyone at worst. Another smart and classic move by Marv.
  11. 66. Who is inviting us over for dinner?
  12. At this we agree, as I think your evaluation of her is weak and the ensuing logic (or lack thereof) absent and over emotive. And you are right, by the way, I do not know your personal story; Yet, empathy by you would have been displayed earlier and the harsh comments would not have been stated if you shared similar personal tragedy. So I was comfortable making that statement. Again, this is nothing personal I am just going on basic critical thinking. Either way this thread should be about done. We agree to disagree. On to bigger fish to fry.
  13. That is one way to look at it. The other is that Marv looks like he is intently listenting to or thinking about what John Guy just said. By the way, Marv looks great in that pick. I hope and pray I am that fit and coherent at that age. The reality, Marv is more fit and has more wit than 90% (I am just guessin') of the people on this board.
  14. In fairness to her, lawyers normally say the lousiest off base things. She, individually, has not cornered the market on saying "off base" comments; lawyers on the whole deserve that honor (among newsanchors, posters here, etc). Again, if her television show is so bad then you have no problem because last I checked no one has been sentenced to watch it. Change the channel. If her show is trash (I do not know I do not watch it with any consistency) it will be cancelled soon. And, yes I think she has earned the right to be extreme and unwavering in her pursuit of justice. Be thankful you have NOT earned similar 'rights'.
  15. If nothing else, you ought to be highly commended for your pragmatic outlook. I was so glad to see ZERO Wr's and ZERO QB's on this list and only ONE late round RB. Unless major RFA signings happen shortly before or after the draft I cannot fathom the Bills drafting the aforementioned positions; regardless of the best player available mentality. Again, kudos to you.
  16. There is a remedy for that.........don't listen to her. Yep. Novel I know, but simple as well.
  17. Per a CNN press release: Yes, I know, I know..I tried to link but no such luck: "A lover of Shakespearean literature, Grace’s plan to become an English professor was derailed by the random murder of her fiancé. The incident propelled her to enroll in law school and set her on the path to become a felony prosecutor and an outspoken victims’ rights advocate. Grace helped staff the hotline at an Atlanta Battered Women's Center for 10 years."
  18. First, I somewhat agree with you. That said, if you learn about her past you will gain a better appreciation as to her disposition. If I recall correctly, she has gone through more than I would wish on any of the a**holes of this board. Not to defend her, but there are more drama-whores than her; in fact, I withstand her given her background. I am not sure many would be able to handle what she has. Sure bad mouth her but choose a proverb before you speak (a)"...walk a mile in her shoes" or (b) "...lest we be judged" I am just sayin.
  19. You actually answered your own question. As has been posted on here for years by the 'core' group and then those like me.......there are Bills 'fans' who will B word and moan when we win the superbowl; probably because we won it in a way other than how the 'fan' believed we should have won it. Again, people currently B word about ML and DJ and they have not had their first draft together. Ah, Buffalo at its best.
  20. Yes, but on the flip side (if you can get beyond the 'obnoxious part') the benefit of using a Bills fan is that they tend to be both constant and muffled. The constant whimpering and rhythmic moaning just might provide enough noise to lull the little one in REM....one can only hope.
  21. Here is another seemingly odd yet quite successful option; put your baby in the car seat on a carpeted floor and start vacuuming in and around the area. I imagine any type of white noise (constant, rthymic, not super loud) helps calm the child and mimics 'womb' noise. Good luck and I always found the beauty in sleepless nights and face to face time with our kids. Sure it can be stressful, but what priceless and quality time. I had more than a few sleepless nights and absolutley miss them.
  22. .....and a CB and WR. But, then I did not watch much college football this past season, so maybe they are quicker and more agile than what I imagine. Either way, I would like to see a 6-11 CB match up against Roscoe Parrish; stride length versus stride rate....which would win?
  23. Correct. The people in WNY vote, so if you blame politicians you MUST blame the citizenry as that is who put them in office. There is much blame to go around and Ralph is low, very low on that list.
  24. Just for your information, Green Bay does not have the traditional owner that you imply. So of course they do not come out in the media and gripe. The traditional business model or communication models, for that matter, do not really apply to them. So maybe it is more accurate to state JAX and Cleve...but then again, JAX will be in trouble if attendance does not increase over the next 2-4 seasons. Then, they will be more vocal. ..expecting a sarcastic and fairly limited response in 5....4....3....2...
  25. The Bills will improve personnel, fairly substantially, between now and August.
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