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Everything posted by IndyMark

  1. Rain on our parade? Hardly. Remember we won. It does not have to be pretty or have great stats. A win is a win. Stats for the most part are for losers, as cliche as that is. You ruined nobody's day with your "assessment". Nice try though.
  2. For me it is all about the Zubaz. Zubaz = Bills win. Simple as that. .....and sometimes, just to bother my wife, I will wear Zubaz out in public; like to the grocery store or just walking around the neighborhood. She absolutely cringes and just does not get the "Buffalo Pride".
  3. I think I saw the feather truck in Eau Claire or was it Ouzaukee? I cannot recall.
  4. If you think it is difficult to keep a straight face in Sheboygan, just try to visit Sheboygan Falls; now that is not easy.
  5. Since living in Sheboygan County Wisconsin, I had (up until last week) been trying to find some "true" Buffalo Style wings. It took me a few years in Indy so I thought Wisconsin might be even harder to uncover them. Then while I was in the city of Sheboygan I stumbled (figuratively not literally) into a non-descript hole in the wall eatry (I say that with all due respect). I orderd up some wings (medium for the wife and kids and extra hot for me) and WOW - pretty amazing. So I ask the bartender/cook/owner have you ever considered entering these in the Buffalo contest? He smiled and pointed to the wall and there stood two first place awards from the 2005 national festival (medium and xtra hot). They were absolutely the best wings outside of Buffalo - bar none. So if any of you ever find yourself in Sheboygan WI - go to Legend Larry's. (I think they may have recently opened another in Manitowoc). Just throwing it out there.......
  6. I agree on Frutie. Think about all that Frutie did: (a) He single handedly saved the Bills from moving. (selling all those luxury box seats himself and making RW gobs of money). (b) He was a winner. Simple as that. © Look at all the things he did for the Buffalo community and how he carried himself and gave of himself (d) His playoff record is perfect (e) Remind me of how many superbowl MVP awards he earned (f) He is a lock to be a first ballot HOFer (g) For god's sake he had a cereal named after him (h) Look at all the young QB's he has mentored (i) Look at the number of probowls he went to AFTER the Bills stupidly release him Frutie is a no-brain selection as to the most valuable Bill. Period.
  7. Flutie was lucky in every football sense of the word. A winner? This is not baseball, he does not get credited with the wins; nor should any qb. He was lucky....very lucky. Given the Bills defense of the frutie-era the Bills won in spite of frutie not due to him. There was not one game he won it by himself (do not even mention the Jags home game - he did not WIN the game single handedly - he did sabotage a play and get lucky yes, win it no way). My favorite frutie memory was immediately after the Bills mauled the Dolphins at home.....by running the ball and controlling the game. In typical frutie form when asked in the post game interview about the game he looked 'disgusted' and then uttered these words: "....he was frustrated...felt underused...blah, blah". Jeez, we win the game and hammer a nemesis and it was not because of frutie so he pouts? Yes, that is a sign of a winner. If the best memories of the Bills for anyone includes frutie....I am sorry you missed the early 90's. They were fun to watch. frutie very rarely if ever, carried a whole game. Selective post-hoc stats, by the way, are not evidence.
  8. Ok.....am I the only one in a quandary as to what to post next? On one hand I feel compelled to say there is no way I LOSE respect for the teacher simply because she posed for the photo shoot. I have seen less clothed women in more erotic positions on a public beach. There was no poor language, violence, drinking, or drugs...just someone proudly showing of their body. And yes, I am fairly confident stating that if my son or daughter had her for a teacher I would be no more or less apt to respect her based on these harmless pictures. Her attitude, content knowledge, disposition, and teaching skills are what count. Not the fact she has pictures taken of her. Second, why in the world did I laugh out loud when 'kelso's helmet' made his admission about his morning squeeze? Ha. This is actually a funny thread...all started with an innocuous link to a teacher. go figure.
  9. Actually, I am jogging alongside the bandwagon, waiting to jump on if they make the Stanley Cup. I started my warm up when I heard they made the playoffs (did not watch one second of Hockey all year ) then I picked up the pace after I watched one game a week or so back...then I am getting closer and closer after watching the highlights of this most recently won series (Ottawa?? ) Seriously, I have watched about 30 real-time minutes of the Sabres this post-season and countless highlights.......they look pretty fast, pretty tough, and highly skilled. I am ready to make the leap...the question is, are the Sabres going to keep the bandwagon moving forward so I can land on it or will the wheels come off??
  10. First, glad to hear you are better. And second, I am not being pugilistic, however, the "material on the web" tends to be the least objective information out there, FYI. Web information usually is not refereed nor scholarly; for several reasons. Informational sites tend to prey on our worst emotions about unknowns or things known and just not available to the general populace; ultimately in hopes of swaying our purchasing decision making. Again, I am glad to hear your case got better, but an N of one is not generalizable within the scientific community; especially regarding "self reporting" or "self study". By the way, did you notice a lot of the sites 'badmouthing' splenda were underwritten by the sugar industry? In the science industry we call that a 'bias' or a conflict of interest, for what it is worth. I am just sayin...... And what is the alternative......... that "regular" soda is better or that phenylalanine or Aspartme are better? Surely that cannot be a generally accepted position, can it?
  11. This is the first sabres game I have watched in about 2 years and WOW. I have been 'following' them here on OT and have read most posts about them and was glad to hear they have done well lately. That said, tonight (at least) the Sabres look like pros and the Flyers literally look like a second rate college team. Geez, the Sabres look ridiculuously fast and make the Flyers appear to be skating with bricks. Are they really this good? Or is tonight an anomaly.
  12. Next time I will put the appropriate emoticon after my typing - you are correct; my words were in direct response to the poster I quoted. I simply used the same generality with different names to highlight how 'interesting' the earlier comment was. Plus, I add a little logic regarding Polian's inability (yet) to attain another superbowl without Marv. Therefore, using very primative logic, maybe Marv is the genius and not so much Polian (whom I highly highly respect by the way). IMHO, those that marginalize Marv THEN and NOW are being unfair, petty, and, and are not Bills 'fans' in any sense of the term.
  13. Maybe from the following quote (not from me, merely from a quick 'google') AND the fact Polian readily admits he and Levy collaborated on the draft, it was not Polian. As such, why do people exclusively focus on Polian as the critical piece in the Bills success. Oh that is right, because Indy is proudly coming off a fourth straight super bowl appeara.........a third straight championship gam..........another playoff appearance........ With the talent he has had in Indy for as long as he has had it, you would think ONE superbowl appearance, at the least, would have occurred by now, no? "While working closely with Marv Levy, Polian made a recipe that was molded into the best team Buffalo ever had." People need to stop crediting Polian, when Levy is the factor to success.
  14. There is an overwhelming probability that others share your view, however, seeing your mock and the fact it contained TWO WR's is telling....very very telling. No disrespect, but that speaks louder than your 'hatred' of SOME of the picks. You wanted two wr's and in your post you wanted a TE. A quick view of the pre-draft roster suggests that would have been the ABSOLUTE DUMBEST thing to do. Bunkley has a high probability to be a one-hit wonder. I would have hated that pick. McCargo will be a better pick over the longer span. Again, I am only repeating back your tenor using an antithetical view of the draft. I think Marv hit a homerun with ALL of the picks; Butler included.
  15. I like to think the 'comeback' epitomizes what being a Bills fans 'used' to be like. IMHO, Fluite poignantly illustrates (and is a starting point to) what has gone wrong with being a Bills fan over the last decade or so. Hopefully Marv will take us to the place that TD and Flutie removed us from.
  16. Yep, that is the accurate conclusion, your reading comprehension and inference skills are.....well.....typical and wrong ; Though, by your 'conclusion', however, you provide a whole other reason why WNY is in the shape that is in. Do I need to spell that one out for you?
  17. Hey now, to be fair I said I WANT them, not that we HAVE them. Big difference. And no, I did not think the draft provided any OL guarantees better than Reyes or Fowler (I personally still think D'Brick has too weak of a core - as cited by strength professionals and his legs are vulnerable/too thin to withstand big time and consistent contact). Maybe Marv is also being an optimist that these young players are ready to develop or that there will be OL during the next phase of signings.
  18. Yes, the city of INDY is beaming with pride after recently appearing in their fourth consecutive superbowl.......I mean championship game.......I mean playoffs...... Pssst, doing a "great" job is relative. One could argue that Polian is merely surviving and that with the talent he has had for the time he has had it in INDY he is doing about average. Sure I would like to trade the Bills last 5 years with INDY's, but that would still be a step below where MARV had the Bills.....a giant step below where MARV had the Bills. Marv is god.
  19. Classic example of the predominate fear of native WNY'ers....that people will laugh at us. That fear, while fully an emotion, is one of the most limiting, counterproductive, and self-absorbing emotion known to mankind. Which perfectly explains the current situation in WNY; especially as it relates to the Buffalo Bills among other non-Bills related stuff. Really, who cares if other people laugh at 'us'? Using other peoples perceptions as a rate-limitor to your thoughts or decisions has fairly significant consequences; none of which are positive.
  20. And if you like the draft you are "blindly following the Bills"? Because there is no way one can justify the picks...especially to the more knowledgeable Bills fans who continually put down ML and RW? It goes both ways. The logic (or lack thereof) that if you question the Bills it is your right and you are smart. Yet, if you support the Bills moves you are somehow less of a fan who gets "spoonfed" is really really weak. Honestly, does anyone think over the next few years with the salary cap and athletic egos involved that the Jets will keep both Manigold and Ferguson for an extended period of time? Two perenial all-pros (or so some think) will stay together for how long on the OL? Or that they will both play to their supposed 'ceiling'? Like there is NOT a chance one or both bomb out? OL are not built with 'names' per se. Look at the Colts, Manning has had alot of time in the pocket and they have lost a starter a year for the last three years (or more). Heck, it would be hard to even name their starting line last year.......yes, I fully anticipate some 'comedian' to go look it up and then post as if it came off the top of their head I want players not trendy names when drafting.
  21. Let me guess, you have been drinking, live with your parents in WNY, and think any type of "edumucation" is for dummies? You are a funny boy Francis. and all kidding aside, I will leave the 'manlove' comments all to you. Apparently, you have alot of experience serving as a 'shower drain'. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  22. A+ for several reasons: (a) We filled needs with highly rated and solid character guys on Day one. (b) We ended up drafting 3 offensive lineman © I have rose colored glasses on and just finished some 'kool-aid' (d) I am strongly confident an A+ would send the naysayers over the edge and that is always good and funny Just because I fully trust Marv and Co. does not mean I blindly follow; I just do not feel compelled to ALWAYS question people more skilled in the NFL. I could logically lay out why I support the Bills and remove the "blindly follow"; but, honestly real life is too busy and fulfilling for me to hover over my passionate hobby of the Bills. I prefer that to be angelic time spent looking on the bright side. The Bills are my 'happy place' not the place where I need to validate myself and my knowledge. I guess I am super lucky in that regard.
  23. Not really, he has two things working AGAINST him that you have working FOR you (well at least you have one for sure as you admit the information). First, he is 6'7". Being that tall absolutely impacts your ability to perform the bench (especially with long arms), the squat (long legs/depth) and the power clean (get that weight moving to HIS chin). at 5'11" you could take a pretty wide stance in the squat (within the power rack) and only have to raise up literally inches...within a power rack, at 6'7" he is raising up considerably more than that. Second, is AGE. He is 20. It is generally accepted that strength for males is potentially the highest in the third decade of life. From the ages of about 25-35 Men (with training) have the capacity to be the strongest in their life. Again, I do not know your age, but if you are older than 20 and younger than 40 that is an advantage you have over him. By the way, I am 39years old, 6'0" and 212lb and can lift way more than I could when 20. It is ridiculously not even close. Last week I benched 225lbs 14 times. When I was 20 I could maybe squeeze out 3 reps. He needs to age (and obviously train smartly) to get stronger, but do not look for him to break records he is simply too tall.
  24. Ask TD how that turned out....oh yea, he got fired. Marv is the captain of this canoe and a pretty fine one at that.
  25. Yep. The Bills personnel people looked and sounded spooked all day today And I am sure you are keenly informed of the trades Marv did not make today...kinda like the one the Saints did not make today. Breathe my fellow Bills fan....Breathe...all will be fine.....
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