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Does Ralph Owe Buffalo a Succession Plan?
IndyMark replied to wisebill's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Really? Maybe this site is for Bills fans period; and those fragile and meek who B word continually should move along? Just sayin'. -
With all due respect, someone is allegedly on the list and then you place value on the team that that rumor is assigned to? ...knowing it may be a rumor? ...ok, just making sure I have that correct. You understand there exists the probability that Cam was never on anyone's wish list, right? Ok, just making sure.
Does Ralph Owe Buffalo a Succession Plan?
IndyMark replied to wisebill's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Yes, that must be it. For offering a rationale response to the meek and fragile who feel entitled to something the 'old bastard' has, I am the grand kid? Well, Einstein, the irony of all this is that you actually sound like the grandkid; albeit spoiled. Or is this lost on you? And you should exhale before you type, your second statement above is not remotely related to my previous post, breath..........in........out.......your anger demonstrates little and your words even less....... -
Does Ralph Owe Buffalo a Succession Plan?
IndyMark replied to wisebill's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
At first blush you have a point, yet, it is unfair to say Ralph took your money. Someone, not him, voted that your money be given to him. Big difference.....not wordsmithing. With that you should argue the same people that took your money in the first place should then do something about it now.....but at that, that ship has sailed. Again, Ralph has done nothing wrong...at all. And probably deserves credit for keeping the team in Buffalo when he could have probably tripled his own revenue in any other market. Your intentions are worthy, your target is mis-guided. Ralph is not the enemy. -
Why on earth would we want to believe the PRIMARY source when we should be believing the un-named second, third, and apparently, the make believe sources. Come on, don't you know a blogger had to be right on this. Marty is lying about his own interest because an un-named source said so and that is good enough for..........an absolute moron. Yikes....... Another point of evidence surely to be marginalized by those 'in the know'.....though I have to believe that that number will dwindle day by day by day....... Plus, there is no reason to think a blogger would ever make stuff up to draw interest, cuz that is not what they do.....er do they? < walking away smiling and knowing something was amiss with the 'breaking news' here last night.......funny stuff>
Does Ralph Owe Buffalo a Succession Plan?
IndyMark replied to wisebill's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Thus far, this thread gives me hope that not all Bills fans are as bizarre as some of the hapless diatribes insinuated last night. It is comforting to realize the majority of posters in this thread (thus far) realize RW owes WNY absolutely unequivocally nothing....nada.....zip......zilch. He can hire / fire whomever .........and can sell the Bills with no regard to the aftermath or whatever he chooses. Because, afterall, he OWNS the team. Why this is so hard for some to grasp is rather stupifying. What a great response to an utterly peculiar first thread. Go Chan. Great hire. -
just so everyone can see these blog entries about Shotty
IndyMark replied to The Poojer's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
No worries, this could be an 'endless' dialogue and rather untenable at that. And yikes, I gave context to my Marty comments - you missed that explicit part and that is ok. I will avoid the expected flippant comment and just chalk that up to you wanting to make a point. Again, in this medium that is ok. And that is not flippant by the way, just genuine. Yet your post above is still validating my original claim. Oh, finally, not sure the Bill's blogger / Journalist (whom I have no problem stating could be 100% accurate) is really putting himself out there with these types of claims. That is the "media" today; as much info-tainment as anything. And he is doing a solid job. -
My Farewell to the Buffalo Bills
IndyMark replied to StupidNation's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I was with you up until 'give me a break' .....not sure what that means and though I could speculate; not going there. Bottom line, Marty could have easily panned out worse the DJ. Hard for some to imagine, but Marty was no guarantee to turn things around. People are grasping if they truly feel Marty would be the difference. -
just so everyone can see these blog entries about Shotty
IndyMark replied to The Poojer's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Mea culpa. Seriously. I was grasping. Nicely worded. -
just so everyone can see these blog entries about Shotty
IndyMark replied to The Poojer's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
...another, testimonial to my prediction. Thank you for that, also. Bottom line, it is easy to explain away Marty's public statements that he did not want to coach and then villify RW because Marty really did want to coach. Ok, so a respected journalist blogger throws RW under the bus......and makes a safe claim with no accountability.....and that cannot be challenged why again? Besides, let's play pretend for a moment and I will accept that the respected Bills blogger / journalist story is 100% accurate that RW 96'ed a possible Marty hire......my point......who cares........how in the world can someone guarantee Marty would turn this franchise around or that it shows a renewed committment to RW wanting to win. How? It does nothing toward validating either. 1. Marty could not develop Drew Brees...is that lost on the 'angry' mob? How good is Marty knowing that? 2. RW owns the team and needs to do nothing to placate Bills fans. An owner makes a business decision......simple as that. Why do people all of the sudden feel entitled to express their outrage and then make claims they 'deserve' better. This is the point. Media overall is not the most trustworthy of industries........this is hard to refute. -
just so everyone can see these blog entries about Shotty
IndyMark replied to The Poojer's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Not sure I said that, I actually name tweeting and facebook in particular. Social Media could mean email....and that is probably here for a while longer. And there are a few things between the ink well and scroll and tweeting......like the phone et al. Anyway, I was right in my prediction........thanks for that. -
My Farewell to the Buffalo Bills
IndyMark replied to StupidNation's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Noted and appreciated. I believe the 'silent majority' of Bills fans are actually ok with the hire, yet they do not post because: (a) it is a game, after all. And there are too many things to over analyze beside a coaching hire. (b) life is pretty tough now and to get stressed over an owner making a choice he is entitled to is, well, pretty bizarre. © they are confident that hiring Marty would not guarantee a turn around. Remember, Marty ran Drew Brees out of SD. Drew Brees......what kind of evaluator is that for goodness sake? -
just so everyone can see these blog entries about Shotty
IndyMark replied to The Poojer's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Well done, and this evidence will probably be summarily dismissed by all the "experts" and bloggers around here. Reality is hard on them. On a random note but tangentially related, I cannot wait 'till this whole facebook 'thing' goes by the wayside. Good research suggest could be within the next 3-5 years and will be remembered in with a 'disco-eque' affection. I say this as tweeting and blogging really invalidate a lot and prove that access is not always productive. ...count down to over emotional reply by entitled bills fan in 10. 9. 8. 7. 6..... -
My Farewell to the Buffalo Bills
IndyMark replied to StupidNation's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Again, as stated previous times, Bills fans are appearing to be a fairly brittle, fragile, and entitled bunch. Getting over amped up because an owner made a choice without consulting all the 'smart' people on this board. Really. Reading these posts is absolutely humorous and offers strong evidence Bills fans are whimply, short sited, and feel unusually entitled in some way. What part of a "Boss hired someone he was comfortable with" is hard to wrap your mind around? Ralph owns the team. Ralph can do what he wants and does not need to placate 'WNY". Or am I missing something? -
Cancel your season tickets. Send letters.
IndyMark replied to TC in St. Louis's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
With all due respect, I get the emotive nature of this whole hiring thing, but your 'plea'...really? I speculate that the next whining phrase from someone will have "Ralph owes us....." when in reality RW owes not one thing to any person in or around WNY. Nothing. Nada. Zip. It is HIS team. -
Two things, simple really; first, I have been a fan for about 35 years also (roughly) and I'm not sure this means anything significant. Second, 'warm piss'...really? Kind of a smarmy reference.....with a negative connotation, no? While I do not agree with your post or replies, not sure I would offer you a flippant reference like that. Plus, I am ignoring the fact I did not mention 'misguided' as you implied.....and tried to cleverly submit that I do not know what it means. I get the fact that conversations go that way sometimes (not listening and just waiting to retort regardless of the other's statement). Enjoy the season, I will.
I Guarantee A Win On Mon Night
IndyMark replied to grammer_police's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
You replied with a smirk? Seriously? Do you also call into reality shows to vote and then say 'unsure/ do not know"? Come on, what is it with Bills 'fans' that compell them to suck the life out of anything positive and try to persuade all of us that they are steeped in 'reality'....it is a game. We are 'fans' (I think)....I just find it funny that so many experts here are perpetually negative....it kind of goes against one of the base definitions of being a fan......no need to go ballistic.....just making an observation and enjoying the 'kool-aid' that one of you Einsteins will inevitably cite....so predictable...... (a) Ralph bad (b) Jauron bad © <insert starting quarterback name about here> is slow to make a decision, prone to INTs and loses us games (d) Our DE are manhandled and out matched (well, ok, you have me on that one)...but the negative posters seem to be using scripted replies in the ongoing negative response to ANYTHING coming out of OBD. What did I leave out? -
Not sure the first game is 'tone' setting...many teams start out strong and end weak and visa versa. In fact, just last year the Bills were 5-1 and that did not end up well. And during one of the Steelers Superbowl trips, they may have started 0 and something....just saying..... Clearly, some recent events have fostered strong emotion in some fans...not sure it is warranted; that is all. Jauron et al are easy targets right now BEFORE the season....I like to think Bills fans are strong enough to critique, oh, after a game and not some meaningless pre-season stuff. Oh, and you missed the explicit intent of my Shaw reference -- fans often overreact....a game has not even been played. That is all. Your reply was fine but mostly misplaced and off target. Thanks for the read however.
(a) Does not contribute much other than show your biased emotion. (b) You are joking right? © You currently live in WNY, no? (d) Deserve? Fans 'deserve' almost nothing. You are not entitled to stuff in life, in case you were wondering.
With all due respect, not sure this is accurate at all. Decent, acceptable, marginal - sure. 'Strong' you are amplifying. The timing of the moves is almost irrelevant. As stated earlier, the probability exists information about Schonert's backstabbing was late to emerge in training camp and Jauron acted swiftly. For some here this equates to "panic" and being in shambles. To others, it was a solid move given all circumstances. Regarding Walker, he was getting beat out in camp......and is over paid....and is slow....and is weak...and not happy at a new position.....and, by most accounts, becoming more of a distraction......so, why is this a bad move? It is like the Bobby Shaw incident of a few years back, he gets released and 1/2 the board initially reacts in a tizzy and chants that our FO is a joke, then reality emerges and then it all makes sense The hypersensitivity of some of you makes it easy to think a good lot of you are daytime soap opera fans moreso than football.
Bills Pessimists .....yeah I am talking to YOU!
IndyMark replied to EndZoneCrew's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
To generalize and say that there is one best time to get rid of an OC or LT is a bit presumptuous, no? Maybe in your view the moves were ill-timed. Yet, I am of the belief it is better sooner rather than later.....(now versus week 5). Or maybe, a few things came to light recently that were not evident or validated for the ENTIRE training camp (Shonert being a back stabber and Walker displaying a really poor attitude - internally).....all possibilities that warrant the timing of the moves. I get the perception that the Bills are in "insert flippant and striving to be witty descriptor here" (destruction mode, on full tilt, etc), but the bottom line is that the moves made, were the right moves at the right time given all circumstances....that any of us posers cannot even fathom. I am always curious that if you support a team you "drink kool aid" yet if you verbosefully (word?) always rip every move you are just being critical. Bottom line, if someone does not like the moves change teams to support.....really being a Bills fan is not a right or entitlement. Also, this idea that a fan is "sick of being treated this way".......huh ....moreover, I really like it when someone says they are a "loyal" or "longtime fan" - as if that means you are entitled to something....get over yourselves....The Buffalo Bills owe you (and me and everyone) ABSOLUTELY nothing. NO explanation, no guarantee, nothing, zip......I have a right to support the Bills as do you, it does not make you right and me wrong or visa versa. I am all for debate on the moves but when they are anchored in mean-spritied and juvenille platitudes it is almost sad to see. The loss of perspective is much much worse than the being an internal optimist. -
In all seriousness, he did not get suspended for the season because of the punch......he got suspended for his actions (including the punch) yet more importantly, after the punch. He displayed pretty poor behavior after he struck the BSU player. Plus, the need to be restrained and bear-hugged into the lockeroom, on a trip that should take 12 seconds but one that lasted a few minutes, susggest he is in dire need of help. And I hope he gets it. But, yes, he deserved the suspension and quite possible more (legal action?). That is intolerable behavior from a college student. Also, if he is on scholarship, the university HAD to suspend him and hopefully revoke his scholarship. No way tax-payers need to subsidize that behavior.
Actually if you watch the entire video, he did not get knocked out. He got 'dropped' yes but that is a far cry from being knocked out (twitching, extremeties stiff,etc). No need to get defensive, but if you watch any level of fighting getting knocked out evokes a certain bodily response. And this did not happen here. The BSU player actually popped up, rattled yes, but certainly aware and upright. Hate to nitpick, but .........
what planet do you live on? He should have been arrested. I am so glad to hear he is "undraftable" now.
A couple of things: (a) Kudos to the front office or DJ or RW for doing this move NOW. This is a very good move. (b) The timing is almost completely irrelevant; truly a non-issue. © There is a BIG difference between offensive schemes and play calling; this is about play calling. Plain and simple. (d) if you have said anything over the preseason about the poor offense or you are "sick of field goals" you HAVE to love everything about this move. If not, you are simply a negative person who is only happy if complaining. (e) The Bills show strength and conviction with this move AND a perceived element of risk taking, YET some people on here still complain. This shows heart and strength, yet some of you complain? (f) There is nothing embarrassing about getting better. This is not pathetic or desperate. This is business. How can you not love the move and get more excited about the opener? Remember AVP fully understands the no-huddle and the essence of smart play calling....