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Sol Invictus

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Probation (1/8)



  1. David Andrews is in for a world of hurt when he has to block Dareus and Williams next week.
  2. These two guys are dolts. To discount EJM all together is just plain stupid. One of them just said that the defender slipped thats why EJ hit clay in stride. Give me a break
  3. Can we all just agree that Tom Brady is pretty much the biggest douch to walk on the face of the earth?
  4. Yeah. There are all sorts of subreddits from sports stuff to some really weird ones like watching people get killed (hey if you are into that). And if there isnt a sub for it you can create it.
  5. Why do I feel like several years from now we are going to find out tons of things the Patriots* did to win games and Superbowls and will have their championships stripped from them like Lance Armstrong. Well one can hope that they would.
  6. He plays for the Bills so hes okay with me!
  7. No that about sums it up. But if you subscribe to certain subreddits, it filters out lots of other things.
  8. Thanks for the welcome. I find myself posting on reddit more just due to the fact that I am on there more often, but I do find that TBD has more "intelligent" posters with more to offer. Plus you dont have to deal with the circle jerk of pats fans in the r/NFL if you are looking for league discussion.
  9. Hello all! Long time lurker on this site and wanted to say hello. Wondering if anyone uses Reddit for Bills news and discussion?
  10. Save Your Cans For Bobby Shaw

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