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Everything posted by Tuco

  1. They did have control over what was released. They said we're not releasing anything. It could be a matter of principle. It could also be to hide evidence. The point being, not turning it over even in light of being offered to filter out only what was relevent is still violating the CBA by not co-operating. Whether it's driven by principle or guilt it's still a punishable violation.
  2. Not sure what you're asking me here. Of course I don't think I could get off from a ticket simply by saying I was going the speed limit. Especially in light of an officers testimony and evidence. I also don't think Mr. Brady should or would get completely off for not turning over the requested info. But there's a big difference. I'm not required to answer the judge or provide the police officer with information. The CBA is not a court of law. In the case of the speeding ticket there has to be testimony that the officer tailed me at a certain speed or recorded my speed via radar or something. Nobody's saying I was probably speeding because it was Monday morning and not admitting to it makes me guilty. The CBA specifically says you must co-operate in an investigation or suffer consequences. The CBA says you were probably cheating, we know you have texts and emails and if you don't share them with us you will be punished. The kicker also refused to turn over his phone but I'm not so sure he was given the same offer as Brady, as Wells said they didn't persue the kicker's phone because the evidence led them to persue Brady's. Personally I'm of the opinion Brady knew he would suffer a nominal punishment for not co-operating but in his eyes that's better than what he would have gotten if he had complied. I can't prove it and neither can Goodell. But then again we're not in a court of law so he doesn't have to. But he can prove Brady didn't co-operate. That part is certain and is punishable according to the CBA. I guess I should have pointed out my original response was mostly to another poster who was minimizing the claims by others that part of the punishment was for failure to co-operate.
  3. Thanks. I've adopted a self imposed time limit before I begin to dazzle you all with my football brilliance! LOL Been reading a lot on here and it looks like you have a lot of good posters. Looking forward to spending too much time here when I should be doing something else.
  4. Yes I'm new here and this is my first post. Thanks for having me and I realize being new my opinion doesn't count for squat right now. So I'll limit my comment to just saying the quote below by Wells certainly looks like failure by Brady to co-operate - which is punishable. "And I want to be crystal clear," Wells continued. "I told Mr. Brady and his agents that I was willing not to take possession of his phone. I said, 'I don't want to see any private information.' I said, 'You keep the phone. You're the agent. Mr. (Don) Yee, you can look at the phone. You give me documents that are responsive to this investigation and I will take your word that you are giving me what's responsive. And they still refused."
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