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  1. Let's talk dirty in Hawaiian Whisper in my ear Kicka pooka mok a wa wahini Are the words I long to hear Lay your coconut on my tiki What the hecka mooka mooka dear Let's talk dirty in Hawaiian Say the words I long to hear
  2. The backstage manager was pacing all around by his chair "There's something funny going on," he said. "I can just feel it in the air" He went to get the hanging judge, but the hanging judge was drunk As the leading actor hurried by in the costume of a monk There was no actor anywhere better than the Jack of Hearts.
  3. Well a lot of people just do it $60 a square then pay $100 every minute of the game (regulation only of course). So naturally when the numbers are drawn you want to have 0-0. But 7-0 or 3 - 0 is also good of course as the first score usually makes it one of those combos too. For the most part in order to avoid any gray areas its simply stated the $100 goes to whomever has the score every time the clock reads XX:00. So the game starts at 15:00. When it hits 14:00, if the score is still 0 -0 that person wins $100. Same thing when it hits 13:00. So when team A kicks a field goal at, say the 12:47 mark, the next payout would be at 12:00 and the team with the corresponding 3-0 wins $100 and so on throughout the game. Sometimes in lower scoring games a few people really clean up. Other times, like last year 0 - 0 really cleaned up. But eventually numbers like 6 - 6, 9 - 6 and even 9-9 got into the action. Anyway, that's a popular board style where I live. The one I run I do differently. I get $50 a square for a total of $5,000. Then it pays $1 for every second the person has the score. But that only accounts for $3,600. So it also pays $150 for each of the touching squares (N, S, E, W) at the half and at the end of regulation. That equals another $1,200 for a total of $4,800. Then I give a $200 bonus to whomever has the score at the end of regulation. That's for scenarios like last year where a FG was kicked with :03 left. So instead of the person with 9 - 9 only winning $3 dollars they won $203. This year, because of the touching square prizes, I wound up with 14 different winners (actually 13 but only because one guy won with two different squares). The smallest prize was $110 for the guy who had 6 - 7 for 1:50. The person with 0 - 0 won $620. 0 - 7 won $1,249. 0 - 4 won $803. One guy had a halftime touching square plus 6 - 4 so his total was $493. Also the guy with 4 - 0 would have only won $66 but he also added $150 for a touching square. Six people won $150 for their touching squares. The guy with 2 - 0 at the end was the same as the guy who had 0 - 4 so he added $308 to his $803. One other guy won $307 with 6 - 0. It sounds like a lot of work but if you're good at math like I am it's not that hard to figure it all out. The first payout was 15:00 to 6:15 is 8:45 at 0 - 0. In my head that's 8X60=480 plus 45 = $525. To make it easier I made a chart that I use every year on Monday morning. Of course I write in the names not just winner number.
  4. The Froot Loops and batshit bomb. A friend of mine turned me on to Still Life With Woodpecker back in the mid 1980s. Had to read all his other books after that.
  5. Yup. Lots of people around my area do $100 a minute but I have to be different, LOL. But yeah 0-0 is usually the desired draw. Unless there's a safety on the first play like a few years ago ha ha. But it can get interesting and the numbers obviously change the higher the scoring gets. So it's not always just the 0s and 7s and 3s that win. Last year the final 2 minutes or so were won with the dreaded 9-9. Been doing it for a number of years now. My smallest winner ever was $53. But hey, at least he got his money back, LOL. This year, with the touching squares added in I had 13 winners ranging from $110 to $1,243.
  6. Mine's only $50 a square. Pays a dollar a second on the game clock with the rest of the money paying on touching squares at half and end of 4th.
  7. Google only takes .00000076 seconds.
  8. No. But what you can do, and many teams do, is give him a small salary in 2025 and a large guaranteed "option" bonus in 2026 with the option to charge it all to the cap in 2026 or prorate it beginning in 2026.
  9. It would save us the $8 million we would save by cutting him while still counting the $15.4 million in dead cap from his accelerated prorated bonus. Then we could petition the league to demand repayment of that prorated bonus. If he then repaid the bonus, or if we won the judgement, we could get reimbursed for that $15.4 million towards our cap. But not until 2026.
  10. The biggest reason is using a June 1st cut doesn't give the team that $17 million or the $8 million until June 1st. We have to carry his $23.8 million salary until June 1st, so it doesn't help us in signing players at the start of free agency, or even help us get under the salary cap by March 11th for that matter.
  11. Can't say. I just know it's better than not being there.
  12. Certainly there is a lot to look forward to. And this so called rebuilding year has been a pleasant surprise to many. Just a word of caution. That $70 million that becomes available next year is basically already used up next year on players who are already here - namely in the form of cap friendly extensions that were required to keep us under the cap this year with all that dead cap. Nobody should get the idea that just because we don't have $70 million in dead cap next year means we will be able to go on a crazy shopping spree in free agency. We can't.
  13. My my, hey hey Rock and roll is here to stay It's better to burn out Than to fade away My my, hey hey
  14. African or European?
  15. New Year's Day, 1989. The first ever playoff game at Rich Stadium. The Bills beat the Houston Oilers 17-10. It was cold - in the 20s. And I had been at a house party the night before, so we were all low on sleep. After all, we were still in our 20s. But we recovered easier back then, and we won and went on to the conference championship that year, so it was a pretty good memory. I still have the commemorative red, white and blue pom pom they gave us when we entered the gate. And probably the ticket stub.
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