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bacarri and coke

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Everything posted by bacarri and coke

  1. It boggles the mind to think there are fans out there watching the same games I watch and have anything negative to say about Fred.The guy was running through that tire fire of a line last year and still managed to fall forward and make the tough yards, protect the QB,and most importantly lead by example.The guys not the fastest or youngest but he always does something right on damn near every play.Its freaking crazy how damn solid he is and people that don't really understand how football works don't see him breaking big flashy plays and think he is not worthy of a roster spot and he's old.My god that stiff arm play against Chicago are you freaking kidding me he's old,that's all you got?....your off your damn rocker if you think he has no significant value.Leadership,toughness,smarts,heart,and just consistency are so underrated it's annoying really.To recap if you don't have a total man or woman crush on Fred Jackson,like Antwan Dobson says you are so dumb...for real.
  2. Bob Glauber is the left overs spittle from bobbing for apples...
  3. I know some people are down on Kiko but come on Scott Chandler a better year?I mean I like Scott and think he will do better this year with that team*'.I just keep seeing him catch passes and get choped in the legs over and over in my nightmares
  4. It was supposed to be a dump off but he didn't squat on his route...caused the qb to throw a floater to the #2.Butt that's what happens when a receiver loads the back end...you do that you never make it to the bowl
  5. I do believe this coaching staff will get more out of this offensive line.Guys like KUJO will make huge strides.I tend to think this because even solid players like Cordy Glen and Eric wood looked like crap under st.dougs regime.They had trouble picking up stunts and other technical flaws.I feel this is more coaching and mental thierfore correctable.I believe this will improve the run game and QB play as well.The fact that we ranked 4th in defence is really amaizing concidering how much time the spent on the field bailing out the offence.Think about how good this defense would be playing on rest after after most offesive series and having one of the greatest defensive minds in the game...
  6. Thats funny reminded me of a quote from Happy Gilmore...(Shooter mcgavin)I eat pieces of s.h.i.t like you for breakfast....(Happy)You eat pieces of s.h.i.t for breakfast!?..(shooter)Nnooo..Pretty sure John McCargo actualy ate that for breakfast.
  7. Thanks ive been reading this board for a few years now and decided it was time to join in the conversation.You have to be positive in all aspects of life including fandome.I have had thepassing thought before all the negative vibes from fans in Buffalo contribute to the tough breaks we have had.Kinda like the book the secret.I read this board every day and I dont want to sound like im washing anyones balls here but some of the most intelegent,funny,and sarcastic things ive ever read online have been here(I do only watch porn and lurk TSW online soooo).Im excited because now when I click on a peter pan link I can comment.lol.
  8. I have been positive about the Bills for the last 15yrs.Looking back on it I clearly was forcing myself to see the best in a sub par team.Drinking glass after glass of kool-aid,tasting it and convincing my self it was sugary and delicious.Well it wasn't good, I just wanted it to be.For the first time in a long time I know what it's like to actually be sure my kool-aid is delicious.Whats not to be positive about?It feels like the perfect storm...The front office started drafting talent and signing talent(not trading it) for a few years now.We sucked for so long our talent stayed under the radar.Doug is a great gm if you can't see that your not paying attention imo.We had a good enough team to win with sub par coaching last year.Ralph Wilson basically pulls a willy Wonka and goes out like an OG leaving the chocolate factory to the only person worthy.You add a REAL coach and guys like Clay,Harvin,McCoy,Cogs,and Felton.Guys this is the real deal its not like the year we got Maloy and Spikes.This team is the truth thats why Rex came hear and says its his last coaching job.I also believe the O line and EJ they will be more than adequate with a good coaching staff and offensive coordinator.Your GD right I'm possitive it's our time!!!
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