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bacarri and coke

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Everything posted by bacarri and coke

  1. Maybe we should consider only letting really nice guys that don't want to hurt people play football....small guys with really good intentions league.... pffftt
  2. Tyrod made the correct read I did not I thought man and had Sammy 1on 1.But those people saying to hit woods deep I feel are wrong.The corner back initially has woods covered but after Tyrod start to make the throw that's when woods gets open.If he had held the ball Woodsy would be covered IMO
  3. RIP to bad he didn't get to see his sons win a championship....If he could have held out like 8 more months..now win this one for Buddy
  4. Rex"I don't think we've ever came this way before!?"Rex"Yea me either must be a combination of the cobblestones and your view of my butt crack...and things like that"
  5. Tarnishing my family name makes me so depressed I want to cut myself....a piece of cake
  6. There is no way that someone that actually watched this man play every snap can think this way.If you did not watch ever snap STFU.I happen to think he is the real deal.Don't get me wrong I need to see some improvements mainly with over the middle throws and anticipation on throws off breaks but if you watched Tyrod with an open mind (keeping in mind he was basically a rookie in a sence)he was really special.You people that aren't sold on him I get that point of view but the people who think he has no chance of being good or even great I have to question your judgment.....No screw that your probably just racist
  7. If you don't think Jerry is a straight baller your out ya damn mind.Most underrated player in the nfl.This dude shuts down practice.On a DL full of amazing talent he stands out.He will make plays in a 3-4,4-3,hand in the grass,two hands,standing,or two hands behind his back.Just because he wasn't a standout in indy don't mean a damn thang he's a straight killer now and when your that good it's not the scheme.
  8. Had him on my fantasy last year so payed a lot of attention to him last year and he's not good.He doesn't get much separation from dbs.The only reason he had decent numbers is Rodgers is so accurate and throws with an insane amount of anticipation.He seemed to run the wrong routes and frustrate Rodgers but with so few options he put up OK numbers. Tyrods strong suite is not anticipating throws so not a good match imo.When Jones runs routes he doesn't get much more than a half step on most times.To sum it up...he's a bag of broke dildo's
  9. Because we don't need another hero..we don't need to know the way home
  10. The only thing Vic. and Tyrod have in common is similar stature and being black.It's lack of attention to detail and racism that make people think otherwise.
  11. Yes and it's really frustrating when it seems they just give up at times missing tackles and giving up rus down the middle.
  12. Has to be that a lot of you guys don't actually watch these games.Darby has been fantastic this year rookie or not.Gilmore is playing well yes and you could make an argument for him but to say Darby haso been less than stellar is crazy talk.Even against Hopkins who is a freak of nature he played well.Yes he was on him most of the game and YES that was a two hand push off offensive PI call...BLOWN.Darby for President
  13. Basically its this guy's rookie year.He has a knee injury and hasn't learned to throw with anticipation yet.He waits for his receiver to be open but has a big heart,stays calm,has touch and accuracy and when health can really run.He hasnt been the same since the Titans game and I think he will have a surgery in the off season.Tyrod is going to be fine some of the posters on this site I'm not so sure about....OP's a doucher
  14. Yea I saw the play looked bad but I'll give him credit he got up and played the last few plays of the game limping.I tore my acl the pain isn't the worst but it's weird you can feel it happen and it's really hard to walk on.....I have new respect for Flacco for finishing like that
  15. Worst call ever to affect an outcome to a game...I'm so pissed right now.
  16. If this is sarcasm disregard this comment but you do realize it's not diamonds it's a small charging buffalo logo.Someone posted a picture on here somewhere when that story first broke and you can clearly see its a small bills logo. Yes exactly
  17. I remember swing it on nfl network it was Cunningham and three guys from long ago like 1940's...I remember it being only one player from the modern era
  18. Draft him please I have a lynch jersey we need a lynch on our team.
  19. How anyone can watch that game and blame TT is beyond me.Tyrod is the only reason I'm still hopefull.Slow start due to poor offensive line play,no run game,and conservative play calling and honestly poor defense...oh yea and dropped passes.When they let Tyrod start throwing he looked great,penalties and coaching mistakes but Tyrod was not the problem....I like him more after today than ever.
  20. My first thought was wow these two teams are hard to watch kind of like the Bills two years ago....then I realized I was watching the Bills from two years ago.Aiken,Moats,and Cockrell that just reaffirmed to me how talented our team is we went from taking teams Cast offs to being the team that cuts players like that.Decent players but I'll take Darby,Butler,Preston,and Harvin thank you very much.
  21. Well he did miss a couple of them.....badly.Still got to try.
  22. This reminds me of watching a Bills game during the dark era.....2+years ago..ugh
  23. Order the book Spygate the untold story off Amazon and report back...It's not just about spygate it details the system they still use to this day.Im telling you its a must read for any fan.Its cheap and a fast read
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