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bacarri and coke

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Everything posted by bacarri and coke

  1. Canceled because of paint.Anyone else confused?I mean they play on snow,ice and rain.I'm all for player safety but unless it's led paint lit on fire I don't get it.
  2. I live in south Fl. and no one thinks he's good not even the Dolphin fans.If your own fans don't think your good....your poop!
  3. Ever just get a feeling about a player?I have that with striker...STUD!!
  4. ASTRO as Bills fan in Florida who cant attend training camp...oh wait I can..if I read your notes.Thank you for making me feel for just a few minutes like I'm there.You give me something to live for.Life is hard and today I didn't kick the stool out from under myself because of you...life saver
  5. It's interesting if you listen to the John Murphy show interview with James Jones last week he talked about going from here to NE and the difference.He hated NE and said it was all business and prefered buffalo's family like atmosphere.Granted he got to sick to play he still hinted at NE being so businesslike it turned him off.I like Hogan and think the articles title makes what he actually says sound worse than it actually is.I also feel for the money he is replaceable and who woildnt take the money and a new start? you cant blame him for that...That being said I think in the long run Hogan is going to come to dislike the cold machine that is the Patriots and long for the warmth of the Bills family that gave him his shot.
  6. I hate these skewed stats.When your down two touchdowns your going to throw more.When your already losing the chances of winning are dramatically lower so he's not losing because he's throwing more,he is having to throw more because he's losing.
  7. Just wondering what the reason for this question is?!Is it because she's a woman?Seems like the underlying point here...Well even if she went to readn' rightn' school I don't want no damn woman makin' decisions about football it's a man's sport dang it....But honestly none of the guys that have had any influence the last few years around here did much maybe she can do something right....like the laundry (jk)
  8. I'm going to have to disagree here.Its easy to fall into the trap of disliking Rex after last year being a disappointment to us all.He talks a big game and when you do that and don't back it up you catch heat and maybe deservidly so.What I think is we should all take a step back on the Rex hate.I believe he is a good coach and the fact that he is taking this heat means the players aren't(refer to the Incognito interview)and I think the players appreciate that.Let's try to keep in mind it was his first year here as a coach and it takes time to get the players that fit your system and to implement said system.Let's let the man prove to either be a winner or a looser in time but to make that judgment so soon is a bit of a misstake.We all know players have his back(Mario being an exception)and I trust what players think more than the media or fans who think they know but dont.
  9. The teams that ate the most amount of carrots lost more games than teams that ate less carrots.My point is I think it's a stretch make a connection here with number of coaches.I would think teams that are not winning a lot of games hire more coaches to help them.It would make sense to me as a result of loosing you may have a tendency to hire more coaches not because you have more coaches you are losing.
  10. I'm interested to know if anyone has someone in this category they like to read.I'm always looking for interesting takes and good info on the Bills.List a few if you guys have some.+1 on Astros camp notes being great.
  11. When you have athletes at this level it's little things that separate them.The fact that he has regained his confidence could propel him to the next level.He looks the part that for sure and the fact that he has something to prove and is doing it for his family will surely have me rooting for him to succeed...Good luck James ignore the haters!
  12. Negative, you're correct that Darius was caught drag racing in B'lo, but I'm talking about Jackson and Lynch in Seattle: http://thebiglead.com/2015/10/20/report-fred-jackson-crashes-car-while-drag-racing-marshawn-lynch-near-practice-facility/ Or maybe not: http://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2015/10/fred_jackson_i_wasnt_drag_racing_marshawn_lynch_when_i_crashed_my_car.htmlThat's right I remember now I stand corrected you are correct sirs Being Seattle and everyone in Blue wanting the Seasnakes to whump the '49ers as much as the next guys, the incident quickly went away.
  13. Really people shouldn't judge....I mean who wants a bunch of dudes on the boat with you anyways?!..p.s. 69 posts(bevis voice) uhhh huh huh huh huh huh uhh
  14. TBD posters did you ever know that your my heroes?And everything I would like to be.I can fly higher than an eagle.Because your the wind beneath my wings
  15. lol Marsha in the pats man-kini bothers you?That's funny my co-worker is a pats fan and I always put that pic on his computer and when he touches the mouse and wakes up his screen it pops up...Never gets old
  16. I'm not sure why everyone is panicking about or running back stuation..am I missing something?Shady,Jonathan Williams,Gillislee is a good start with Karlos coming back after he gets his crap together.J Williams won't be suspended for more than two games and that won't be till 2017 and Gilleslee looked really good the games he played at the end of the season.Why do people seem to be in panic mode here what am I missing?
  17. Awesome interview.I think it was intesting how quick he was to defend Rex.It was almost like he has so much faith in Rex that anything Collin was going to say negative he was going to have a rebuttal for.I am happy to hear that as a fan because here is a smart football player with inside knowledge that is willing to defend his coach.Richie knows football and thinks Rex is a good coach.Fans who think they know more than they actually do want to bash Rex because he is outspoken but he has a reason for being that way and Richie just explained that.Rex isn't being verbose just to be verbose and I do belive he is a good coach despite the media aND fan negatively some times Also if Richie last statement about the personal and him being excited about being back in Buffalo doesn't get you excited I feel bad for you.
  18. I can honestly say Tyrol Taylor.I believe he is going to be a super star
  19. I agree with this article and had Tyrod on my fantacy roster last year.I find it interesting that we have wanted a good qb for so long in Buffalo yet a lot of the fans don't see how good Tyrod is.Its almost like the fanbase for the most part just doesn't believe that Taylor will be good.How is that even possible if you watch this man play last year?!I think it's circumstantial in nature and this is why I say that....A guy not highly touted out of college who is little on the small side considered a run first guy with a less than average ability to throw.That's what people expected him to be.That's not what Tyrod is now though let's get that out of our heads.Now don't get me wrong I'm still not ready to crown him king he has some things to improve on but he's on his way imo.Now if the circumstances were different and he had developed his skills earlier in college and got drafted in the first round and last year was his rookie season (oh yeah and was white by the way)Bills fans would be loosing their minds right now over this guy.I just invite people to look at Tyrod for what he is and not the circumstances that are now in the past.What he is is what that article states.The third preseason game last year when he locked down the starting job I feel like I saw a spark of something special,touch,calm,good arm,and most importanthings to me consistency and all while under extreme presure to win the starting job.He not only did that but then he took the next step and improved his skills throughout the season.He now has the benifit of taking all the reps in camp and ota's are you kidding me we should be so fired up over this guy it's rediculous but I don't see that from people...Why?Because he had a hard time seeing and timing passes over the middle of the field?Really guys?Really?That's your reasoning.That's bs.I'm so excited about this guy he has great touch,ball placement,work ethic,unbelievable ability to run,swag,a good arm,calmness under pressure and one of the f-ing best deep balls I have ever seen in my life.This man deserves for us as fans to have his back and be excited about him....really excited.So forget about what he was supposed to be and look at what he is for what he is-GO BI!!$
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