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bacarri and coke

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Everything posted by bacarri and coke

  1. And as for the Whaley haters Google the 2009 buffalo Bills roster and get back to me
  2. It's getting rediculous with the blame Rex stuff for real.These guys are grown men that need to make better decisions and that's it.How can you blame a coach and GM for all of this.I like Rex because he treats the players like men.If guys make bone headed decisions that's on them.I would venture to say 90%of NFL players get high it's part of the culture we just need to be smarter about getting caught.
  3. Has mouth...check,two arms..yup,legs..uh huh,Bills uniform that too its uncanny.lol.looked good bro but I'll hold off on the Jim Kelly stuff till after the second preseason game
  4. High milage Edsel,Been in a few colisions,three owner car,black in color
  5. I LOVE this.Tyrod has taken the bull by the horns worked his butt off,acted like a pro and blown the other qbs out of the water in camp.He has done nothing but shown signs of improvement since he stepped through the doors.He had a nice year last year and seems to be building on that.He is not Trent Edwards guys he just isn't anyone without slow eyes can see that.As far as comparing it to the Fitz contract as stated by other that wasn't as bad of a deal as some people think.To be honest Fitz is doing OK in NY anyway he wasn't really a bust he was hurt and we should have never dumped him anyways.All in all I LOVE the BLACK UNICORN.Viva LA unicornio negro..ariba!!
  6. Mitchel is the only player on the pats that I was rooting for to do well...that sucks
  7. Neither he gets the tapes from the Patriots video guy.Much easier than taking notes..I kid I kid.Thanks again ASTRO I look forward to your notes every day and I get all excited and grab snacks and take my time reading and then I get all sad when I see it's the last paragraph...and I'm not even kidding
  8. The people at the trailer park probably thought he was trying to set them up and rob them. I would hope if I were in that situation I have good enough people radar I would have been able to tell he was terrified and telling the truth.I can say one thing for sure I'm rooting for this guy to succeed sounds like he deserves the success.Then on the other hand you have these emensly talented a-holes that all the physical gifts and waist them beating women and committing crimes.Crazy crazy world
  9. I refuse to believe a grown ass man who doesn't know which direction the sun rises and set is going to be a successful QB in the nfl.On top of that he asked another player and his answer was the air...Yes the sun comes from the air.Wow the air huh?Fisher comes off as kinda lame and they look to be in disarray or at least it's edited to look that way.Gurley looks to be playing with the turbo button on.
  10. Easy team to like for many reasons.How easy are they to like?I had a crazy ex girlfriend who loved the Packers she threw all my stuff in the street and I still don't root against them.Now that's liability lol.Did you see that article a few weeks ago saying they were voted #1most liked team by opposing fans...guess who was second?oh that's right it was us.
  11. lol make it 9/10 just for the use of bouncing Betty haha nice work.Keep winding these guys up I'm going to get some snacks..I'm thinking salty and sweet maybe popcorn and goobers mixed.
  12. I still want the guy to get one more chance.People have been struck by lightning multiple times so maybe the guy just has incredibly bad luck.Then there is the alternative that being he infact was born with bird bones...CAW!!!CCKAW!!ca!
  13. So much more realistic than Spags...I give him a 7/10.The effort put in the last few days as a lead in then set the hook took patients and "hardwork"
  14. OP's are allowed to start threads here with partially torn medula oblongatas apparently as well
  15. So according to this theory we should trade all of our draft picks from rounds 1-5 to get like 20 picks in rounds 6 and 7 then get every player we can in free agency and field a team like that?....This is a blanket statement and makes no sense IMO
  16. Yea I don't want a competitive guy who works hard and leaves it all on the table either.I want a guy like Cam or Aaron Rogers...oh wait nevermind..No Russell Willson oh forget it.. lets trade for Sam Bradford he would never do that
  17. Don't get your hopes up for a Sammy autograph.....I heard it from a source here at TBD that he's a dick.lol
  18. Yes that's why Happy Gilmore drives the ball further with his run up but would still hit it pretty far anyway...I just dropped a science bomb on ya'll.BOOM
  19. wouldn't it be something if he shocked everyone and with his weight loss could now be a three down linebacker!?...This year's overachiever like Richie was last year.A guy can hope!
  20. Not sure if anyone else caught that but I live in south Florida and that's freakin funny!...
  21. Maybe we can paint our field like that so our linebackers can cover.
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