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Steve Billieve

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Everything posted by Steve Billieve

  1. There's a threshold for reporting to IRS, so below 5k, for the most part, doesn't get reported. So in law, sure, in practice, no. I also think there's a $400 threshold were income isn't taxable, not sure exactly.
  2. No, I believe it requires a cash out positive. So obviously this doesn't really affect too many people. But the gov is absolutely cashing in on those long tail winners.
  3. Heavily so, it's independent of income level as well. Government pretty much takes half
  4. I once watched a woman at the checkout counter dispatch items like milk to buy more lottery tickets. She spent around $200 on tickets. Obviously it's horrible and gut wrenching, and obviously it's addictive. I'm sure it's perniciousness does nothing to help. But however you feel about it gambling addition is and will always be a thing. Sports betting is here to stay. Regardless of whether the NFL profits from it, everyone else has their hands out, and for the most part the public embraces its legalization. Every single NFL player is making life changing money. Family changing money. Stars are now likely to become billionaires. The idea that players may throw games for bribes is ludicrous. For stars there's not enough money even on the table to make it worth it. And for scrubs, they see far too few opportunities for anyone to target them for a payout, and far too much risk of ending their careers were they to accept. I don't see much risk to the integrity of the game. Every year replay reduces the influence of refs. The ship has sort of sailed culturally, politicians want the revenue stream and the public's moral objection has significantly faded.
  5. Had many family get togethers over the years so I'm not sure why this one immediately came to mind. Anyways, we had a black out on tv and we all got together to listen to the game on the radio when I was a kid. I'm not sure why it was so enjoyable, maybe we were all just focused a little more on each other and less on the game. In some ways it was more exciting, you never really knew exactly what was happening, so at any moment a big catch could be a td or not, on tv you would probably know, but listening . . .
  6. I've often thought of you as a critical poster, but I think you may have just made the most delusional comment on this boards prowess since its inception.
  7. pipe down or you'll ruin it for everyone
  8. Obviously they're highly valued, but I think the idea is that a major shift in philosophy about the position is taking place
  9. I wholeheartedly agree. Just watching that recent Allen clip of mostly touchdowns, I mean he's throwing to everyone. How many wr has this board been high on that were mid at best? Every two years there's another future superstar WR that we absolutely must re-sign only for them to be average at best.
  10. We haven't had a qb good/long enough to really consider besides Allen. Plus we know he would probably have like 20 carries a game if he was calling the plays.
  11. Incredible the number of different players he's thrown tds to.
  12. I agree with you, but also, didn't you just come here in 2018?
  13. My 40 time begs to disagree
  14. I thought I remembered him looking worse off the tee too
  15. His play for nearly half the season was pretty awful. I don't know exactly why, but whatever the reason, it could continue to be an issue. As a practicality, it seems a little early for so many to go. So I guess I'm concerned that maybe they planned on one later.
  16. frustrating watching all the kickers go
  17. Call me crazy, but I'm about ready to get a kicker, maybe a punter too with all these 5s
  18. There almost certainly would be no trading partner
  19. Well, you ought to at least count 2015, and we gave up our 2020 for the position too.
  20. I’m old enough to remember Sammy Watkins
  21. Alright op, you owe me $10, kindly dm and I'll give you my address.
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