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Everything posted by SuperBowlOrBust

  1. Bills Fans on NCL Breakaway Cruise, Meet Up @ Irish Pub on Deck 8 at 9:00 for Bloody's etc. before we head to Lot 26!
  2. So before the bills were born it seemed like if you lived Syracuse and East you were a Giants fan and us here in Rochester and west were Brown's fans. So being born in 1956 by the time the bills started in 1960 all my memories are completely of the bills. He would take me to games when he could but if it was blacked out we would drive until we could watch a game at a bowling alley or wherever we could find it. He left me his binoculars that we always took to the games. Inside of it he had all the tickets stubs of when he went to Browns games and everyone of the bills games. When I when I was looking to see if any of the stubs slipped under I found out it had a false bottom and inside of it was a little tiny bottle of Scotch like you get on the airplane. I was trying to save it until they won the Super Bowl but when the 13 seconds happened I said a prayer and drank it so there you have it Super Bowl or bust! This is our year go bills
  3. Thanks, everything filling up fast! Lots of Pat's fans...
  4. We thought we could check in to the hotel at 2 and then watch the afternoon game and then we are going to Kettles parking lot to tailgate so yes, we will be at the game but wanted some place to celebrate the victory afterwards!
  5. I think you're right, I should have made the question what sports bar do you recommend and then figure out a hotel based on that. My nephew goes to UB and he mentioned Sidelines but I don't know anything about it.
  6. We're driving in so we do not need to be close to the airport. Go Bills!
  7. You know how he gets hyped up for these big games and ends up overthrowing open receivers. I would love to see them run left and then up the middle and then Josh to the right on a Jet Sweep! He actually likes to get hit as it calms his nerves and lets him get settled in to start passes!
  8. Section 215 in the Pepsi Club, Row 3 with unobstructed view of the Jumbotron and sun in your face! Price is 245 / ticket which is way below what you can buy them for on either Ticketmaster or StubHub! Includes VIP Gate entrance so you do not have to wait in line.
  9. The Cali Kid, cause he's cool dude in the pocket!

  10. How about Josh Fearless Alan? Or if we win all four games this month then he could become known as Mr December akin to Reggie being mr. October. Or then of course if we win the Superbowl then he could be Josh super Alan!
  11. Sorry to lowball but my daughter is getting married next weekend. Would you take $100 for 2?
  12. I have a nice, big CTS Caddy & plan on driving to the game. I can fit 5 Bills Fans very comfortably if anyone wants to make a road trip? I'm flexible & can leave either Friday or Saturday. Tommy 585-317-9212. I just bought some nice Tickets on Stubhub. It's about 11 hours so with rotating drivers, we could drive straight thru! I have room in my Caddy & plan on driving! What time are you planning on meeting up?
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