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Sandy McFiddish

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Everything posted by Sandy McFiddish

  1. Thank you it was driving me nuts I could not remember
  2. So true, definitely the hardest I have seen at least. I remember a Cardinals punter back in the 80s had to punt twice into a massive wind blowing snow here, neither went over 25 yards.
  3. We are super thin at LB and he would help us drastically. Unless he has some sort of bad injury he cannot pass the physical. I think he will stick out west coast somewhere, I will guess Seattle.
  4. Glad the fan was tossed from the game. Good for Tate too, a TD vs his old team.
  5. Would not completely shock me if we make 11-5 or 10-6 just like 4-12 would not shock me. We had a fairly tough schedule so far, I was hoping we could be 2-3 by now so I will take it for sure. Hope we get some of these injured players back. Exactly. There is no record we could finish with that would shock me
  6. It felt like a boost for his morale at the time, he badly needed it.
  7. We actually had the tie breaker on them since last Sunday. We came in to this game #2 seed in the AFC !
  8. 2 years away from 50 but I hear you, been absolute torture. Aaron Rogers was the one we should have had. If we did not trade up for JP the year before, and let Bledsoe play another season, we would have had Aaron. But our O line at the time may have ruined him lol.
  9. Rex was a great D Coordinator who should have stayed in Baltimore. Obviously he was not the legend that his dad was, but he was good.
  10. Robey was the one we could have afforded to resign easily. He was a pretty good ball hawk for us.
  11. Exactly, he should definitely get a free pass IMO Still better than stealing $20 bill off the bar from a cops wife or playing whack a Canadian with his Escalade lol If anyone's character would be challenged on this team, as of now, it would be Marcel.
  12. I wish him nothing but the best and hope he is successful
  13. Feet injuries are not just for the big guys, wide receivers end up with feet issues often as well.
  14. I agree more with this opinion. They are still learning each other.
  15. I fully agree with this. That would solve nothing and could ruin him mentally.
  16. Could very well be our best 5th round draft pick since Kyle Williams.
  17. I really felt like Sammy was going to have a huge season this year. I predicted 1600 yards 10 TD's before the trade. That being said I do not think he would have made the difference today, both D's really came to play today.
  18. Best Quote of that movie "Coach I look like I just jacked off an elephant" lol
  19. Love how our D looks. Getting Frazier at DC was also huge, he eases my pain of losing Schwartz.
  20. That was some of the worst football I have seen in my life lol.
  21. Gisele begged me to stay home, wearing only a towel, and I came here for this!
  22. I always call it Rich Stadium lol. I like how we always pack the stadium compared to more fare weather fans. Only time seats are empty here during a decent season is Christmas time for obvious reasons.
  23. I disagree about Tolbert. Not so much for his running ability but he is a beast at picking up the blitz. That is something Shady can be soft on and we have missed since Freddie left.
  24. More rotating fresh bodies means less playing time, which should translate to a pay cut.
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