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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Hi Lovemesome No. I did a brief stint in Seneca Falls when I was a young guy but we decided to move back to Buffalo. Missed the first ward but settled in near Cazenovia Park. We really enjoyed the womens suffer age museum but the route I had was in the seedy part of town where there were a lot of indians. What I don't understand with Spagnulo is his raunchy attitude on our board. Typical big city personality with a nickel brain. Shirl and I were talking today at Friendlys and I swore I'd never let a smartass like him ruin my day ever again. Just looking at his ugly mug makes me want to crack this computer screen but my son put it together for us so I dont want to offend him. Saying I hide behind a skirt really boils my blood because in my 81 years I've gotten more ass than a toilet seat and that little prick is still reading the McCall magazines I delivered to his aunt Trudy. I blocked him because I'm ready to punch him in the lip. Its not often Shirl and I have muddled old fashions on the porch but today is an exception because of this knucklehead. Go Bills. H
  2. so I come home and my wife is in tears. She admitted that she went and wrote a message to you on my membership account. I told her not to worry because greasy punks like you dont know how to talk face to face like i am used to. You hide behind computers and send messages through the internet wires just trying to increase our phone charges. Maybe you are so in love with the jets because of that italian quraterback Geno. But nothing will stop our team from beating up that qb just like I will take ahold of your uncles slick back hair and drag him to the bus station by his St Joseph necklace. Safe travels uncle Sal. I am Blocking you now before I get in trouble with the modulators. H **BLOCK SPAGNULO**
  3. Mr Spagnulo Howard went down to Tops for some things and left his membership writing page open. I want to respond to your message because you are a very mean football fan. My husband gave a lot to this city and country and his history shouldn't be made fun of. He stormed out of the house promising to be back and asked me to hose off the barbells and weights in the garage. I don't know what you have planned but I can say that your uncle Sal has little chance of doing anything hurtful to my husband. Howard is a dear man and he loves everything about the Bills. I would say something about you but I was brought up to say nothing at all if some greasy thug makes rude comments. Please dlete this message after you read it because I don't want Howard or my son Roger to see it. I suggest you apologise to Howard and let this little argument end because he gets real mean when people say things about the Bills. No hard feelings Shirly
  4. I had to run to the bathroom and then forgot what I was going to say but now I remember I appreciate how he modulates the board.
  5. We're gonna win that cup
  6. James You don't know the first thing about my mail route or my service to this country in the USPS. For 60 plus years me and guys I trained with in Brooklyn, Utica and Seneca Falls dealt with punks like you and your greaseball buddies. Cheap shots at our vehicles and wisecrack comments about our uniforms. Times have changed but not so much that I haven't noticed how !@#$s like you don't respect hard work and service to the country. I've had my share of battles as a kid and more recently when Nickie Ressetoni tried to argue how the Jets were gonna beat my Bills this year. Nickie and me (along with Shirl and his wife Marie) have coffee every Friday at Dunkin Donuts. Two months ago when he said this I walked outside with him and told him to take it back. he didn't so I took care of business right there next to his Buick lesabre. His stomach buckled because of the canoli he eats every day. Youre the same kind James. A smartass punk with no moral fiber. I was brought up on the Bills, oatmeal and Genessee 12 Horse. If I ever see you in my neighborhood we can continue this discussion with Nickie. Now go get a job and leave the true fans alone. H
  7. James. I'm more of a senior member because of my age but I dont post often. But I see you are a Jet's fan so I think you are the kind of guy I used to deal with at lunch or recess during grammar school. Their was always a kid that butted into my business and I had to fix the problem. Don't make me fix this. I dont have the time or patients for you. Go Bills. H
  8. Mr cleats has a problem with my service to our country? Let me remind him again, I didn't work my ass off for Ups or Fed Ex. I worked for the good old USA and made every delivery without a dump spot. Occasionally I took flack from a customer about arrival or wrinkles in the mail itself, but overall I retired honorably from the service. Me and my fellow service brothers fought through picket lines, driving bans and 2 feet of snow to complete our work. I'd like to think Cleats would understand that. Plus, Shirl loved me in my uniform so that was an added bonus. H
  9. UFO's don't exist. I have seen all kinds of things in the sky but no UFO or aliens. Why did you start this thread Mr Greggy? A waste of writings.
  10. How do I compliment a bag of rocks?
  11. Modulators!!!! Cletus just violated the service agreement and threatened Shirl.
  12. Ms Cowgirl is a sweet young lady. H
  13. Did I win this yet? Going to bed but hoping for good news in the morning. H
  14. Is very nice to point out how service to the United States comes with responsibility and hard work while wearing the grey and blue. H
  15. Shirly actually let me use the computer tonight becaus she already finished her word jumbles. I don't think Shirly writes as good as me but she does think you guys are ok except cletus. He still rubs her the wrong way. H
  16. He made me delete my first writing but he is very nice now. H
  17. Names are supposed to have a meaning or stand for something that you admire. What are you saying? H RealBuffalo. We had a great Memorial Day weekend. But i dont want to ruin this other mans writing about how he wants to have his wife name his offspring. Thanks for asking and thank you for your service too. H
  18. You bastards can laugh and chuckle about Shirls cooking or my dates, raisins and kinwa, but I take a beautiful Cletus every morning at about 6am after my oatmeal and coffee. Then another at 11:30 and one last one at 5:30 or so. Regularity is my calling card. Maybe you guys should try it. It might remove those wiseass grins on your faces. Shirl tells me to be cordial but even simple responses cause some agitation. H
  19. Buffalo Joe. Thanks. H
  20. How do I compliment a wet dish rag? H
  21. I didn't give my wife the option to name my kids. My son Roger is named after my buddy in the service who had a way with the ladies on his route. The other kids Rick, Regina and Reggie have a similar story. My wife is allowed to name the family pets. If you like Kyle then name the son of a pup Kyle. Stick to your guns young man. H
  22. I'd love an it job. I could be a policeman. Or a butcher. Whatever it is I could be it. But she needs to pinpoint exactly what "it" is she wants to do. I was a postal service carrier for 60+ years. It served me good. Good luck.
  23. Only one thing keeps my lead on the straight and narrow and that's Shirl's chili. She uses SPAM so it has a little kick to it. She's making it next week. Also flax seed and kinwa. H
  24. Congratulations Cowgirls Fan
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