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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Justjack Back in the 70's people used to go to the square (that's what we called the central office) to get their own damned packages. Yeah, that's right. It required you to actually go outside and walk or drive to the post office and pick up your own boxes. Then, too many people like you started whining about the weight, or the walk or the drive and so they made us deliver them to your !@#$ing doorstep because your time was apparently more valuable than my back. Now a few packages were lost or stolen by your neighbors or other punks, so they created a rule that we have to get permission to leave a pack unattended. So either let us leave your monthly jelly club box or stop whining when the neighborhood kids steal it and put it in their pot pipes. Cletus I thought I was done with you. Noone calls me Marion. Not my brother, my wife or my kids. Not sure why Shirl even brought that up but I'll deal with that later. She usually looks for me to treat at Friendlys but tonight I may just forget my wallet. I don't need your input because you are the type that used to make fun of servicemen like me way back then. That only happens once though. Fool me twice shame on you, Fool me once a brick wall you'll go through.
  2. To ChiefJim. (Red anger face)
  3. As a Bills fan i hoped for some respect. As a serviceman, I expected some thank yous and hey Howard, I appreciate your work for our nation. I see everyone here thinks my torn bag and key ring are just a big joke huh? Well if you ever go to the rockpile for a game I'll meet you at the south entrance to laugh some more. Get a life and serve your country punks.
  4. If Shirl says call me Marion, just don't even try it. I can cut off her word wide web use pretty quick.
  5. Noone better say anything smartallicky about Shirl's posts. She does this every so often. Usually after Roger leaves with his kids and she gets all wimpery. I always tell her hey, you cried when he graduated, you cried when he was married, you cried when he was parolled, and now she cries when they leave for the night. When will the crying end and she just tears up. Thats why I spend so much time at Sullivans place. She let me use the computer now so if any of you punks refer to me as Marion, I'll let loose Terms of service or not.
  6. The years of service I gave to my community and this nation, mornings, weekends, torn shoulder ligaments x2 , surveries on my nee and hip from bad stairs, dog bit scars on my ass and lugging home jars of !@#$ing dill pickles and strawberry wine because some people don't know enough to leave me a christmas card with $20. Now you young smartasses question my profession? I don't need this crap.
  7. I'm going to tell you all a story. Shirl doesn't even know about this one. When I was on my route in 1979 a group of punks were hanging out at Parkside Candy. I was walking by and one of them tossed his cigarette butt onto the sidewalk in front of me. I stopped, dropped my satchel and told the greasy fool to pick it up. He refused. I walked over to the bigger wiseass of the group and said "You go pick up that butt or I'll wipe your ass all over this street". The dumb punk laughed at me. In my training as a serviceman for the USPS we were told to always make the customer happy but this fool needed a lesson. So we started to tango and he proceeded to kick the ever living **** outta me. The moral to the story is - I had about 30 years on him, but this teenage !@#$ had me by 40 pounds. I didn't back down and neither did coach Kraemer. He stood up for something. I'm ok with him standing his ground when some wiseass threatens him or his family. H
  8. Come to the Mckinley mall on Mondays, Weds, Friday and Sunday and you can walk the mile loop with me, Shirl and my friends. Hope to see you there. H
  9. Nosaint I had a friend back in the 70's named Fred Metzger. He worked was a sub who filled in for guys when they took a fifth or 6th week off in the summer. He once told me we were like brothers. Then the superintendent came along and happened to like to play pitch. Fred liked to play pitch. Guess who got a 7th week off in the summer ? Fred son of a B word You are a fair weather friend. The fact that Buffalo joe agreed with me is a feather in my cap because he actually respects the service I provided to this country. You might as well climb on a tank and put a blanket of flowers over the gun terrets. <BLOCK **Nosaint**> ricojes Shirl likes her weiner black and Louies doesn't get them dark enough. I can't very well take Shirl to a place that doesn't make her happy. Teds is the only place for us. Move your &#33;@#&#036;ing Ford Edge over and let us through. This is ridiculous and unacceptable. I'm asking for a 30 minute window between 11:30-12pm. Not much to ask for a guy that basically built this city and provided for the lifestyles you now enjoy.
  10. TheRealBuffalojoe Thanks for understanding. Some of these younger fellas are Generation XY'rs They need to let go of that female influence in their genes and respect other servicemen and their families. While these punks were feeling boobs in the backseat of the bus in 8th grade I was sorting all their junk mail and delivering their magazines through their unshoveled walkways. Bunch of pansies want easy access to parking at games WALK YOU LAZY generation XY'rs...WALK
  11. NoSaint You see my point about the traffic pattern right? I love the Bills as much as the next guy but I don't need to hit my brakes on SW Blvd just to save a buck on a parking space. These guys should choose a spot and park. Better yet, close SW Blvd between 11-12 and let people wait for 30 minutes.
  12. **BLOCK <BustaTimes>** There. Now he's blocked. I don't have to listen to his gibberish any more and he can't respond to my writings. It amazes me that some of these younger fellas can't squeeze over on SW Blvd for us when we are heading to Teds. Granded, my Olsmobile is about 13ft wide and takes a little more room, but move your little trucks over so we can get where were going. Rocky I thought I heard you right. Shirl just told me to tell you that my pension has nothing to do with the Bills game traffic. Your 401k at Petsmart will work out just fine and we buy a lot of food for Howard there so we are basically putting food on your table also. How about this: Park your &#33;@#&#036;ing cars a half mile away and stay off SW Blvd at 11:30am....easy answer.
  13. How can he be the champion when he hasn't even played in a real game yet for the Oilers? Sure he was selected first overall, but let's wait for the season to start in October.
  14. Rocky. Are you saying that a serviceman and his wife of 59 years should wait in traffic with the other teenyboppers and drunken punks when all we want is a hotdog with pickle, ketchup and mustard down the road? Southwestern blvd is a public road last time I checked which in my day meant that all travelers had an equal right to drive in both directions at an equal speed. On sundays in the fall, Shirl and I expect to get to our lunch after our walk when we're hungry. If anything the drunk punks should stay to the right so we can pass through. Tradition means pay it backward for me because I served you and your parents for many years.
  15. Judman. Shirl and me are leaving soon for our walk at the MCKinley mall. It's a tradition. Do you know what that means. We do it every Sunday before the game. The fact that we bave been doing this on a regular basis and given my service to the country with 62 years in the USPS ("hooooooorah") means that I have priority over other fair weather punks who have no other reason to travel to OP than to drink one beer and pass out. Stay off SW Blvd until noon and everyone is happy. Not to difficult to understand except maybe you.
  16. Bringbackferguson. You would think after I served this country honorably for 60+ years in the service I could have someone say Sure Howard, we can help you and your wife out. But its young gimme generation types like you and others that want everything catered to you and served on a copper plate. Well im here to tell you if your elders need a little help (like redirecting traffic on a sunday at 11:30Am) you should jump at the chance and pay it forward for me. I dont need your smart ass comments and keep my wife out of this.
  17. Mad den boy. I've paid my dues. I've delivered the pennysaver and Coupon books to you and your ancestors for years. Should we change the traffic patterns for me, Shirl and Howard? You bet your ass we should because there's a perfectly good root through Abbott rd and over by that development There are others around who agree with me here.
  18. SWAT What some of these kids don't seem to realize is I used to walk up to nine miles a day when I'd cover Jim Franklin's route and mine on the same day in the 70's. So now people like beerball and others think I can't handle a one mile walk in a cool shopping mall. We get done at 11:30 so they think I'm still walking which means they can't count very good. Thanks for the vote of confidense. and the guy who suggested I walk the stadium I can't because Howard gets thirsty and we need to get him home. Shirl doesn't like talking with the young guys on game day because they drink too much so we go home and make whiskey sours at kickoff which leads me back to the fact that I am late because of all the damn traffic on southwestern
  19. zonab If you planned your autumn sundays out like we do you would be upset. why don't you drive down the 219 and take abbott to the stadium. You end up making me late for lunch and then I get home late to watch the game. I don't need your brand of advise here. I just want the traffic patterns changed.
  20. Too far we can only walk one mile or so walking to the Boulevard mall would be about 25 miles.
  21. My wife and i always go to the McKinley mall to walk on sundays. It gives us a chance to walk one mile walk around the mall. I see my friends there like Pete, Mort and Ray and Shirl usually gets to browse the specials for my son's kids birthdays (Roger had 4 kids all with a birthday in October). We leave the mall at 11:30am and then we drive up McKinley to southwestern boulevard so we can get to Ted's for a hotdog. Howard is with us on some days so he usually gets a burger when we are done. But the traffic is outrageous. Why should we wait in traffic for these knuckleheads with flags all over their vans to get ahead of us on Southwesterm. We want to get to Teds and they are weaving in and out of traffic around us. They should redraw the traffic route to include abbott as the main entry and leave southwestern open for people that need to get places and then get home to watch the game. It really bugs me how it screws up our day every sunday.
  22. Funny how that punk Spagnulo doesn't show up when his team is making all kinds of mistakes. I was just thinking about him when I read this writing you guys put together. This Geno kid is intelligent? About as smart as that JC Penny catalog I used to deliver to Cleats back in the 70's. Even Shirl agrees with me. For an italian kid, Geno has a lot more learning to do to make it in the NFL. H
  23. Mr Beerball. I devoted the better part of 60 years in the service. The dedication I showed to my countrymen while serving the united states should be rewarded. They should have increased postage by nine cents and then droped it by 4 cents. Then you all would feel like you were getting a better deal. My health insurance for me and Shirl is $23000/year My pension is $79000/yr My dental and veterinarian insurance for me Shirl and Howard is $14000/yr My cost of living adjustment is 20% every three years My enhanced social security is $22000 yr Don't tell me and other servicemen postage is too expensive. Our legs are worn out and our shoulders hurt. We earned the right to be rewarded now. I'm gonna go have my second breakfast now. H
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