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Everything posted by Howard

  1. We won our last championship there. I saw my first game there, sat threw the 40 degree days and had our radio there. It had a great location and the site lines were really good. We used to bring in beer and whiskey and m and m's and schnapps. There wasnt much tailgating there in my day. It was mostly have friends to your house and take the bus or drive to the rockpile and watch the game. That was a great spot and we should revisit this location to build another 40,000 seat stadium. We would show the NFL owners that tradition matters. We could create a timecapsul and put in neat things like a Jim Kelly jersey and a Rich Stadium hot with foil wrapper. And a program from our Raiders championship game. Anyway, I think we need a stadium at the old rockpile so we can win another championship.
  2. I cant sleep because Shirl and I walked the McKinley mall twice tonight. Now I'm really ready to go. Especially when young punks try to mAke fun of my physical rootine. You wait until your over 75 and you try to stay on top of everything life throws at you. I have bills to pay and balance my checkbook. I also have to get to Federal meats each tuesday for fresh chicken and pork. Then i have to take my returnables to Consumers to get my money back. I also have to walk Howard our dog four times a day and then pick Shirley up at the hairdressers each week. I have to dust and wipe off the couch covers and vacume the carpets so they have nice lines each afternoon. So to get this work done i do get up at 3:30 and write out my lists. Early bird gets the worm and i think i'm getting the big one again tomorrow. Sleep in son. Life will pass on. I think Mcdormitt has the right idea. I like him. (quote him) indo a lot of these same things but with Chunky soup cans. We keep the big 24 ounzers in our pantry and it works really good to keep me and my wife toned.
  3. I wake up at 3:30am and walk around my developmint, make oatmeal and watch weather channel before you even get up. So maybe you should get up earlier because I get the worm son.
  4. How about Capernick? He's tall and has a good arm. I dont like the kneeling thing but he's good.
  5. (quote him) Isnt it better to have three fingers than two? See what I mean. The more talents the better. I think so and so do most people accept you I guess.
  6. I remember watching quarterback either throw, run or kick the ball. I have not seen this since the 50s which was a much better time. But i was just thinking there are no true triple treat quarterbacks out there. Some throw good and some pass good and some run fast. But noone has the third skill to kick a 3 pointer on demand. Now that tyrod is signed he should practice 60 minutes a day on running drop kicks. He can set up as if hes going for it on 4th and 6 and if the defense falls back in to cover, he can look for an open person and if noone is open he can drop kick it threw the posts like old timers did. Thats the way football was meant to be played. Its like my profession as a USPS man. If i carry mail, fine and if i sort mail even better but if i carry, sort and get my route done completely without hiding mail in my truck until later in the week, thats a talented worker. Tyrod has the athletic skills and strong little legs so Im pretty sure he could pick up the dropkick skill quicker than most. I value your all opinions so take it easy on an old guy ok
  7. You stole that quote from Michael Scott.
  8. Yep. And don't forget "The Whammy"
  9. Do you guys know if the draft is on ABC or NBC? just want to make sure we get it. We have a digital converter box so we should be all set.
  10. Quote him I dont know who or what that is and the last guy who said i was funny didnt like my response because he didnt see straight for a week. You younger boys want everything now and dont work for yhings. Everything isnt about you and what you want. Maybe you can satisfy yourself. (<Block him now)> there. Now no more fridge. Quote him When i talked to Mr Brandin he said (quote marks bold) if you or your wife need anything just call me and Id love to help. You are both great fans of our team (quote marks end). I think he knows who are good working people and i didnt ask for a job or anything like some people do. All i asked was were the latch rug crafts were and he showed me. It is quick thinking and being friendly that Mr Brandin brings to the team and like I said before everyone complaned these new players are getting to buffalo quick to get on our team. Its great to have him running the team and picking these good players.
  11. Quote him summer will be here soon and thats when Shirl and me have manhattans on the front porch. You can come over on tuesdays if you want. Just bring some peanuts or something to snack on with cocktails. Our porch is nice because the hose is right there and i can water the lawn and flowers right when i am sitting on my patio chair. I hope to hear back from Mr Peluga and Brandin so they can visit to.
  12. Quote him Lets just say Sid was really grading on my nerves and didnt bother me agIn. Im 5feet6 but not many guys do. I stay fit for 78 years.
  13. Quote him I had punks like you on my route. Always with a comment with your tight dungarees and pinpoint collars. But i settled my fair share of disputes with your type usually under a maple tree off Broadway or SouthPark. Had my fair share of scraps and scratched eyes from those punks. Always one thing i remember is they ran home to their mommys just like rex and his pudgy brother. You know who was standing in the end ? Me - and Mr Brandin becaus he is hardnosd like me. Glad we have him.
  14. Quote him Shirley doesn't post on here unless there are recipes so i know your a guy. Even though i'm in my 70's doesn't mean i dont know how guys are. Like when Sid Machetti asked me to show him how the card catalog worked in grammar school. I went to the cabinet for N and found nuckle and showed him what a nuckle sandwich was. Thats how I communicate with smart alicks like that. Not you but others you know.
  15. Quote him If you use my name make sure you use my badge name (instant messager me and I'll give you my badge number). The thing with fuses is you can line 6 of them up and pigtail them into the box and then you have power for five appliances (Shirl told me how it's best to spread power over five recepticles rather than one). Just tell them Howard from S Buffalo 202 said to get the power fixed and Mickey from the 209 did also. (Mickey is agood guy bu usually drunk). Damn it I wish I could help but cant drive to Rochester tonight. Shirl has her Weight watchers at the catholic church at 7 and then we go for fish fry at 8!and frozen custard at Kone King at 8. If you need help just message me here.
  16. Quote him The postal service is something i am proud of. Your welcome. If I can help you in any way please instant messenger me. I may not be there right away but i'll be there soon.
  17. Quote him. I think you young guys are good too.
  18. I like reading postings about how we'll be fine because i think so too. I really want to read more about this plan. I was having coffee with my buddy Lou yesterday and he thinks mario williams would be a good player this year. I told him he's already on the Bills and he should read the paper more. Smilee. I felt funny correcting him but mario will preform better with our new coach.
  19. Quote him You seem like a nice young man. I would come help you if i was closer. When we blow a fuse i usually get one from my workbench in the garage. Is it a 20 or 30 amp fuse? I have both here.
  20. Quote him You think the woolworth catalog is big but you never lifted 20 sears or Pennys catalogs. I dont know anyone in the service now. All my men are retired or at the walmarts or no longer with us. Those were good men.
  21. Quote him I don't like that punk. Quote him Third place but from what I remember we had a really strong defense and had sacks if we scored more we could hve won two more games. I didnt see all the games because our community in Arizona has one cable hooked up big tv and my neighbor down the hall is a Lions fan but hes 89 so i dont think he'll be watching too many more games. But third place in the afc east is good because at least we finished ahead of the jets and Colts. Mr Vrandun had alot to do with our position now and the guys we are getting.
  22. My route was the longest of any carrier between 1983-1987. I had well over 875 customers and my delivery times were usually 6-8 hours which was recognised as the third best time but I also had 80-100 more businesses and houses compared to Larry Morton and Chet Blank (those two really werent better than me but they had less catalogs and packages). I had more satisfied people that knew me and kept asking for my route to be expanded but my boss (the superintendant) didnt want to increase it. Shirl and i have discussed this before and she knows I had the hardest rout but I never complained. Just like Russ Brandin. And no we arent third best in the division. We have great players and we'll get more with Tyrod redoing his contract. Im even writing a letter to Mr Peluga to see if he wants me to help look at tickets this season until October when we go to Arizona for winter.
  23. Quote him You again? I thought i got rid of you last year. Your like a polip that my doctor took out of my colon when i was 72. If you dont have anything constructive to say about mr Brandin then dont say anything at all. Real fans like me and Shirl and our son Roger know what forward process is and you keep holding us back.
  24. Quote him you probably never heard of kevin Shepperd before and he came to our team when Mr Brandin was in the front office. Same with countless other high profile players like Kiki Alonzo and Shawn Merryman. The point is that theres more to a leader than just writing plays on a chalkboard. Men like Brandin arent a dime a dozen because most cant bring quality players to a team that loses each year. With his experience in markets he has the smarts and deserves credit for who we are getting. When I delivered Sears catalogs every Christmas to my clients they would buy things from that store and i like to think i played a part in their success as a marketer. So Mr Brandin is doing the same thing as me.
  25. Quote him thats how I feel too. Quote him you have a problem with my civilian grays? I didnt wear a kiddie backpack when I worked. I wore a traditional delivery satchel and still have it in the basement. Its worn out but Shirl uses it to get groceries and for our laundry. My yard is my domain and if that punk didnt stand during the anthem at my house Id send him packing. Times have changed.
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