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Everything posted by Howard

  1. ^^ quote Warcolored i already figured out how to quote people with the upside down v sign. It seems to work for me.
  2. ^^ Quote House Marv Levi won a whole shitload more games than 1. Check your math son.
  3. ^^ quote Brian 3842 whats wrong with having a winning atitude?
  4. ^^^ quote Maga Man I agree with you sometimes but winning pre season will make other teams fear us. Thats half the battle most times as I have found in my 80 plus years.
  5. ^^^ quote him so having a real good 90 players that beats the pulp out of another 90 man team means nothing? I think it means much more and i’m thinking it shows we can beat most any team.
  6. Hey evryone. Been some time. Me and Mrs ready to head back to AZ in October. I think it would be great to go undefeated in the pre season. We would show all the smart analysts that our team is for real. Go Bills H
  7. * quote jimmy spatula here* I had a conversation with you last year around this time and you skampered off like a Chiwawa on my route back in 1979. Same thing with guys like you, a quick swat with a newspaper and you run off with your tail between your legs. I had a guy on my route that used to give me problems - Jerry Fortunato - he was a little fella with a big mouth. Let's just say I showed him the broad side of a Sears catalog and he never bothered me again. if you come up this way we can talk. And no, we go to bed after 60 minutes like most other law abiding citizens. Go Bills
  8. *quote jimmy spagnulo here* Even tho I’m over 80 I’d show you a good tailgate if you come up to south Buffalo. Some of my neighbors and me would like to talk more about that red haired preMadonna you call a QB. You’ll be singing a different tune at 4pm on Sunday I guarantee it. Go Bills
  9. <quote Exiledinindiana here> your a a nice fella Exiled. And you are really sharp. I sense you have served in the government as well. Am I right? I had a buddy that worked the crystal beach ferry from Buffalo to Crystal Beach. Name was Ned Rosticki. Nice guy for a polski. You have more patience for these smart ***** than I do. If they ever said some of these things to my face there be some problems.
  10. Not sure who you are talking to but if SDS is my Supervisor from the Cazenovia branch I can tell you he knows me and wouldn’t dishonor the branch I served in. If it wasn’t for me (and others who served in Postal Service before me) you’d have no news, Valentines Day cards or fruitcakes on Easter. Think about it young man. Your barkinn up the wrong branch.
  11. You really are a son of a B word ya know that? Are you giving Kootos to plow drivers when guys like me and so many others before me served our country in the USPS?? These guys you are honoring are union guys with guaranteed pensions and overtime. I never had overtime. I delivered what had to be delivered and I didn’t call in sick if I had a upset tummy. You should delete this crap before me and some of my South Buff buddies delete it for you. think young fella.
  12. <Quote Cleats here> You still posting in these message forums. Thought you were gone gunny. You know what, I challenge you to meet me some day at Denny’s parking lot and we’ll see what you are made of. I think it might be Kleenex and granola. Ive delt with punks like you my whole life like little Joey Rancini who I popped in the mouth and Mario Decappio who I shoved a buster brown car and long in his hind quarters. Dont tempt me young Cleats. Theres guys here that served while you were itching your little ***** on a school night. Go to sleep and reflecked on what you are saying. <Block cleats>
  13. <Quote shirl here> Thanks dear. I can handle these little punks
  14. <Quote Crippled creek here> Thanks for the thank you. It was my pleasure to serve you and your families for the 58 years I worked in the service. Yes there were some tough times yes I didn’t feel good some days but I took my duty seriously and delivered news and Vidal information to wny house holds for the better part of 50 years which was my duty. I didn’t once complane about my work because i had one saying with four words. “Duty. Strength. Respect” no one ever forgot me on the route or at my post in South Buff. Catalogs, Christmas, Mother day. I served with no complaints. I dont know the other guy Exiled but i bet he served like me. Tough SOB Like me too H
  15. (quote ExiledinIndiana) He doesnt want to join the lock operators. Take a hint. I'd bet you he is taking a look at USJobs web pages for postal service work because we actually made a difference in our nation for safety, health and security unlike the lock people. We delivered letters to the federal buildings for security purposes and blood test reports so our men and women knew if their blood was good. We also delivered report cards, college acceptance letters and Christmas cards. Those are the integril parts of a nation and we did it 6 days a week. What have you done? Watched a barge carrying melons go through a over sized bathtub? Maybe one day youll see what real service is and this young man and myself have traveled all over showing what real work and sacrifice is.
  16. (quote him) we had to get up early to pick up our son at the Trailways station and then we are getting Howard shaved for the holidays. Were usually up at 5 or so and we have our breakfast but this morning our neighbor was flushing his toilet so many times that our water pressure went down and we had to just have some entemens.
  17. Before I met shirl I had some close friends in the South Buffalo area and other routes where I served. Do any of you guys have one exra large middle toe, early male patterned baldness and a prominent nose?
  18. You worked hard for that pension young man and thanks for your service to our country. I also served this great nation for 60 years or more in the Postal service. I think you would like it there. i could make a few calls for you and if you wanted to serve again to ensure delivery of our correspondents and packages you could put another 20 years in the postal service and have two pensions. Its hard work but very rewarding for those of us who served over 30 years. I don't expect you will thank me for my service like I thanked you because most people think "serving the country" is just the four branches of the military but I was out on the front lines too. I served ten years in Lackawana, 8 years in Williamsville, did my biggest tour in South Buffalo for 24 years. keep it in mind as a possibility.
  19. (quote him) You are welcome. I never met him. Did he work in the niagara square or southtowns?
  20. (quote him) thanks for the kind words. People some times dont understand my years in the postal service as something they should thank me for. Really I served to make sure the lines of communication were always open for people to write letters and send cards and get packages. I wouldn't trade it for any other career and not for these young guys who make a fools of themselves on a weekly basis. Never would any of my guys do that on a route after a busy day of sorting or delivering. I wouldn't let them because i always told them to treat their service to the post office as a privilege and act like you have delivered thousands of packages before. Some younger boys would slap hands or cheer the older guys on when they got back from their routes in bad weather and I always told them to simmer down and get back to work. But i was proud of them sons a b's and the work they did and they didn't need to do no cockamamie dance to show how well they served you and me.
  21. Thats what Im thinking. Member when Roger Craig and Curtis Martin used to score. Even Markus Allen used to just hand the ball to the ref. It was how they would show respect and still had fun. They were pros. Jim Brown was my idol and so was Zonka. They didnt need to do the lawn sprinkler dance or the freeze tag stuff. Younger players and so in to keeping up on societal media like Facebooks and Twiiter. Anyway. We arent watching anymore td celebrations. Well switch the channel when someone scores.
  22. (quote him) this is my point. The nfl has become a league where everyone looks to see who can out do who. I and my wife are sick of it. We usually watch the game on sunday but this week we might stop watching until they stop these dumb td protests. In actuality we might protest their td protests because then they might stop doing them. Our local weather lady in arizona is always looking for stories and she might like how we are making awareness for this kind of thing.
  23. I remember when guys used to score a td at Rich stadium or even the Rockpile. My wife and son would say "dad watch him spike the ball" and weed laugh at how the ball would bounce when they threw it to the ground. Ive seen all kinds of td dances lately like the bathtub washing and the shoot the dog and the boxing match. Why do these guys feel the need to look like goofs doing these dances? At least Gronkorski just throws the ball in to the turf. Then there are these other guys that need to make a specktackle of themselves and they look dumb. They walk a dog or they pee like a dog but they look dumb. I hope Mcdermott doesn't put up with these weird dances. We are better then this.
  24. Mr quint messaged me and said you needed help. Its early here but maybe you will get this message. We like to go to our community room and I usually watch the game if one of the other guys doesn't have the remote early. So I sometimes hide the remote behind the piano so when the other guys look for it, I can find it quick and then I get to pick the channel we watch. We have plenty of room here so if you get over this way, stop in or call the front desk and ask for me. I can drive over to the community room pretty quick and get you checked in. Heres the community room http://www.suncommunities.com/community/rancho-mirage/ sometimes I go to Captains right down the road and watch a game or two if you like that kind of place. They know me there too. http://www.captainsbaraj.com/picture-gallery.html I tried to enter our dog Howard in the dog race but the bar guy said he was too big which I think is funny because hes a Saint bernard but acts like a little baby so whats the difference. Anyway you should come down and visit. Shirl has an extra pull out bed in our room and can make us some paco di gallo and chips while we watch the game. Can't wait to get back to S. Buffalo already. Wintering in AZ is not what I'm used to because we don't have many indians in South Buff. They are mostly nice though.
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