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Everything posted by Howard

  1. This young guy called GUGLY told me to click the button on the upper right of my first topic post so i did. it deleted the whole thing. Now my first post is gone. I dont know all of you guys but he seems to be a smartass. I knew guys like that in grammar school and i punched them in the mouth.
  2. beerball. My grdson told me about the other wall board last night. Please move me over if you know how.
  3. Buffalo. south side. is there any other place? do you all remember the courier express centerfold posters of Bills players in the 1970s?? I still have all my sons posters. Think they are worth anything?
  4. bringbackfergy. No slap. But she made me tuna fish salad for dinner. I hate tuna salad.
  5. quality of life is what I make it. I can't afford a 400,000 house, but we made do with a $12000 house for 40 years or so. Taxes are a killer though. i thought my writing here would transfer over to my other posts about the Bills. don't they Everything is sort of mixed up on my page and there is no bills talk above here. My grandson is coming over tonight so he can help me get the subjects fixed.
  6. Orton1qb I had to ask my wife last night how many years. she told me it has been 61 years going on 62 this August.
  7. Is Jimmy a common writer here? i haven't seen his name yet. I had half of a fruit cocktail a blt on wheat toast and black coffee. exciting smiley face Howard my dog and I are waiting for dinner now. wife still out at Big lots.
  8. Will thank you. this really gives me a chance to listen to other Bills fans and get away from Shirl for a bit while she is out. when she gets home she will ask what I did all day so I'll tell her I watched the dog and the news. Afraid i don't have any great opinions but this is fun.
  9. thanks thumb up face i cant figure these out
  10. You guys are very smart when it comes to money. i wish I had saved more. My USPO pension is good. We dont go out alot so we would go get dinner out more or get a bigger tv. we bought our house in 1971 for $12,500 and that was alot back then. The prices are so high now. i feel sorry for you all.
  11. should I create topics in the same line or are there oother places to write I made my oatmeal this morning and a thought entered my mind. Oats are really dry and tough but when you put them in warm water and let them soak, they do you really good things and work wonders on your body. this years Bills are a lot like oatmeal...they need to soak together for a while and get really good. does this make sense? I thought of it this morning at 5 while i was cooking at the stovetop.
  12. I like the collins kid. we could have us a regular "Electric Company" if we sign him. or "electric chair company"
  13. well my St Bernard and i share the same name. I figured that would keep my info discreet.
  14. Thanks Augie. great hearing from you. this is a great board.
  15. I would welcome a broad any night this week but Shirl (my wife) might make me sleep on the front porch. it is nice out this evening. smiley face i always liked the dolphin games and old indianapolis colts games. Great name by the way. I love beef on weck with a cold genessee cream.
  16. smiley faceSorry i thought that would make a smile face
  17. I haven't met mead yet, but hopefully he is a fan of Lake country red or Vella red table wine. My grandson brought me a box of it last week and we sat and had three cupfuls while watching traffic on the front porch.
  18. Bills or all time NFL? Sid Luckman has a special place in my heart. Bart Starr. Cookie, Joe D, Reggie McKenzie, and I met OJ once at a Police Athletic league fundraiser.
  19. What a great response from a fine group of gentlemen. Some of these kids on my block dont have the common decency to help me turtle wax my car, rake leafs or let alone say hello. You are all very nice young men.
  20. I'm comfortable knowing Trent dilfer won a superbowl. Baby steps my friend.
  21. Maybe we should worry what might happen next?? Oh no. we might suck. Get with the program son. Just watch and stop worrying about the other guy. Live your life.
  22. I had a friend in my grammar school that was given straight D's. He opened a company in Ft Myers and is a millionaire. what a bunch of bull ****.
  23. This team is ready to go. Neglected? I've seen plenty of neglect in my 81 yers. The track is laid.now the engine is ready to roll.
  24. How do you guys make those smile faces. I'm new here but its nice to see a smile now and then. Especially mid november. I could use some smiley faces.
  25. Thanks everyone i cant wait for this season to start. I have waited a long time through some miserable sons a bitches and want some wins. You younger guys can wait another forty years but some of us want to win now.
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