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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Hi all. This is Shirly. Howard had a little spell this afternoon while he was edging the grass along the front sidewalk. He wanted me to tell you he is good and he is resting on the sofa watching golf. He also said he will be ready for Cletus (don't know him or this gugny fellow) in a few hours if (and I quote) "that little bastard decides to show his face on my property". He'll be back soon friends. Thanks for making his days entertaining. Shirl
  2. Cletus if I could see you now Id show how horrible feels. I probably delivered mail to your house and you were one of those punks who would throw snowballs at me. If my writing is so horrible maybe you can meet me and try to give me a lesson you little punk.
  3. Johnny We have a sofa but Shirl won't take the damn plastic covering off so I usually sleep in my Barkalounger next to Howard because he gets up at night. Beerball. You are very nice for looking into this for me but my son said let begones be begones. Someone found my other writing topic so Im ok now. Thank you
  4. Johnny we usually have supper at 430 or 5. Sometimes on Sundays we have supper at 3 or on Bills sundays we eat supper at halftime. if all the kids are here I sometimes stay on the porch and listen to van miller until it's done.
  5. Clipper. She agrees and smiled. Shes happy I'm a member here because she is usually out grocery shopping or some nights bingo so now i have something to do. She made brown bread and cream cheese with olives tonight. Almost bedtime.
  6. I didnt hit that blue writing because my grandson said those are pop ops that my computer might get a viral infection or something bad. He restored this gateway for me and it works pretty good. the monitor screen takes up the whole tv tray but Shirl can get all the Word jumbles for free on it. Im going to cut the grass today. See you later
  7. I showed Shirl your message and she said ohhhh that boy. You remind her of our son because he tries to be funny to. She brought home some turnips and yams for sunday so we are going to make a pork roast for the kids. My grandson will be over so he can see the writings you guys have made. Go bills
  8. promo my wife will say that I was the handsomest guy back in those days and I would call her each night. I still remember her phone number was western 352. Pictures belong in an alblum not on a phone.
  9. snafu I loved PS6 I remember being the eraser guy. me and Fitz and Coles would bang erasers on the brick bulding outside making all kinds of words in chalk dust. ask your dad if he knew Shirl country my boys name is Roger
  10. I mean to say Shirl is a looker and improves with age There isn't a day goes bye that I dont tell her how lucky she is.
  11. all these little phones are godawful. What ever happened to walking up to a girl and talking to her. I see my grandkids pushing buttons and holding phones up and fixing there hair, smooching there lips. I used to slick my hair over, walk up to girls and ask them to dance and it worked fine.
  12. Wish I could move but my wife and dog like it here. 45 years in the same house Why change now.
  13. yes my dogs name is Howard. my son started calling him Howard when he would come over to visit because he didnt tink i would remember his real name so Howard kind of stuck.
  14. If Shirley and Marilyn monroe were standing in a room together you would have a tough time telling them apart. I am a lucky man She is already out to the supermarket getting ready for our party Sunday.
  15. Country if you ever drive down just off Seneca street during football season you will see my Bills flag hanging on the front porch where we sit. You can stop in if you want. Howard may bark but he's a kitty cat for a big Saint.
  16. Norma jean was beautiful and Shirl is a mirror image. That is why I married her. Smiley
  17. Cj was good but a real disappoitment last two years.
  18. Its nice to think someone would want to be me but i am me. Plain and simple in south buffalo.
  19. Guys are having fun at my expenses. Whoever found my topic thank you.
  20. My dr says I am very healthy My wifes cooking and hard work keeps lead in the pencil
  21. You people are pretty funny Shirley read some of your writings and she laughed sorry i spelled it wrong before. I was a postal carrier so my spelling isn't a strong skill.
  22. gugny is ok i guess. I read some of his other writing so I feel better about him. I had a egg sandwich too on wheat bread with fruit cocktail. I feel better now. Go Bills fans
  23. I never hold a grudge Bills fans like me and other 82 year olds can handle some light ribbing. My wife Shirl just got back from her hair appointement and told me to make friends not enemies so I'll have lunch and think more.
  24. To gugny I went to PS 6 on S Division and if I could have a few minutes alone with a young punk these days i'd show everyone here how things get settled when my property gets damaged or my firsat topic gets lost.
  25. yes gugny. I dont know him but a guy that tells someone to click a x and it causes the loss of my first post is someone I will watch carefully. I've seen a lot in my days and fought many battles. but if you damage my property or hurt my dog you make trouble in my book.
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