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Everything posted by Howard

  1. BuffaloBill I remember I bought a Zebco fishing reel, a hibachi charcoal stove and Shirl bought a coleman lantern because she thought the electricity might go out some day. FOR SALE: One new in box Coleman lantern. $10
  2. Realbuffalo. If defending the honor of Shirl lands me in hot water than I am guilty. But I served this country for 60 + years in the federal govment and I'll be damed if some punk is gonna make me sorry for keeping my lady safe from harm. H
  3. James. Can I call you James? My youngest brothers name was James and we always called him by his full name. James Joseph Norton Reginald Francis so I called him James. Jimmy was great. This one time he shot a slingshot stone into Mr Gregorio's front porch window over on Gilbert Ave and we all ran. Jim got caught so me and Coles and Dickie Lew went over and watched him get questioned for hours. My father had to show up and JJ was tearing up. I went up to his room and told him Id fix everything so I bought a pain of glass and went over to old man Gregorios. Now Gregorio had this garage that had two bicycles in it so I was fond of them and his daughter Maria. Anyway, Jimmy J told me to be careful and I silently went back and fixed his window while old man Gregorio was at the but her shop on a saturday. Jame is now gone. I mean he is in Chicago following a acapella group that we saw at the Riverside Theater back in 48. (The group had 7 members but now only two but Jimmy thinks they still sound real good without a bass or tenor). Shirl and Jim were always close so having you as a friend here is great James. Thanks for being a Bills fan. Howard, Shirl and Howard Smile face
  4. RealBuffalo. I think beerball is nice. So is gugny after I showed him a few things. Clitis is a punk and Shirl thinks he's real funny. I don't like him all that much because Ive seen guys like him in my 80 + years. He'll be wearing dungarees and a fodero on the corner probably. Useless youth really. Try and keep this between us because I want to keep friends here. Howard, Shirl and Howard
  5. Hi Beerball I have messaged you before about a few questions I have. I also want to download some of my old slides from my trip to Seneca Lake in 1972. Maybe one of you mobilizers can help me download the slides. Hope to win this contest. Last time I won anything was a $20 shopping spree at Twin Fair from Danny Neverts on WKBW. Howard
  6. QUOTING CLETUS Tell Shirl I said hello END QUOTE I told you to stop bothering me about my wife.
  7. PRIVATE MESSAGE TO CLETUS I received your last private message and I won't discuss Shirl any more unless it has to do with her biscuits or her cherry tarts which are really great. I am trying to be nice to you but anymore rude comments and I'll meet you on Furman Boulevard
  8. Guffalo Shirl's fertilizer can is not for public viewing. I invented it so go get your own. No such thing as a free lunch and no free fertilizer spreader cans either.
  9. This is a great topic and hits home with me. I collect Cool whip containers. have been for years. Whenever my wife buys Cool whip I keep the container for the label and recipes. The older ones were good plastic and the newer ones are sort of flimsey. It's fun seeing how the container changes each year or so. I have a spare bedroom in our house filled with my collection of cool whip containers. Some days I walk in and just sit and watch them for hours. I was going to ask an appraiser to value the collection but I don't think he'd be honest. I'll probably leave the collection to my kids in my Will. Howard
  10. Bringbackfergy. what is a broadcast spreader? We use an old Maxwell house can with some nail holes In the bottom. I worked on it in my shop. I fill the can and Shirl walks around the grass and slaps the side of the can it works good.
  11. smile face thumbs up face Howard
  12. PRIVATE for Beerball and nervous guy: this message is just for Beerball. Dont read if you aren't one of them. Can you help me with something? I am buying fertilizer for my grass. Should I get turf builder or turf builder plus halts. ? Thanks Howard and Shirl
  13. Hi Beerball and nervous guy. You have both been very helpful with my new membership here so I wanted to send you a private message. I have two problems though. This one guy named Country Clitus keeps giving Shirl a hard time about me and I think it is kind of rude. I have been holding my temper. Not everyone has a bride like me. Shirl is special. Just wanted you to know in case you were going to message her. That's the one thing I wanted to bring up. Thank you Howard
  14. Cletus I can meet you any time. Shirl told me to hold my temper and said you were all real sweet but you and that gugny kid are like little brats I used to punch in the nose at recess. I wish there was an address on here for you because Id drive over in my Oldsmobile Delta 88 and have a word or two with you.
  15. Cletus you little pecker. Shirley has been my girl for over 60 years. I am ready to meet you any time other than this friday at 7:15am because I have to have blood drawn. Howard
  16. I can't read what post this is. Did I win?
  17. Shirl had three brothers. But her mom was quite the looker. She had this powder blue bonnet she'd wear with a white hoop under her dress on sundays. Once in a while i'd see ankle and things went from there.
  18. No such thing. During my 80 plus years Ive never seen a flying saucer and I bet you a six pack of Black Horse you won't either. Bunch of !@#$s made the whole thing up.
  19. I dont like his hair. And I hate that sunglasses shade on his helmet. When I played we didnt need a shade on our helmets.
  20. Why do you little peckers say things about Shirl? I asked her to come on here and tell you all I was ok and resting and now you wish it was still Shirl and not me. This clitus guy is really making my blood boil.
  21. My boys name is Roger not gugny.
  22. Joe you seem like a nice young man. I always tried to talk to women about what interested them. If they liked embryodering pot holders I would ask about that. If they liked tap dancing I took lessons and met them there. I met Shirl doing just that. You will find the right one if you dont try too hard.
  23. Mead. I love anchovies. They put lead in the old pencil if you know what I mean. That Cletus guy should try a few. Shirl always keep a few cans handy in the pantry for me.
  24. Happy Mothers day to you ladies also.
  25. Hello gentlemen. Shirley here. As I updated the other thread, Howard is a little dizzy so he's resting (what else is new). I already shopped for groceries for tomorrow's big meal, did the wash, and gave Howard (the dog) a bath. Now I'm making chicken salad and harvard beets for Howard for dinner. Just wanted you to know he will be in touch soon. Thanks for keeping him occupied while I go out on my errands. You are all so sweet. As you can tell, he is a pain in the butt but after 61 years it doesn't make sense to trade him in for two 30 year olds. Fondly, Shirl
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