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Everything posted by Howard

  1. I can see all of your smartass comments you little punks. Mr Mead thinks his comments dont hurt but they do. I was named after a very famous town councilman so my name has panash. And Clitis doesnt talk to Shirl because we are on a local calling plan so there's no way she could call him in Provincetown RI. Realjoe. If you had little smartasses calling you out all day youd punch them in the nose too. I can take any one of these "men". They don't know what tis like to deliver pounds of mail to the same addresses almost every single day. Shirl's advice is to stay nice but I'm at witts end. I am going out to pick dandelions off the front grass. Send me a private message if you want to talk or give me your address so I can make things right.
  2. Cletus. You remind me of my carrier buddy Sid Phelps. He was a loudmouth punk. I punched him in the nose and he never bothered me again. He's retired now in your hometown: Blistery Palm, FL.
  3. Shirl just took a photograph of me. Then she used up the rest of the 12 pictures on Howard and her azalias. She will take the film down and we should have the developed pictures next week.
  4. Mr Ball. I'm only 81. I still have all my choppers. I brush with baking soda every morning and rinse my mouth with hydrogen dioxide. Its an old trick that i learned in the service. So before any of young bucks start giggling like Cletus getting his new issue of National geographic, my teeth are all solid.
  5. That blue writing took me to an ad for Cialis. This is not funny. James is a nice guy and if he has a problem we shouldnt make fun of him.
  6. Mr Ball. I've given advice to my kids all their lives. Roger still comes over to talk while we sit on the front porch and watch the neighbkrhood kids walk up and down the walk. They always have those calculators in their hands pressing buttons. I tell them to count on their fingers like we all did at that age. This guy that is abusing you. He sounds like a punk. Why do you have to follow his orders? I used to follow orders from my superintendent but when he was bangin the assistant clerk, I got my route changed from the east side (over where that Cletus kid grew up) to Williamsville. Keep doing what youre doing until the bastard !@#$s up. Then pounce on him quicker than flies on ****. Have to go now. Shirl and me are hitting Tim Hortons for coffee and chicken salad.
  7. BuffaloJoe is right. When I delivered the JC Penny catalogs all the boys came running to the mailbox. Pictures of women in bras and girdles makes me chuckle but these young punks ran straight to the bathroom. Youngsters like Cletus should have been shoveling their front walk. while I was trudging through snow and sleet, Cletus was upstairs with a bottle of Nivea and a roll of Charmin.
  8. Chef James You remind me of my older brother Charles. He's 87 but refuses to get with the times. The internets is a band of wires that branch throughout the sky and you talk real loud or type real fast and the electric currents run the messages to friends and relatives. The mobilizers here told me to use smiley faces and be pleasant when I interact with others so I cant threaten anyone with a bloody lip anymore. I think it makes sense to treat everyone here like they are old people (over 90). Young guys like me still respect our elders. mr mead. Are you older than me? Do you like Lake Country Red in the gallon. It's expensive to ship it because the glass jug weighs a ton and as a veteran of the service, I know my brethren don't want to carry a 10 pound jug of wine around the route each day.
  9. Cletus Remember that scene in Bridge Over the river Kwaii where Tom Hanks grew up fast? That reminds me of you Shirl told me to say that I don't smell. I wear English leather every day and Shirl wears Charlie.
  10. can keep Cletus away from pushing broom Why are you bothering me? Shirl says I should just stay away from the Gateway computer today but with your smartass comments I feel my fists clenching.
  11. I learned how to upload pictures yesterday. Roger came over for a few Schlitz on the front porch. This here is mother with my first car which is a 1950 Pontiac. Shirl and I had some good times in the back seat at the Como Park pavillion watching the submarine races. Gas back then was about 14 cents a gallon and with the $3 in my pocket I was able to fill it up, buy a 6 pack of "safes" and a bag of root beer barrels.
  12. Can someone post more pictures of the young lady with the long tongue? My wife in bed. Thanks H
  13. Block Cletus ENTER Attention Mobilizers. Cletus is violating the terms of service. The TOS says that if a member discriminates against another based on medical disability they should be warned and even banned. comments about my pill box fall into this category. This little rat has gone to far.
  14. I cant sleep Shirl made me a cup of Sanka but I think it had caffeine in it. Hiward is barking to come in. Be right back. There. Stromboli are sort of like when i have olive loaf rolled up inside a soft taco shell. We make those from time to time and they are ok. This mead guy seems to know his stuff and asked me to give him wine so I have a nice box of Vella Table Red for him if I see him this coming season.
  15. Thank you Greg. Cletus. Knife through smiley face smiley.
  16. Shirley was born in Cheektowaga. I was born in Buffalo. Anyone have any smartass comments about us? Didnt think so. And if any of you punks say a damn word about the "service" I'll block you quicker than cletus licking a popsicle.
  17. I'm really confused. Shirl said it's probably the mint chocolate chip ice cream cone she made me while we watched traffic tonight. But what the hell is Cletus talking about? I'm trying to watch Hankity on Fox and now you guys are mixing up guggy with some man named einhorn. Attorneys? I hate them. They once sued me because i tore down mrs Lanahans fence that was four inches on my property. Shirl told me to do it and she was right. Mrs Lanahan was a crotchety old bird.
  18. You again?? It was a quote in brackets so you could tell I was quoting CowgirlFan. You're not too sharp are ya Dear Mobilizers (Beerball and nervous guy) I want to block Cletus. BLOCK CLETUS BLOCK CLETUS BLOCK COUNTRY CLETUS I think he is now blocked.
  19. mead we neck but it's hard doing most anything else at 81. I love stromboly so I hope to meet you sometime. H
  20. Jinva I was turned on to Cool whip container collecting by my neighbor 40+ years ago She was a nice old lady and told me to watch how they will change in texture and demand over time. She was right because they are really all different. Around the holidays my wife buys the Chrismas ones and we have one of the biggest collections in the east. Channel 7 did a piece on us years ago. Anyways thanks. Howard
  21. Shirl is getting her hair done so I wanted to thank every one for their well wishes and help learning this page and how to write topics. When my grandson started this account for me I was a little confused how to leave smiley face and quotes but figured out I need to put them in brackets to make it work so thanks (smiley face). (She also like lacey napkins) Yes she does H
  22. I made a lot of mistakes in my 80 years but never did that. I thought Beerball was a nice guy but he looks really frustrated. Who will take his place as a mobilizer here? H
  23. Nanker Shirl and I like Ribbon candy. A close second is circus peanuts. H
  24. I worked hard for our government while you were picking daysies and playing a guitar you jellyspined lump of crab meat. I walked through slush and slime (had to deliver to Big Wall Chinese Restaurant on Hertel) and delivered your Boys Life magazine and Natural Geographics just so you could spend 30 minutes in the bathroom "reading" about pigmy colonies in the amazon...you little punk. Don't tell me who or what I worked for. I was in the "service". Shirl is calling me and my son will be calling so I will sign off now. Bill O'Keefe is on Fox H
  25. You wouldn't think it's funny to see what I did to Terry Flanagan back in 62. You haven't seen fast until you've witnessed southside Howie (had a monogram on my letterman sweater. They knew me around the city). H, S and H
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