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  1. {quote Jimmy Spatula here} Ae you still looking for tickets because I can get you and your meat head buddies front row seats to an ass kicking contest off Cazenovia in South Buff when you’re in town next time. Leave Shirl out of these messages. Now she’s all over Facebook posting your picture. Asking who you are and for people to watch out. I’m not worried because the only replies she’s getting are likes by Save a Stray groups. I have a Bills “Allen and Diggs” bumper sticker on my vehicle. Was driving on the Kensington and Some goomba with a NJ plate fingered me. I sped up and threw my donut on his windshield. I pulled over and waited. He never showed up. So I wasted a good donut on that canola eating bastard. I won’t make that mistake again. I have a buddy who supervises the Rikers Island mail room. he can make sure your latest Teen Beat magazine is announced in public during shower time. go away. You have t even made parole. Real Bills fan Howard from South Buffalo
  2. (quote Jimmy Spagnulo here) You cant even afford tickets to a game. Why do you always think we will lose to your team. You have a screw lose. I just got home from arizona and was cutting my grass thinking about how good our team will be this year. Now I see you spouting off about the jets. Laughing out loud. You know why I decided to write a message to you today. Your a bully and have no spine. just like Erin Rogers. Ive told you this before but when I served, I kept my uniform sharp and clean. I took pride in my work and didnt listen to dumbskulls like you. You were always the guy barking from the porch commenting on my appearance. Have you bought a new tshirt lately? Im a little older than you but can still teach a lesson when needed. Just like my team will in September. Go away.
  3. (quote jimmy spagnulo here) In all my years Ive never walked away from punks like you. Back in 1964 I remember when two big mouths like you made fun of my service uniform. They called me "gray boy" so I pointed to my service badge USPO and they kept it up. Lets just say they used their own silky shirts to clean up the red liquid under their noses. Your the same kind. always chirping like a cricket. The PO is the post office reunion. I served for well over 70 years and my roots always had people like you approach once. Just once. Me, Jimmy Mac, Clyde Sheridan, Phil McDuffy, we kept our area safe. That would be why you serve jail time. Your a punk like most Jets fans. And my wife isn't someone to mess with. I met her at the rockpile and she's a knockout. You cant even spell Brooklynn right. So your ideas for the jets are obviously wrong too. I wish you left here where all the good fans are. go Bills! and another thing, do you even have a house. I'm going to edge my sidewalks now but you don't even start work until 4oclock.
  4. * quote jimmy spagnulo here * I thought you were gone from here. Thats why I like going to our place in ARZ because we dont have you downstate types there. Now we're back in South Buff for the summer and remember how we used to handle guys like you. quick and painful like you said. In all my 88 years ive seen punks like you come and go, usually crawling back to your trans am after getting your noses busted by guys like me or Jimmy McNeil who lived on Caz. My wife and me are planning to visit our grandson in Brooklynn and have a PO reunion with guys near the stadium at some italian joint. I know you'll be busy smoking dope or something but i have a few things to talk to you about. Like my football team and how Marsel Dareus and company will hurt that little twerp Wilson. let's go Buffalo!
  5. * Quote Spugnoli here * Flinkerton would have nothin to do with a punk like you. in fact, he’s on my Facebook page right now planning on our reunion. You and your thick head buddies are welcome to come see us. Me, the Bull, Joe Teriani, VillaPuerto and Billy O’Shea can handle you. Plus my buddies from the Mckinley mall walking club. We got plenty of power and can walk all over you punks. I had a spagnola on my mail route. Back in the early 80’s. some short cross eyed knucklehead would ask when his moms Sears catalog was coming. Must have been your cousin Frankie. say hi to your gramma for me. She’ll remember Howard from South Park/Caz. H * Dear modulator - this guy can’t be for real. Jets fans are smarter aren’t they? H * How do you other guys quote stuff here. I keep trying to use the control askerisk to put the quote in and it doesn’t work. Will keep trying.
  6. *quote Jim Granola here* Been busy in Arizona with things to do around the condo and Shirl called me in because you showed your ugly mug on our baord again. Havent had to read your foolish writings for months and now that we are good you come in here and pump out your chest. With all those gold plated chains around your neck i'm suprised you can even lift that block head of yours. A buddy said something to me in November when we were honored for Veterans day (we both served the USPS for 50 or more years). Phil Donahue said to me he says "most people from Jersey dont even know their own zipcode" and that makes sense because your away from home on this board. Go back to your corner and sell some more phone cards you gorilla. To say your team will be challenging our team for the playoffs next year is like driving in your Cutlass Supreme and trying to compare it to my Delta 88. can't do it son. See you in buffalo next year if you show up this time. I park right next to your apartment (port-o-john #24 in Lot 3). And don't bring any of your stonehead buddies because I'll have my group there too (Billy Watt, George "The Bull" Flinkerton, and Pete Giovanni. yeah there are some good italians that have my back). Go away. H
  7. <quote John from Rearside here> I agree. I bet Jim didnt even watch the game. His quarterback was more nervous than a hooker in church. Glad you are a Bills fan like me. Howard
  8. <quote Jimmy Spagnulo here> Hey all my Bills friends. Loved watching that game over at the Saperstons unit. They had a veggie platter with real blue cheese and these little beef sandwiches with salt on the top that Shirl and me both liked alot. We snuck a few home with some cut veggies and had two more meals later that week. Hows our buddy Jimmy doing. I haven't seen an ass kickin like that since the Romano collapse from my story above. Jimmy must feel like overcooked lingueeni right now...soft and ready for the garbage. Isn't it funny how he comes on our fan board and makes a fool of himself every time and now he cant be found anywheres. That's a typical block head motormouth that I dealt with all my life. I don't see many Jersey types down here. They now better. Good riddince Mr Spagnulo. Howard
  9. <quote jimmy Romano here> You don’t have my phone number. I was careful with it because I got burned by a guy selling replacement windows one time. You have nothing better to do then make fun of my team. You probably sell replacement windows. There was a lady once who I met in Jersey. Are you from jersey or NYC. Anyways, I met this lady before Shirl and she had buggy eyes like you and a huge forehead. She gave me a hard time so I bought her a drink and one thing led to another. She walked off with a little greasy haired guy. Her name was Marie. She smelled like capacole. I’m thinking she’s related to you somehow. Another Jeets fan too. My wife wants me to rest up. My boy will be here this weekend and we’re going to Denny’s early on Sunday and then watch the game over at the Saperstons unit. Don’t say you’re with Shirl because she told me she’s here all night while I’m sleeping. Wanna make a bet? Bills win by 7 pts. Go bills. H
  10. <quote Jimmy Spatula here> Shirl and I took a week off and made our way to Jimmy O'Briens place over in Phoenix. Jimmy and me were good pals when we served in the PO. he reminded me about the time I threw a rook around because all he did was complane about the weight of his bag. I threw a couple bricks in the bag and told him "now carry this bag all day and think before you talk" His name was Al Romano and he was a little twerp with a big mouth. I told my buddy about you and he said this Jimmy guy sounds just like Little Al. Aint that the truth. This week will be the Bills verse a bunch of little Al Romanos. Your team will wine and complain about the weight on their shoulders and the Bills will keep piling on the bricks, one by one. Josh Allen is my guy and his mustache is kinda like mine back in 1974. Anyways, its going to be a great game and you'll finally shut yer yap when its all over. Shirl is watching me type this over my shoulder so she can keep me calm. She usually watches what I do because we have card club at 2 every Tuesday and wants me to stay focused. I saw your dumb post earlier this morning and had to respond. We have lunch at the diner today (meatloaf sandwiches and a cup of Sanka will hit the spot after dealing with you Jimmy). Not sure how the rest of you guys put up with him. Go bills!
  11. <quote Jimmy spumoni here> Takes a lot of guts to make cracks about my wife and dog. Do you even have a lady. probably not. Ya know what we used to do with punks like you in South Buff - take them over o Seneca and Caz and watch them squeal for help. Your NYC attitude doesn't bother me. Ive dealt with that all my life in the service. New recruits would show up at the square and act all tough. Talking about the Giants and Jets. How the Bills never did nothing. One young guy was on postal rotation and came up to the square to learn. His name was Petey Romano. who the heck names their grown kid Petey? A little husky fella with a big attitude. He learned quick how we work in South Buff and at the square. He crumbled up on the shipping dock begging for his momma. I'd make my way to your neighborhood but don't want to catch the virus. I hear it is making its way under bridges and boxcars where you sopend most of your time. Say hi to your uncle Vince (we talked about him before). Ask him if he still remembers my buddy Chuck Gallagher. he must still have scars. Off to Dennys with family. Do you ever go out to eat. Guess not. Go B-e-l-l-s!
  12. Im about ready to come to Jersey and find this fool. I only get here once and awhile because me and Shirls are busy with my son and my sons kids and their kids. But when i see this kind of garbage i need to take it out like yesterday trash. That is what this guy is. We had a saying at the service (post office) - Don’t deliver stuff to those who don’t know the difference. That’s what this guy is. A punk. Why even respond to him. I still walk a mile a day and my wife drives me back. I do stretches in the condo pool and feel like I’m 50 again. This fool is like that dope that retired at halftime. He’d ask for help from his pals after five minutes. so done with this guy.
  13. ^^ quote Jimmy Spatula Ive had about enough of your crap. You come in here after we had a undefeated preseason and talk like your Jets are going to win it all. And you should keep my wife out of your business. This is between me and you. I always handled punks like you one way - hard and fast. I bet you tumble like a sack of potatos. 45 years of walking 8 miles a day left me in great shape which I can't say for you because you probably still wear the same Twin Fair sweat suit your daddy bought you for first communion. I'm serious, lay off my wife. And another thing is I had a kid in South Park grammar school whos name was Frankie Spagnulo so he's probably related to you someway. A little twerp who used to roll his dungarees up and looked like a tough guy. You know where he ended up? Painting lines on the highway by hand in an orange jumpsuit. I knocked the grease out of his hair in 6th grade and theres still a lot of fight left in this dog. So take your JETS team and back off my spouse. H
  14. ^^^ quote jimmy Spagnulo We’ve had our talks before and you’ve made comments about me and my wife of 57 years but when you start talking about a beat down and injuring our players you go too far. Ive had to deal with punks like you for 46 years in my service and never once did your people come out on top you know why? Because you talk the talk but wont walk the walk. We’re going to your oily stadium this Sunday on a senior tour and would love to show you what south buffalo is all about. Your cousin Angelo sounds like a punk too. Look for me in the Art Schlicter throwback jersey. Or you can just apologize now and save your self some money on med bills. H
  15. I dont like this punk.
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