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  1. Brady looked pretty frustrated today. He knows he should have scored over 50 points but he had a bad game. He realizes he didn't have one of his better games today.
  2. May I ask you why you get pizzed off after a Bills game or a Sabres game for that matter??? It's only a game that is meant for recreation. Win or lose it means nothing that affects your life in any way, shape, or form. After the game your house will still be there, you will still have a job, your bank account will be unchanged, and if you're lucky maybe even you wife will still be there. Can't guarantee the wife part. I don't know her so I don't know how dumb she thinks you are for getting frustrated over two of the worst teams in professional sports history.
  3. Promo that should be 31 cities not 32, buffalo isn't a city it's a sewer that belongs to Canada. Canada dumps their shiiit there.
  4. They're playing the Bills they don't have to cheat. They can beat the Bills without even bringing half of their team.
  5. I called 7 and 9 and with a lot of luck maybe even 8 and 8 way back in July before training camp even started. The Bills have done the same thing for the past 18 years do you really think they will ever change. I said it many times watching the Bills is like watching "I Love Lucy" reruns. Same old, same old, for the past 20 years, nothing ever anything new or different.
  6. Fadingpain. You want some cheese to go with your WHINE? lol boo hoo boo hoo nobody likes the Bills and they mock the team boo hoo boo hoo
  7. Yeah but the Sabres suck too. If the team is in Buffalo they have to suck it's in the contract.
  8. Smart, might as well go out and watch the grass grow would be just as boring as watching the Bills. New England is going crush them. LOL Yeah right and you're going to be the next president of the USA. Yeah right and Hillary is an honest person who isn't a rotten crook. LOL
  9. Ice bowl all I can say is he saw you coming. It's obvious he's a friend of your fathers and NOT a friend of yours. He took you for a ride.
  10. I think Jerry Rice would be a better option. He's bigger than Harvin and he's more durable.
  11. Well they won't be starting a winning streak this coming Sunday, you can bet the ranch on that. Brady's coming to town and you know what that means, another game in the loss column.
  12. LOL I have to agree joesixpack.
  13. Yeah I would trade for WR as long as I didn't have to give up anything more than a 4th round pick. The only good receiver you can get for a 4th rounder would be Josh Gordon from Cleveland because of his off field problems. Whaley? He should quit his job
  14. Buffalo's last playoff game was 1999 ! Ouch! that wasn't even in the new millenium. 2013 I can remember, 1999 was so long ago most people can't even remember that far back! Can you imagine if you were a high school senior? You're whole life you would have never seen your team play in the post season. WOW!
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