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Everything posted by AlCowlingsTaxiService

  1. It's called being a fan ... I'm sure Cubs fans weren't embarrassed before they won a Series. I think there's bigger fish to fry in life ...
  2. The Bengals ... where shi**y or oft injured linemen go to complete their career destruction
  3. His playoff "effort" against the Patriots should quell that nonsense
  4. He also said he was fine with keggers at Bledsoe's house ... I know craft beers and wings are heaven to most Buffalo folk, but it's not what young African American millionaires are into, I'm guessing
  5. Just a guy ... not a difference maker. Hoping these aren't the kind of signings we needed to purge the roster for last season
  6. TWD is currently in that grouping ... for God sake, find the cure or just kill everybody Just started season five of "Ray Donovan" ... still strong IMO
  7. Not a signing that will make the heart beat faster BUT the run game was/is abysmal, and the dude can block (we know Croom can't) so if the price is right? Git 'er dun
  8. Agreed. As well as TE played inside (at times), I believe he is miscast as a MLB and would be FAR more effective outside
  9. agreed .... almost gave up on it during that time, but I'm glad I didn't! Finished in epically great fashion Right now binging on Showtime's "Ray Donovan" ... definitely worthy entry
  10. Easy ... I was born outside Chicago. I grew up in Chicago. I took the train downtown as a young lad to watch the Bears with my old man. I've lived in BLo the past 38 years, so yea, I'm a Bills fan first, but I still have a warm place in my heart for Da Bears. If that's an issue to someone, I would suggest that they are wound just a bit too tightly regarding their fandom
  11. I'm certain you spend your off days and vacation time working on trying to bone up on your job skills and be a better employee
  12. If you were a rookie QB in the off season, you'd be flirting with every groupie you could find ... spare me the sanctimonious BS I take it you've not visited those cities .... I know for a fact the last two are light years beyond Buffalo in terms of night life
  13. I didn't need to read past the word "Brazilian" ... but I am happy I did
  14. It's just a letter stating the obvious mailed out to give season ticket holders a little extra push to renew. Nothing here is new or unique to an NFL franchise. I think Beane comes off as a competent guy, but the proof will be "in the pudding" this off season
  15. ... legends turned corpses at the SB. Best thing about this year's "entertainment"? I won't have to worry about missing anything Heard the Meat Dress lady sing an acapella version of Zeppelin's "Black Dog" on Stern ... she oozes talent. Additionally, Bruno Mars surprised me with his musical chops
  16. I was blindsided by Mosi Tatupu back in my sideline cameraman days .... nothing weak about that hit lol (but I did save the camera)
  17. Buffalo is still viewed as an area with limited entertainment opportunities for young wealthy African American men ... it has an impact, and if you don't believe that, you'd be a bit naive
  18. more like "Bateman showing he has chops beyond light comedy" Currently binging on HBO's "True Detective" series ... Season one, excellent; Season two, so-so.
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