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Everything posted by AlCowlingsTaxiService

  1. I’m certain Ms. Glab will land on her feet as a vocal sound effect artist replicating the sound of nails on a chalkboard for TV and film ?
  2. Yes of course it is, because he’s preoccupied with defending the nation against a deep state cabal of satan worshipping child molesters running their operation out of a Washington pizzeria ???
  3. He wouldn’t get a free ride in making the roster
  4. I knew this thread would be gold to the “Lamar is an MVPat age 23, but he sucks” Club .... I wasn’t disappointed
  5. He really didn’t do much to earn the one he got
  6. Is there some secret society of Lamar haters that I’m unaware of? Seems to me a league MVP at age 23 is a fairly lofty accomplishment
  7. He made an appearance this morning on Shredd & Regan .... I don’t listen, but saw it on my Twitter feed
  8. I find it enjoyable because it has also been called WegMilf or WegMoms ... nice “scenery” ?
  9. Might as well name it “Overpriced Crappy Stadium Food” Stadium
  10. .yes but less likely to bang blond TV reporters
  11. He’ll sign somewhere once his covid unemployment runs out the end of the month ?
  12. Problem for them is timing - the federal unemployment portion expires at the end of the month, and I doubt the republicans have the stomach for handing out more $. Should have laid them off in April.
  13. There was an animated film back in the 70s that was never released on video due to music copyrights and disagreements, “Heavy Metal” ... Hendrix, Joplin and others of that era ... solid little known choice
  14. She’s certainly a smart woman, but to deny her husbands financial influence on her ascent would be short sighted. Hillary Clinton is also smart, but would most likely be just another Little Rock lawyer without slick Willies influence.
  15. A good owner generally knows what they don’t know, and delegate authority in those areas to those who do know. Seems to me as relatively new owners, the Pegulas haven’t yet quite figured that out on the hockey side. Their hires weren’t bad hires: most in the know expected GMJB, Housley and Bylsma to succeed, yet they didn’t. If they can bumble their way to find a hockey version of McBeane, all likely will be forgiven
  16. I recall it mentioned because vocalists struggle with the octave changes, not for any other reason
  17. I’ll agree ... I’m definitely not the thin skinned Bills fan Majokes? Your opinions are heretofore invalid.
  18. Cowherd has always been an idiot to Bills fans, you know, until he says nice things ... ?
  19. Let’s ban those who hold different opinions ... you sir are part of the problem with society today.
  20. Be a tough nut to give up on Bills games, but I’ll agree the security lines are horrendous and far worse than any other stadium I’ve visited, and the concourses are reminiscent of a midievil dungeon
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