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Everything posted by AlCowlingsTaxiService

  1. Yup ... silly me thought he would live up to his billing
  2. Johnson looks ready to redeem himself for when I took him with my first pick in 2017 🤮
  3. Baker is far better at insurance commercials than actual quarterbacking
  4. She’s a hot little toddy ...
  5. I’m sure your gut hanging over your belt as you wolf down Big Macs thinks they’re losers also.
  6. I realize that this is most likely tongue in cheek, but as an avid cyclist I will refrain from further comment
  7. I’m fine with people being bullish on the fins future, based on current evidence. Picking them for the division? Just a couple seasons premature at best. If Allen doesn’t take the next step and Tua is the real deal? It could come to fruition.
  8. TBH the bills were pretty boring outside of the hometown for most of two decades
  9. So he worships the patriots but picked the dolphins ... makes perfect sense
  10. This thread is not worth the bytes consumed to create it.
  11. Have the feeling that Wade will go down in Bills history as Training Camp Hero 2019 .... there’s one every year that washes out
  12. This is why you put a laugh emoji after your statement... then there’s no doubt ???
  13. When dealing with law enforcement in a tense situation such as this, it certainly has the potential to be
  14. The video doesn’t excuse it, but it does add that pesky “shadow of a doubt “
  15. I had a waterbed with a mirrored canopy in my college days ... don’t knock it ?
  16. There’s ugly ... and then there’s Malyssa ?
  17. Let those who haven’t had a few pops whilst mowing their lawn cast the first stone
  18. Condom? Sounds like a good time
  19. Agree 100% ... normally I’d immerse myself in the minutiae of camp, but this year it’s as if it doesn’t exist
  20. I’m certain Ms. Glab will land on her feet as a vocal sound effect artist replicating the sound of nails on a chalkboard for TV and film ?
  21. Yes of course it is, because he’s preoccupied with defending the nation against a deep state cabal of satan worshipping child molesters running their operation out of a Washington pizzeria ???
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