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Posts posted by AlCowlingsTaxiService

  1. 5 hours ago, BigBillsFan said:

    Another Josh "The Victim" Allen: no weapons, no help, just him on an island against Godzilla.

    While I do agree with the OP, generally speaking, you’d think our other ten offensive players were culled from some little loop squad

    22 minutes ago, Meatloaf63 said:

    Big Bills Fan, except you are not...

    You do realize that being a fan doesn’t mean you have to believe every player on the roster is a budding all pro, or an absolute beast, or whatever superlatives you care to use.  This also goes for QB. Carry on. 

    • Like (+1) 2
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  2. 25 minutes ago, Victory Formation said:

    I can’t count how many times I’ve seen Singletary drag 4-5 defenders on his back for an extra 4 or 5 yards. I think Singletary is a tougher runner than we think. I have no reservations whatsoever about plugging him in on the goal line. I’m not against drafting a power back but I don’t view Singletary as strictly a scat back or finesse back, he’s pretty strong. I think Singletary can get you the tough yards.

    Tough yes, but still smallish and prone to breakdown from overuse. Essential to have a RB 1A to share the burden. 

    1 minute ago, DallasBillsFan1 said:

    Singletary is a speed back ...  he is small and fast.  We need a power back ... a downhill runner  ... bruiser.

    Shifty? Yes. Fast?  Not so much. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Bills fan since 87 said:

    So does this mean 3 playoff games both Saturday and Sunday? It must right?


    I don't like the idea very much, a lot of 8-8s and 7-9s will be getting in now.


    As far as 7 games go I hope they don't start labor day weekend, i.always camp then! 

    Nobody likes it - until the bills get in at 8-8 and win a game. Then it will be a stroke of genius ?

    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 8 hours ago, 947 said:

    The Bears are a trainwreck of an organization. It'd be hard for any team to have success selling the farm for Mack like that, you'd really have to hit on nearly every remaining draft pick you didn't trade away. But then they also tied their hopes to Mitch, not to mention traded more draft assets to needlessly move up 1 spot for that right. This is not how contenders are built.

    The Bears were a serious super bowl contender and a model for the bills, given the way they totally revamped their skill positions the season before last. The Mack trade was supposed to be the final piece and could have been - had mitchie continued on an upward trajectory ... he didn’t, and coupled with injuries and coaching, sent them two steps back .... hardly a “train wreck” as you describe   

  5. 56 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Yeah, OK.....this is from February 9th and there's nothing more about it in this guy's feed.  I'm thinking his "source" sobered up and said "Actually, Nah".



    I get it that's how a lot of folks feel and I understand the % of 1st round picks who do not work out.  I'm just saying how I personally believe Beane thinks about it: a good "known quantity" isn't enough, he would want a multi-probowl difference-making player.

    Agreed. It’s what I meant by “known quantity” bot I should’ve said elite difference maker. 

  6. On 2/18/2020 at 2:18 PM, C.Biscuit97 said:

    He was a great draft pick.  Tough dude.  My friend was dating a girl who was really good “friends” with Nigel (she had features that athletes would like).  He loves weed.  And if take him back.  I like having tough guys on the roster.  He would have went after Gronk after that White cheapshot. 

    Those 5 games Lee plays would be huge.  Dude is not leaving Dallas. 

    Let’s hear more about these “features” ... perhaps accompanied by visual evidence. ?

  7. It was fabulous for younger kids when you could bring a wagon packed with food/drink and “spend a day,  not a fortune” .... 1000% more palatable than the Darien lake insanity.  Their Halloween setup was perfect for the younguns and the Wild West show was so cheesy, it was great!  After Martin sold it, it went downhill fast. 

  8. Just now, plenzmd1 said:

    by the sounds of it, safe than southwest!

    I used to fly them exclusively into Sanford Florida .... numerous delays due to them changing planes,  and in one instance, we boarded/deplaned three times on different aircraft before they canceled the flight.  Following that, 60 Minutes did a feature on their maintenance issues. Gotta admit though, love non stop and smaller destination airports 

  9. 6 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

    I flew Alligient to Nashville, and they have these newfangled really thin seats...and i loved em! Gave you more legroom. I loved that flight. Would 100% fly them again!


    And i get free booze too..i bring enough airplane bottles on to sink a ship!


    And next time, make sure you go drinking with me! 20 somethin hot bartenders with Daddy Issues all dig me, never wait for a drink! Might be that i tip big too, unlike those those 3 cheap bastards you mention above 

    Allegiance .... thin maintenance staff to go along with the thin seats

  10. 25 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    You being all privy to the negotiations and knowing it had nothing to do with maybe Beane stopping the bidding at $5.5M fully guaranteed and Seattle "sweetening the pot" to $7M?

    Which part of “all other things being equal” didn’t you understand?  Also I still stand by my assessment that a vet looking at his last chance at a ring will choose the most likely path towards that goal 

    1 hour ago, rayray808 said:

    If Olsen was that good, he would still be a Panther

    Cmon man .... the NFL isn’t that simple since the salary cap came into existence ... be better

  11. As soon as Seattle entered thr fray, I figured it was a fore gone conclusion. A catcher of passes will always choose the best thrower of the football, all other factors being relatively equal. I’m sure there’s exceptions to this rule,  but I’m too lazy to research it at this moment ? 

  12. Seating arrangements on airplanes nowadays pretty much suck azz any way you slice it. I don’t find the extra space reclining takes to be an I issue, as simple geometry dictates that the bottom of the seat is the axis and barely moves, while the headrest area might move back two inches max.  In my estimation,  dude is a douche and would have been dealt with accordingly. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  13. On 2/4/2020 at 12:27 PM, Royale with Cheese said:

    Tell them that you generally will come in 15 minutes late and take the backdoor so your boss doesn't see you.

    Then you space out and do about 15 minutes of real work in a given week.

    Great film to watch prior to your interview!

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