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Everything posted by AlCowlingsTaxiService

  1. Jealousnthe Bills can’t field an NFL tight end on their roster?
  2. My hot take: Pizza Hut is severely under rated
  3. My prediction? Four weeks max for that pending disaster
  4. He’s as good as gone. Fans who believe otherwise are thinking from their hearts.
  5. So is you assessment based on player interviews and actual knowledge, or is it because you don’t like his fashion sense or that he didn’t seemingly hustle after a fumble in his SB?
  6. I believe Edwards suffered his injury playing either football or volleyball on the beach that week - not during the actual game
  7. Why stop there? Might as well have three: first, second & third down coordinators 😂
  8. Draft the best big men you can find .... I believe Chuck Dickerson used to spout that mantra, and it was probably the only thing he ever said that was correct.
  9. Don’t hate the wires .... you’ll find better quality at less cost with passive speakers
  10. I think you’re way off with the “bust” thing, but it is true that we’ve yet to draft a true superstar except for maybe Allen ... and yes, that includes Tre, who is a star, but falls short of superstar status IMO
  11. That game was nowhere near as close as even a two touchdown deficit indicated .... we got rolled by a team with superior talent at nearly every position group. A great season nevertheless
  12. why? Because he got in a tussle with Lawson several years ago? Dawkins and Feliciano outdid that at the end of tonight's game, and they're "process" guys Yeldon has size and hands ... something Motor lacks
  13. Yea .... I’m just not ready for this right now 😕
  14. That punch was nothing compared to the way jones is pushing feliciano around like a little girl
  15. We’re Bills fans ... we’re used to letdowns
  16. It’s early ... but not liking how things are developing here
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