Comparing skiing to merely sitting/standing in cold weather is like comparing apples and oranges. You will keep far warmer engaging in physical activity than you will being relatively motionless.
I’ll give the poster the benefit of the doubt that he meant “we can discuss this in the off season , rather than the myriad of imbecilic topics that litter these forums” 😂😂
They can, but this is a devastating blow to the defense and no amount of chest thumping bravado or repeating tired cliches like “next man up” is going to change that.
It has its moments, and most of the cast is top notch, but it has long lulls with little plot development that seem more like a country & western fashion show.
Bills Mafia has acquitted itself well here in Nola. I’d say it’s just a notch below the Nashville takeover in terms of fan presence, but an impressive showing nonetheless…and I avoided the post Bourbon Street hangover, so all good
So this vaunted “process” is basically tired old football bromides that have been mindlessly spouted by losing teams since the beginning of time? Perfect.