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Everything posted by AlCowlingsTaxiService

  1. Like the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Legend of Duke lives on! 😂
  2. Knowing the offense is nice, but I think Brown’s career is definitely over, seeing as how he failed to catch on with multiple teams …. As far as Gabe, it definitely sux, seeing as how he was the hot hand, but we got to this point without him playing a significant role in the offense, so I would hope our offense can survive his loss.
  3. Solid post. If I wanted a bunch of Rah Rah homerism, I’d stick with those lousy Bills Mafia Facebook groups. The Titans aren’t world beaters, but they have elements on their team that we should be envious of.
  4. In case it hasn’t been said enough: Garrapalo sux!
  5. Maybe Cincinnatians aren’t afflicted with the thin skin that Buffalonians suffer from … Keg stands and vomit? Can’t fathom why Burrow wouldn’t be down with that
  6. I never thought I would long for those halcyon days of Lee Smith
  7. I don’t like 2 TE sets from the Bills perspective solely because one of them is Sweeney.
  8. Section 329 four rows from the edge …. I’m perfectly happy with this vantage point. Great view, and reasonable beer/bathroom lines. No issues with standing in our section: only on third down defense and crucial plays.
  9. George Carlin approves of this thread
  10. When Breeland Speaks, people listen Someday soon, fans of another team will say the same about Cody Ford when they pick him off the turdpile mid season
  11. Panthers DL is anything but mediocre
  12. No. No they didn’t.
  13. “Gilmore getting beat on the touchdown and looking around for someone to blame - typical Gilmore” … I certainly don’t know your mindset, but this quote sounds critical to me. Maybe he was supposed to have safety help, who knows?
  14. To be fair, they create content for sports fans as a whole, outside of their beat reporters. I don’t think this content is targeted at fans with a detailed interest in a specific team/matchup.
  15. I get that, but I can’t judge a player by his demeanor or facial expressions … that’s been Gilmore since the day he was drafted. Somewhat reminds me of the Jack Eichel saga - a supremely talented player that fans turned on based largely on attitude and demeanor.
  16. Typical Gilmore was not too long ago considered the top CB in the league … but you have a narrative and you’re sticking to it, facts be damned.
  17. Once the kiddies stop believing in the jolly fat guy in the red suit, Christmas loses plenty of luster … I’m listening to Christmas CDs on my 70s vintage system to inject Christmas spirit into my veins (actually, the bourbon is equally helpful 😂)
  18. Doug Jemal (the REAL leader of Buffalo) offered to buy it …. Just give it to him and I’d bet on another Riverworks style attraction in the not too distant future. One could say building New Orleans below sea level on the gulf in hurricane alley was not very wise either
  19. Another missed call … I’m shocked
  20. Apparently they own quite the spread somewhere in the town of Aurora … I think we’re safe for now 😂
  21. Gutsy decisions, but when they don’t work out, you deserve the heat.
  22. That’s gonna cost him $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  23. File this incident under “meaningless garbage that those who suffer from Brady - itis use to manufacture hate”
  24. Isn’t Steve Christie slinging sofas at some furniture store? That’s the guy!😂
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